Avanea Smith

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❝Ooh that dress is pretty! Buy it for me?❞

| NAME |

Avanea Smith





| AGE |






Someone who always says that's on her mind. Avanea has never been one to hold her tongue, even if it's her mouth that gets her in trouble all of the time. She's quite stubborn aswell, another trait of hers that tends to get her in trouble. However, she's quite the sweet talker, and uses that to get herself out of messes(or brute force, whatever works). Avanea is also quite reserved and doesn't like sharing too many deep or personal things about herself. Because of that, many people only know the surface level things about her, or the things she lets them know. Because of this, you'd expect her to be quiet. Wrong. Avanea is often quite loud, especially after she meets someone. Partly because of how she always says how she feels, and boy does she feel. Avanea is fairly extroverted as well, and is hardly daunted by another persons personality.


going on shopping sprees, video games, travelling, and pretty things


cooking/baking, people who can't take a hint, generally rude people, when it's too hot out


Pokemon: Serperior

Gender: male

Nickname: Serps

Ability: Contrary

Held Item: Expert Belt

Moveset: Synthesis | Toxic | Leaf Storm | Iron Tail

Serps was brought by Avanea as a Snivy from a specialized breeder. Because of this, Serps has higher stats then a Serperior his level due to selective breeding and training. Serps is a top quality guy, and he certainly acts like it. . He can be very particular about things, something that Avanea has become used to. Despite however much he looks annoyed with her, he does care for Avanea and she understands his sounds pretty well.

Pokemon: Houndoom

Gender: male

Nickname: Midas

Ability: Early Bird

Held Item: houndoominite

Moveset: Heat Wave | Shadow Ball | Dark Pulse | Psychic Fangs

Midas was originally owned by one of Avanea's boyfriends, who didn't treat him right. The guy was quite terrible months into the relationship to Avanea as well and she left, breaking Midas's pokeball and transferring ownership over to her. Midas has a few scars that no pokemon center healing can fix, and is extremely hostile to those he does not know. He can be a bit gruff but absolutely loves attention, and scratches behind his horns

Pokemon: Tinkaton

Gender: female

Nickname: Amy

Ability: Own Tempo

Held Item: Leftovers

Moveset: Gigaton Hammer | Play Rough | Ice Hammer | Stone Edge

Amy was the only pokemon Avanea caught on her own. She met Amy as a cute little Tinkatink and couldn't resist. Despite the huge and intimidating hammer that she carries, Avanea treats Amy like a little baby, brushing her hair and cooing over her. Amy enjoys showing off her strength, doing spins and twirls with her hammer, sometimes when carting Avanea around herself.


Avanea did not live the best life as a child. She had neglectful parents who didn't care what she did, forcing her to grow up fast. Avanea often stayed in the park by her school, which caught the attention of quite a few icky men. However she used them as ways to have food for the day, taking their money to rent cheap hotels and sleep. This carried on well into her adult years, charming people into buying her food in exchange for spending time with them under the guise that she was interested.


Avanea doesn't know her to cook if her life depended on it. She can however, forage and knows what berries are edible and which ones are not.

Avanea gets lost easily, it's terrible. She usually depends on her pokemon to guide her places, mainly Serps.

Pokemon as a whole were never something she was interested in, she's only recently started to learn more about them. She sometimes gets her evolutions or types mixed up, but carries around a pokedex.

❝Meh, whatevs❞


oc is a native in this region, must be 19+

Today is a nice day, the sort where the weather is warm but not too overbearing. The perfect time to get somethings done, or maybe just laze around outside. That's exactly what you do, packing the necessary supplies and heading out for a nice day with your pokemon.

Hours seem like minutes, and eventually you're heading back home as the sun starts to sink. It isn't good to stay out too late around where you live, whether that be for the fact that it gets really cold, or because of the wild Pokemon. 

On your way back you take a shortcut through some woods, which are dangerous and can be tricky if you don't know where you are. Thankfully, because you've grown up in them, you know the spots to avoid and where to go. As you walk, you listen to the local pokemon chatter. However, you don't except to hear some new sounds.

"Serperior ser."

"We aren't lost! I mean I think we aren't? Guugh! Where's the path we saw?!"


"I did not pass it! Stop looking so disappointed, at least try to be subtle!"


You follow the voices, coming across a girl and her pokemon. The two seem to be staring at a map, clearly lost. It's clear that they're so focused on trying to figure out what to do that they haven't noticed you yet. [your response]

❝Aww, aren't you cute.❞

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