Diodeshipping vs Sceptileshipping

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The last Oneshot got positive feedback, so I'm going to write another with the same love triangle!

(Also, this love triangle is my inspiration at the moment XD)


Sawyer sat moping in the blue hospital chair. He just couldn't believe it. Ash had been such a huge helping hand in defeating Lysandre, and he couldn't imagine Lysandre being defeated without him being there. He fights and perseveres so much, yet he pays for it by being in a coma. The horrifying scene played over and over in his head.

Everyone had left the scene, just as Sawyer arrived. He was planning to help, but clearly, he was too late. He saw Clemont and Ash, or in other words, his dream, standing in front of him.

Ash stood completely still. One would assume he was a statue if it wasn't for his hands and pupils constantly shaking like crazy. Clemont placed his hand on the younger boy's shoulder.

"Ash, are you okay?", he asked, concerned.

All Sawyer could recall next was seeing Ash fall to his knees and collapse. His memory skipped from one hurtful sight to the next. Ambulance cars arrived at the scene. A doctor hoisted Ash up into his arms, immediately staining his nurse dress with cold blood.

He couldn't stop thinking about it. How could he? The love of his life slipped into a coma right in front of his eyes, and with each second that passed, he continuously lost the denial he clung onto. The hope that Ash was going to be okay, or that this was all a dream, just somehow, it wasn't as heartbreaking as he wanted it to be.

"Can I see him?"

He heard a voice from a few feet away. Looking to his side, he saw a certain lemon-haired individual. 

Since he'd seen him with Ash when the 'incident' happened, he'd been so disgusted with the other boy that he didn't even want to think of his name. He didn't know why. But part of him failed to admit that it because he knew that he shared the same feelings for Ash. And, unlike other things, he was pretty competitive about it.

A little eavesdropping couldn't hurt, right? Well, it varies if you're spying on your love rival, who's visiting your comatose friend, who both deserve some privacy. You know, out of respect. 

Unfortunately, this was Sawyer's crush we're talking about. And, frankly, he didn't have any respect left when his imaginary relationship was jeopardized.

He watched in pain as Clemont sat on the bed beside Ash, his hand tip-toeing up to hold his.

"Ash...It's been a week. I miss you", he mumbled, unknowing that he was being spied on.

Minutes of sweet talk and one-sided romance went by. Sawyer's anger grew with each second he watched the two be together where it should've been him.


He started to pay close attention when he heard Clemont start to say Ash's name continuously. Wouldn't you only say that to a comatose patient if they were...

Oh, no. Don't give him false hope.

With his face pressed onto the glass, he could just barely see Ash's eyes flutter open. Yes. He was sure of it. He recognized those dreamy chocolate eyes anywhere. His heart started to beat so fast it almost burst out of his chest.

"Clemont...?", he heard him whisper weakly.

Clemont pulled the younger boy into a hug, which was slightly awkward, since Ash couldn't hug back due to his limited strength at the time. But most people would say it was still really cute. Not Sawyer. Sawyer thought it was just so wrong.

"Ash, oh my goodness. You're awake. You're really awake. I've missed you so much, you have no idea...", Clemont sobbed, somehow failing to notice the green haired boy behind the window, gritting his teeth in fury.

"What? I don't....I don't get it. What happened? Why am I here? Is everyone else okay?", Ash started to question the situation, nervously looking around him. Clemont got a hold of Ash's shoulders and turned him to face him.

"Ash, everyone else is fine. Worry about yourself for once"

"What do you mean? Why am I in a hospital?"

"Ash...you've been in a coma. For a week"

The only thing Clemont and Sawyer had in common at that moment was the heartache they suffered seeing the shock on Ash's face. Seeing him tear up, covering mouth as tears streamed down his face.

That was it. He couldn't take it anymore. He hastened towards the door, punched it open and didn't think until he made it to Ash, and he was able to hug and cherish him like Clemont did, and have his fair share of affection. That's right. They were rationing for Ash's love now.

"Sawyer, Clemont, I...I'm so sorry...you're both so worried and I...I just...the last thing I remember is stopping Lysandre", Ash apologized.

Clemont played with his dark hair, reassuring him.

"Ash, don't think that way. If it wasn't for you, Lysandre definitely would've gotten his way. Of course, your body and brain is shocked. You've been asleep for a week straight, and, well, I didn't wanna mention this to anyone, even you, but the hospital is behind on their payments for the resources that they use for the patients, so they haven't been able to feed you. You haven't eaten for a week"

Sawyer gasped in shock. What? He never heard anything about this.

"Wait, really? I didn't know, oh my gosh!", he exclaimed.

"Well, you might've known, Sawyer, if you, um, took the time to visit Ash while he was in a coma", Clemont scolded, giving him quite some ugly faces, "You didn't even visit once"

Sawyer nervously scratched the back of his head (a gesture he'd adapted from Ash from watching him all the time).

"Yeah, because I was busy..."

"With what? It's not like you get famous from being third in the Kalos League"

"Hey! It's nothing to do with that! It's none of your business, okay?"

The two were just an inch away from each other's faces as electricity sparked between them. Ash put his hands in between them, breaking the tension. Slightly.

"Hey, guys, guys, don't fight", he calmed them as they both sat down, "I don't mind how often my friends visit while I'm in the hospital. If they even do it once, I'm more than grateful enough for that"

The next few hours were spent with conversation, mostly Clemont and Sawyer explaining to the best of their ability what had happened, until Ash eventually drifted off to sleep.

"So, is this a thing now?"

"Is what a thing?"

"Don't play dumb, grass hair. Are you up for the challenge to beat me and claim Ash?"

"Hey, he's not a trophy"

"Interesting how you use the word trophy, seeing as that's what you lost when Ash beat you in the Kalos League"

"Ash didn't win either, so if you're making fun of me for losing, you're making fun of him, too"

They briefly paused their conversation when Ash shifted slightly to the left. Sawyer's side.

"See? Even in his sleep, he likes me more than you"

"Actually, facing to his left is the most comfortable position Ash sleeps in. See? Ha. I know him better than you"

Their childish squabble continued for what seemed like forever.

"Well, none of that matters. All that matters is who loves Ash the most. And I think it's safe to say that person is me", Sawyer concluded, cross-armed.

"Oh yeah? Wanna bet?", Clemont challenged, crossing his own arms.

"I hope you're ready to lose all of your pocket money, little boy"

"Oh, you think that's all I have? Trust me. I've got things you could only wish you had"

"What? Like all that nerdy knowledge about robots?"

"At least I'm not some creepy kid who writes down everything Ash says"

Sawyer cracked his knuckles, trying to seem tough, but dropped the act and replaced it with caring instead when he saw Ash flinch from the sound. He quietly apologized to the sleeping boy and rubbed his hair, suddenly forgetting who was sitting opposite him.

"Once again. Creepy kid"

"Oh yeah? Well one day, I'm gonna prove you wrong. You won't be calling me creepy when you see me and Ash together"

"In your dreams, loser. I can't wait to see your face when I land a date with Ash"

"Not if I get it first"

Eventually, they were both kicked out of the room because visiting hours were almost over. But they could've stretched it by a few minutes if they didn't keep scaring the patient with their arguing every once in a while.

That didn't stop their rivalry, though. Nothing could. The only thing that could was both of them hearing Ash reject at least one of them.

But, let's be real. When will Ash even realize their feelings without someone pointing it out to him first? Oh, Ash. You dense child.

I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you are okay with this new love triangle. Ash has two love triangles now!

Sawyer - Ash - Clemont

Alain - Ash - Gary

I am always open for requests!


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