AU: Trainer Villain Team

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These scenarios are basically alternate timelines where your human trainer OC works as a member of one of the villain teams from the games.

Most of these range from you being a straight up evil villain to sometimes being an anti-villain with good intentions but still needs to be stopped by protagonists like Ash Ketchum

Who knows? Maybe one of the darker Legendary may see you as the better alternative over your boss and might side with you.

Each of these have a pre-defeat scenario and a post-defeat scenario involving before and after your team's boss gets defeated, with post scenario provides you with the option to explore "What if you were in charge of the team?"

Team Rocket Scenarios

Pre-Defeat: You joined Team Rocket many years ago as a kid after you lost badly at some point in the league and needed money so you and your Pokémon survive, reason being that your mother refused to accept you back home due your failure to win and earn prize money you promised you would share

(In other words, your mother is a jerk in this)

Giovanni saw your talent in battles and offered you to have a home with Team Rocket, essentially adopting you and training you to become an even stronger trainer, possibly even allowing you to quickly rise the ranks of Team Rocket and become Giovanni's second in command.

Whenever the boss wants something done, he trusts YOU to get it right and send your enemies a message not to mess with Team Rocket.

Your partners out in the field are Jessie, James and Meowth, you having personally picked them because you met each of them on different occasions and felt all of you would make a difference together.

(In this, Jessie or James can be your crush if you want to.)

Which your predictions were correct because you and your trio of friends are more infamous and hunted than the rest of Team Rocket combined, the bounty on your head specifically being equal to $750,000,000 in the real world.

While you and Giovanni both agree on selling Pokémon for profit and being a dominant force in Kanto and Johto, you do find yourself at odds with him often on his methods that wind up putting people and some Pokémon at risk, but there's only so much you can do. and your squad are planning to target a place. What is it?

Post-Defeat: Giovanni was defeated by (Ash or Red) and has moved to retire from being gym leader and drop out from leadership of Team Rocket, seeing as the trainer is too strong and it would be pointless to keep putting resources into beating them.

Perhaps this could be a good chance for you to step in and be the new leader of Team Rocket since Giovanni saw you as his adopted son/daughter and he put you as his second in command?

Maybe you could even reform the team and make some changes so that everyone working could still profit without getting into fights with (Red or Ash)?

Or maybe you could be the one to finally take the protagonist down?

Jessie, James and Meowth are with you for whatever route you take. Are you ready?

Team Magma Scenarios

Pre-Defeat: You and Maxie see eye to eye on the same issue regarding the world in regions like Hoenn: There's so many people and Pokémon that everyone is running out of land and resources to sustain life.

So you both agreed that something should be done, but whereas Maxie believes using Groudon to create more land is the better option, you have been trying to convince Maxie of possibly finding ways to fund space programs to go to barren planets and terraform them to sustain humans and Pokémon so as to expand the population out into the stars.

Alas, Maxie is the one who started this and rallied people into Team Magma, so you let him follow his plans for now, despite knowing you'll have to prepare in case Groudon makes the environment worse and nearly destroys them all.

(Also Courtney replaces your crush in this scenario)

Choose how to start this scenario

Post-Defeat: After Groudon has been stopped by the protagonist, Maxie has decided that he will retire from leading Team Magma since his actions nearly led to all life being destroyed.

Maxie has told the admins that YOU are in charge of Team Magma now and that they should follow any other plans you come up with to solve the problems facing the world.

How will you deal with the task Maxie left for you?

Team Aqua Scenarios

Pre-Defeat: You and Archie both agree on the fact that Pokémon across the world's oceans are being affected by pollution and unstable conditions that threaten to endanger many species, so you're trying to make plans to help Water Pokémon.

But although Archie believes unleashing Kyogre on the world to flood it and make the oceans bigger would solve the issue, you kept trying to convince him to no avail that investing in technology that can pull pollution out of the water would be more effective and increases the survival rate of Water Pokémon.

Unfortunately, you know it would be unwise to stage a mutiny against Archie, so instead you plan ahead for how Team Aqua can survive a flooded planet.

(Shelly replaces your crush in this scenario)

Choose how to start this scenario

Post-Defeat: After the protagonist beat Kyogre, Archie has left Team Aqua due to seeing he hadn't thought his plan out well enough.

Archie makes sure the admins and everyone else knows that next in chain of command is YOU, so you're the new leader of Team Aqua

How do you plan to go about Archie's goal?

Team Galactic Scenarios

Pre-Defeat: You and Cyrus are kind of and sort of "friends" in the sense that you two are polar opposites that somehow get along.

While Cyrus is generally a blank person that doesn't see value in a world of human spirit and wants a world without strife, you just want to remake things too in your own way.

You work with him to try to obtain the power of time and space so you can destroy this universe and build a new one, knowing that capturing Palkia and Dialga will accomplish this.

