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Clemont woke up to the sound of footsteps out the tent. He looked to his left to see that Ash was gone. His clothes were also missing, but his cap was still there. Pikachu still slept soundly.

"I need to find Ash...", he mumbled to himself as he got dressed and headed outside.

The camp was set up in a clearing near a cliff on one side and a forest on the other, so Clemont couldn't really guess where Ash went to. He picked one and hoped it was the right one.

He was starting to lose hope until he heard something on the grass. He followed the sounds, getting closer to the edge of the cliff. He was perplexed until he saw a familiar blue jacket battling with the wind.

Ash was standing at the edge of the cliff. He called out to him.

"Ash! Ash!"

Ash stayed still for a while. Clemont called out more. He stopped calling out when he saw Ash take a step forward. He was only five meters from the very edge now. Clemont panicked and called out louder.

"Ash! What are you doing?"

Ash only continued to walk forward, saying nothing. Slowly, Clemont caught up to him. He couldn't think straight when Ash made it to the very edge. Only a foot away from plummeting into the blurry array of fog.

"Ash, please! I'm begging you!"

Clemont was starting to sob. Ash stood still. Clemont ran closer and got louder.


There was a long pause. Ash stood still for a moment, before he turned his head. Clemont felt his heart skip a beat. His whole world stopped as he looked at him.

Ash's face was pale. Like a ghost. His small, red lips quivered and his hands shook. He clearly wasn't breathing properly. His eyes were open wide, but his pupils had shrunk, as if he was staring at a bright light. A glassy tear rolled down his soft face. Right after his glance met Clemont's, he collapsed onto the grass. 

Clemont felt himself breathe again as he sprinted over to Ash and held him. He was 16 and Ash was 14, and Ash was quite underweight, so he had no problem picking him up and shaking him.

"Ash...Ash...Ash, wake up...please, Ash..."

The other 16-year-old, Serena, appeared into the scene with Bonnie, who was half her age. They both called out questions and demanded answers, but the only thing Clemont could focus on at that moment was Ash. 

Ambulance cars soon arrived.

Bonnie didn't know people could cry in their sleep until she saw Ash at the hospital.

Serena was beyond confused, but once Clemont had time to think things over, he put the pieces together.


Clemont was drifting to sleep as Ash still sat up, unable to fall asleep. Ash was talking to himself, something Clemont had gotten used to, so he wasn't fazed by it until he listened to Ash's actual words.

"I don't know, Pikachu...I constantly feel like these people would be better off without me. Who am I kidding? The world is better off without me. It doesn't need me. I need to get out of it. I'm a mistake. I wasn't meant to be born. I need..."

Clemont had to hold back his gasp.

"I need to die"


Clemont entered Ash's hospital room first as soon as they were told he was awake. He ran to him and hugged him tightly, getting a slight embrace of the arms in return. He didn't care how much Ash hugged him back. To feel his soft skin again was enough. 

As soon as he let go, he saw Ash's face was down. He placed his hand under his chin and lifted it.

His face was still pale and his eyes were open wide again, but this time, his pupils were small and his lips stayed still. His eye weren't the usual chestnut brown that gleamed on a sunny morning. They were a dark, cold and lifeless black. Not even the slightest spark. His entire expression was emotionless. Clemont began to cry again. He held his shoulders.

"Ash...you're not a mistake..."

He saw the tiniest glimpse of light make its way into Ash's eyes.

"How do you..."

"The world does need you..."

His pupils got smaller.

"How do you know..."

"You were meant to be born..."


Countless tears streamed down Clemont's face as Ash had a look of disbelief on his.

"And finally...", he said, smiling, "I am better off with you than without"

He pulled Ash into another hug. Ash was too astounded to move, or even talk.

"...So don't think otherwise, and stop hating yourself so much. You make people laugh and smile. You give people something to look forward to. You don't need to get out of the world. It needs you, and it needs more people like you. Don't...ever..."

Clemont's grip tightened.

"Don't ever do anything like that again! Okay? Don't you dare! Because if you did..."

Their eyes met.

"...I don't know what I'd do without you. I need you Ash"

Ash's hands shook, but they were able to hold Clemont's sleeve as he sobbed into his chest.

"Ash, I love you"

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