Zavion Pierce

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❝If you truly loved me, you'd take the blame for me❞

| NAME |

Zavion Pierce





| AGE |

twenty two



| ROLE |

pokemon ranger



A fun loving male who has a terrible habit of always getting into some sort of pickle. Zavion is a bit of a thrill seeker, so no how many time he runs the chance of getting hurt, he never actually stops.  However he does have his moments where he'll avoid danger rather then welcome it. This typically comes as a surprise to most people, who see his chaotic nature and shake their head. However Zavion is more then he lets on, which is apparent the more you get to know him. He's an intelligent person who can make plans on the fly, and is seemingly never indecisive. He's a strong leader with equally strong morals, and is a kind person once you get to know him. Granted his kindness can often be overshadowed by teasing words and playful insults, but it's certainly there.


his job, dangerous things, trying new foods, hikes and fried rice


being overworked, people who hurt/abuse pokemon, being scolded and overly fragrant perfumes/body sprays


 Pokemon: Scrafty

Gender: male

Nickname: Scraps

Ability: Shed Skin

Held Item: Muscle Band

Moveset: Drain Punch | Mega Kick | Iron Head | Throat Chop

Scraps was Zavions first pokemon, whom he met when he was 15 years old. The two share a strong bond as expected, and understand each other well. You'll often find Scraps outside of his ball, lounging around with his trainer. If you watch them long enough, you'll realize that Scraps and Zavion sometimes mirror eachother, from flipping their hoods on their heads at the same time to having the same, uncanny grin.

 Pokemon: Salazzle

Gender: female

Nickname: Venus

Ability: Corrosion

Held Item: Black Sludge

Moveset: Nasty Plot | Toxic | Flamethrower | Venoshock

The con artist herself. Venus often tried to coax others into giving her what she wants with a tilt of her head and an innocent 'Slaa?'. Always keep an eye on your belongings around her, she'll certainly try to take them. She enjoys the finer things in life, from top shop pokepuffs to home grown berries. Despite her demands, she gives the best back massages(it'll cost ya).

 Pokemon: Mimikyu

Gender: male

Nickname: Gucci

Ability: Disguise

Held Item: Mimikium Z

Moveset: Play Rough | Phantom Force | Confuse Ray | Swords Dance

Found when he was being attacked by Spearow, Gucci is Scraps number 1 fan. The little guy is very anxious and shy, preferring to only show face when it's dark or there's very few people around. Extremely loyal and even if he's not the biggest fan of battling, will jump in to protect the ones he holds dear. 

 Pokemon: Boltund

Gender: male

Nickname: Circuit

Ability: Strong Jaw

Held Item: Rocky Helmet

Moveset: Crunch | Thunder Fang | Psychic Fang | Play Rough

What a good boy! Circuit is exceptionally friendly, always eager and ready to listen with a wagging tail. Sadly, there's not a thought behind those eyes. Loves belly rubs, but tends to shock people when he's super amped up. Is Riot's best friend on the team surprisingly, and helps keep the Rampardos in check.

 Pokemon: Rampardos

Gender: male

Nickname: Riot

Ability: Sheer Force

Held Item: Life Orb

Moveset: Earth Power | Blizzard | Ancient Power | Iron Tail

Zavion and Riot has a complicated relationship. You'll often hear heated promises of Riot being sold to the black market, only for a telltale thump of the Rampados knocking his trainer on his ass. Despite that, the two are close???? No one's too sure. Zavion got Riot as a egg, the guys just been a bad tempered, headbutting bull for quite some time.

 Pokemon: Salemence

Gender: female

Nickname: Lady Luck

Ability: Moxie

Held Item: Salamencite

Moveset: Double-Edge | Dragon Claw | Roost | Earthquake

Zavion met Lady Luck as a Bagon when she was catapulting herself off a cliff. She's always ready for a battle, and is Zavions main mode of transportation.  She's a affectionate and sweet gal, who he trusts enough to take a nap whilst on her back. Terrible habit of not using her inside voice though. 


 Zavion's childhood consisted of playing outside with the neighborhood kids while his mother worked. He always had alot of energy growing up, and somehow managed to get into a problem at least once a week. After he finished normal school, he applied to be a ranger, deciding that it sounded fun.

 After finishing ranger school, he found himself at one of their various ranger stations, rising the ranks with ease. While his pay did increase, so did the job requests - so much so that he's travelled to many difference regions assisting other stations or quelling violent pokemon.


Zavion wears an assortment of rings on both hands pretty often. They don't mean anything in particular, he just thinks they're nice.

Zavion is vv affectionate, so hugs and platonic cuddles are how he lives. He's a great hugger, and gives little squeezes.

Because of his job, he rarely has time for a home cooked meal. His bag is typically packed with snacks and water

❝Whhaaa??? Who did that???❞

| S C E N A R I O |

oc is Zavions close friend who can be only occupation. Must be 20+.



Your couch is taken up by two relaxing males: one human, one not. However they seem to mirror each other subconsciously, a leg propped up in the air as they munch on treats.

You haven't seen Zavion in quite some time, with him being forced to take almost a month long trip to another region in order to help out with some trouble. The day his plane arrived back home he had beelined it to your house, making himself right at home. It was nice to see him again, even if he ended up raiding your fridge. 

It was roughly one in the afternoon as Zavion channel surfs with his head on your lap as you give him a head massage -against your will of course. He's clicking through various shows as he looks for something to watch, telling you about his trip at the same time.

Suddenly his phone rings, and there's a moment of silence before both he and his Scrafty groan, loudly.

"That's the boss, ain't it? I just got back! He better be offering a raise" The male grumbles.

"Scraff-fee!" His Scrafty flings his arms in the air, whining just as much as his trainer before bouncing off the couch to grab the phone. He hands it over to Zavion, who accepts the call.

"Hello?" You only hear Zavions words, but judging from the way his face sours, he's definitely not getting a raise. He seems largely disinterested in the call, giving 'uh huh' and 'yeah yeah' throughout. When he finally ends the call he lets out a sigh that seems to come from the depths of his soul.

"A buncha Mareep from the farm on Route twenty three escaped their pens and ran off into the forest." Zavion sits up, stretching his arms above his head. "They need someone to go round the sheepie up. Normally that's a job you could give to a newbie, but the forest they went playing in has been seeing aggressive Houndoom packs."

"That's too bad" You offer him a pat on the back, only for him to grab your arm when you go to move it away.

"You're coming with me"


"I mean, you wouldn't let me go alone, would you?" Puppy dog eyes are sent your way as Zavion faces you. "What if I get hurt? If one of those houndooms burn me, it'll burn forever. Are you willing to risk my good health like that?" 

You know he's just saying that to get you to come, clasping his hands together with a pout. "C'mon. Do it for me?" He even adds a sniffle for good measure. [your response]

❝My back hurts from carrying all this weight of being the funniest person in here.❞

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