You choose how to start this

Post-Defeat: After Cyrus chose to stay in the Distortion World from being dragged there by Giratina, you assume control of Team Galactic in order to claim you're following Cyrus' goal, though really you have your own intentions that are more devious than his.

Instead of wanting to make a universe without human spirit, you just simply want to be a GOD and make a universe you rule over and can do whatever you want with it.

Instead of just capturing Palkia and Dialga to control them into destroying the universe, you plan on stealing their power and transferring it into YOURSELF so you can have their power over space and time.

After that, you plan on transferring Giratina's power over antimatter into yourself......before finally moving onto defeating Arceus and absorbing all of his creation power into yourself to make you the most OP being in all reality.

No one on Team Galactic or across Sinnoh and the world knows of the treachery you have planned...everyone a pawn in your game against Arceus.

You choose how to start this.

Team Plasma Scenarios

Pre-Defeat: You were adopted by Ghetsis and is practically a brother to N and his Pokémon.

Ghetsis filled you and N with ideas and dreams of a world where people don't capture Pokémon and own them...but rather no one owns anyone.

You and N were practically made as the face of Team Plasma and going around promoting the ideals of everyone being freed...

...though you two are completely unaware of Ghetsis' true motives.

Choose how to start this.

Post-Defeat: After Ghetsis was defeated by the protagonist, was captured and managed to escape Unova, Team Plasma has been left without a leader and was split on what to do now that they all know that Ghetsis just wanted to rule the world.

N is unavailable, having disappeared ever since that day and you haven't seen your adopted brother from that day onward.

You're basically the next best option available now that Ghetsis is gone, but you're just as stuck as the rest of the team on what to do.

Your adopted father had spent your entire youth claiming to you and N that he believed in Pokémon and people living with each other freely like you two did...

...only to pull the rug out from under you two and reveal that you were just a means to an end for him to gain power.

You suppose that now that you're in charge, maybe you could actually try to live by those ideals and encourage others to do the same, but you start to doubt you can even accomplish that now that Ghetsis ruined the image of Team Plasma with his selfish ambition and made people no longer trust your team.

Though a few years later, you have other things to worry about as a separate faction called Team Neo Plasma has popped up in Unova, leading you to believe Ghetsis has returned and is plotting another takeover.

You now have a Plasma Civil War on your hands as some of the Seven Sages side with you while others side with Ghetsis and his team.

It seems now you will have to side with a new protagonist while also finding your brother N so you can crush Ghetsis and end his threat once and for all.

Can you redeem Team Plasma?

Team Flare Scenarios

Pre-Defeat: You and Lysander both agree that the world is an ugly and horrible place due to a lot of issues.



Epidemics of mental illnesses, deformities and diseases

The two of you agree on getting both the power of Xerneas and Yveltal to give Team Flare immortality and destroy the surface of the world respectively....creating a new world from the ashes that will regrow into a beautiful utopia free from the corrupt uses of Pokémon.

(If you want to know how you afforded the money to become a member, your family was rich and died in an "accident", leaving you the only one left to own their fortune.)

You and a couple of grunts are gathering the resources needed to achieve getting both Legendary Pokémon, and you're getting close to victory.

(Malva can replace your crush in this scenario)

You choose how to start

Post-Defeat: After Lysander was defeated in battle and died in your secret weapon's location, Team Flare is essentially back to square one on how to remake the world into a beautiful utopia.

You're next in line to lead Team Flare, and you chose Malva to be your co-leader rather than hog all of the power to yourself and due to her being someone you trust.

You've heard rumors of possible places that Legendary Pokémon hide in here in Kalos, so you decide that should be a start on forming a new plan to wipe out most of the world.

Choose how you start this

Aether Foundation (first games)

Pre-Defeat: You're Lusamine's top scientist working for her on projects involving Ultra Beasts and the wormholes they come from.

Feel free to make up any projects you're doing here

Post-Defeat: You're left in charge of the Aether Foundation due Lillie taking Lusamine to see a scientist in Kanto to help recover her from being fused with an Ultra Beast.

What kind of stuff will you accomplish?


I'll probably end it with Team Flare since it's kind of vague on the rest of regions and they kind of already have good leaders to replace the old ones.

-Even if Team Skull isn't disbanded, Plumeria makes a far better replacement leader for her own team than most of the other Pokémon admins in the series, and I ain't gonna take that from her

-Lusamine still owns and runs the Aether Foundation at the end of the Ultra sequels, so it's pointless to do the sequel version of them.

-Team Yell is just a bunch of unhinged sports fans, so having a leader doesn't make sense, even when it's you

-Team Star were just trying to stop bullying, which I doubt fills the role of villain

And I'm not going to count with a certain business man in Sword/Shield and two professors in Scarlet/Violet since they just made incompetent choices that nearly killed everyone, not exactly evil or being leader of a bad organization.

I suppose if you want to create truly evil teams in Alola, Galar and Paldea, you can let me know what their goals are and we assume your trainer OC is the OG leader.

Other than that, I'll end the discussion here.

See you later!

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