Den of Killers/Assassin's Guild

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(First of all, I should probably make this pretty darn clear, because I will not stand for anyone coming here unannounced for obvious reason. This spot is invite-only, and coming here is a death sentence if you're not one of them. Just figured I'd make that abundantly clear.)

Hidden deep in the valley of Death Bluff lies a nearly-untouched stretch of land that no Pokemon ever dares to come near. Those that do are usually never seen again, and tales have been told about what kind of danger lurks beneath the surface.

A small, curved hole (like that of a coil) in the side of a boulder is the only signal that needs to be given- it is a sign that anyone acquainted with the Den would know by heart, as it's the organization's calling card. If one could move this boulder, access to an entirely new world is just beneath the surface.

Underground, the entire area seems to be a darkened maze to the unaware- the Den's main scout, Shrike, sees to that. Only the truly keen can see through this Gengar's illusions, and those that do had better be welcome guests, or he'll see to their removal, himself.

This network of tunnels, actually, is not as complex as the darkness makes it appear. Comprised of innumerable corridors, many of which lead to nothing at all, the area stems from a large room where many different types of Pokemon come to share information- this is how much of the Den's operatives gain the jump on their adversaries, as well as learn intel from clients that will hire the Den for assassinations.

Beyond this are three small office-spaces, courtesy for the organization's three head honchos, and a large training room. This is run by a host of other Pokemon to keep it in working condition- a Zoroark teamed with a Klefki's Magic Room can produce training regiments for aspiring assassins that seem just a little bit too real...

Notable Pokemon:

Shrike: A Gengar with an unhealthy obsession with his single kunai. It's been his weapon of choice ever since he was young, and he's gotten quite proficient with using it as such. He's as giddy as a cold assassin can possibly be, and he takes the brunt of training new recruits to extend. The second oldest member of the group, he was a childhood friend to Maleficent. There's a rumor going around that he got his name because his mother didn't know how to spell "Shriek" correctly, but he probably wouldn't appreciate it if you told him that. Shrike serves as the main scout, and is often seen hanging around Death Bluff, looking for Pokemon with the potential to become an assassin.

Maleficent (Missy): The Den's founder, Maleficent the Serperior was never content with the treatment she received by her parents, her friends, and just everyone and anyone in general. Widely considered the weakest of her family, she was determined to prove everyone wrong. What she lacks in physical force, she makes up for with her great speed and strategy. Vengeful and cunning, Maleficent gave up her name and weak reputation for an alias that strikes fear into those that know of her, right up until the point they die- Queen Missy. With knowledge of a snake's limitations and her new evolution in hand (vine?), she enacted her revenge by systematically poisoning her parents, coupled with the task of eliminating every single Pokemon, that she recalled, had ever judged her. Nobody could guess the identity of the Queen of Venom- as those that did succumbed to her terrible bites, among other, far more horrid ways to die- nor who she would attack next. Due to this, she soon became rather fond of the idea of being a mercenary, starting the Den with the help of the one friend that held her in regard, Shrike. Missy acts as the Den's secretary, organizing any and all paperwork- and even still sometimes hired out on specially-covert operations, despite her old age.

The "Gatekeeper": Silent, but thoughtful, this Weavile came from a royal family that lived far, far away where a tyrant lorded over his land for many years. There came a time when he and a small band of civilians attempted regicide, but none were able to fully complete the task due to the sheer amount of security the tyrant had behind him. As punishment for his failed attempt to liberate his fellow Pokemon, he and everyone that had taken part in the operation lost their tongues and were imprisoned. When all hope seemed lost, the band of ruffians schemed and fled the dungeon once the few prison guards had been incapacitated with their collective trickery. He came to this area and was recruited by Shrike for his attention to detail- nothing escapes his watchful eyes, and as such, he was chosen as the Den's treasurer, making sure that their assassins are paid in full and that their secrets are completely confidential.

(Access to:


Death Bluff)

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