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Okay, I know I just did megabondshipping before, but someone requested for me to do a oneshot with Alain and Ash's child and I just can't wait! I'm so sorry, but I hope you guys enjoy!

edit: it says kyewoh because im technically always on hiatus now cuz i dont have a deadline for content, just dishing out lil stories

also this girl can't be ash and alain's child because

and there's shipping content with her and alain too

so like idk what to tell y'all

btw her name is sasuka she's an oc pokemon ranger

so ash and alain's child isn't this girl but their child will still looks like her because sasuka doesn't own blue eyes and dark haired pigtails

k enjoy :)


(was tempted to write a lemon, didn't because no one has requested it, pls don't come for me about inappropriateness like someone did last time. also may be sensitive topics for u)

also cringe.

The morning began to shine through the rustling trees. Brighter and brighter, the sun rose, gleaming over a steaming cup of coffee on a small, wooden dining table. Wide windows were swung open, letting in the wind to dance with white curtains. 

Alain was awoken by the chirping of fletchlings and beams of the sun blinding him. Groaning, he tiredly dangled his feet at the edge of the bed, the first step to his morning routine. Minutes later, he found himself pulling a shirt over his torso, then trudging down stairs with his eyes closed.

"Morning", a sweet voice greeted him. 

He wasn't a morning person, but his boyfriend was.

"Morning...", he mumbled back, leaning over his tiny boyfriend, who perked on his toes to give his tall partner a kiss.

"Did I wake you?"

"Mm...stupid Fletchling. And I thought living in an apartment high from the ground would block out morning noises. Why are you up this early?"

"...Alain, listen. I was thinking, and...I think your mother should meet her. Our child"



"No, seriously. The last time we saw that woman, she humiliated you. What makes you think she deserves a second chance?"

"Of course, I still resent her. But don't you think she should meet her granddaughter?"

Alain didn't want to be angry this early in the morning. But he couldn't help but feel betrayed. After shutting the woman out for his boyfriend and now, his child's sake, now he had to invite her back in?

"She doesn't deserve it. She was never an important part of the family, anyway"


"Forget it"

He had a slight uneasy feeling in his stomach as he stomped upstairs, usually there to tell him he'd regret what he was currently doing. But he still continued until he got to their room and slammed the door. Only then did he lean his forehead against it and sigh, mentally cursing himself.

He knew that Ash's mother was the only family he'd ever known, and that he was always lonely because of it. Of course, given his extreme empathy, Ash would avoid for his own child to feel like that as much as possible. And if he knew how horrible his mother was, all the things she'd done, and was still willing to let her meet their child, wasn't it enough?

His tired gaze shifted to an alarm clock. 5:00 am. Feeling too disgruntled to sleep, he hurriedly unlocked his door and raced down the stairs, determined to bring his partner back up with him.

But when he got to the kitchen, Ash was gone. 

Disheartened, he felt the heat of the kettle before pouring himself a cup of coffee. But he didn't drink it. Even when he made his way up the stairs for the second time that morning, and creaked open the door of their room which he remembered being open.

There was a glistening in his eyes when he caught the sight of a head of dark hair peeping out from under the blanket, facing the nightstand of that side of the bed.

Regardless that he was facing away from him, Alain climbed into bed, putting his coffee on his nightstand, pulling the blanket over himself. His long, muscular arms wrapped themselves around Ash's small waist and pulled him closer so that his head was under his neck. 

He knew Ash was awake; if he was asleep, he'd be shuffling around and subconsciously cuddling with Alain. So he arched his neck over his head and softly kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry...", he whispered gently, something he'd gotten better at since their relationship started, "I get it now. You don't have a lot of family, and you don't want her to feel like that. I guess I'm just sceptical about my mom having an influence on her, you know?"

Ash turned around and rested his chin on his boyfriend's chest.

"Yeah...but remember, she's half you. Your mom didn't turn you into a horrible person, and she won't do that to our daughter. We'll make sure of that"

Alain smiled, pressing his fingers against his boyfriend's plump, red lips.

"It's still early...", he moaned, kissing the other while slowly dominating over his body, "...You think we could 'sleep' a little longer? She can't open doors yet..."

"...We really should get a lock", Ash chuckled, wrapping his legs around Alain's waist.

I think you can imagine what happened next, but I haven't been requested to put it into words.

"Now I'm thirsty", Alain sighed, reaching for his cold coffee while caressing his exhausted boyfriend with his other hand.

"Mmm...", Ash breathed, "Should I call her?"

"She usually likes to have breakfast later than this..."

"I meant your mom"

"...Maybe it's better if I do it"

After getting dressed, Ash made his way into the kitchen to find the little blue-eyed girl reaching for a cabinet.

"Daddy, daddy! Where's Dad? Could you help me reach this?"

What, you thought she'd call them both 'Dad'? That would not only be confusing, but the confusion would give less evolved people a field day.

"Sorry, sweetie, but it's too high up. Dad's coming down in a few minutes", said Ash as he bent down a little, picking her up.

"I heard your bed creaking. You two should fix that"

"We really should..."

-weeks later-

The door swung open, allowing a tall, high-chinned woman to waltz through, ignoring the teen and young adult at the door and go straight to the little girl with pigtails.

"Oh, aren't you just the cutest!", she squealed, smooching the toddler's chubby cheeks, "Or maybe not the cutest, having dark hair instead of blonde like me. What's your name, little girl?"

"Oh, she can't say her name yet", Alain interrupted, "But she knows how to say Sycamore"

"Ah, of course. Taking pride in her white heritage! Let me guess. Her name is some sort of Chinese tongue-twister?"

"Uh, yeah, actually. Her name is..."

He looked to Ash, who was smiling with pride despite the woman's comments.

"Mei", he said, beaming, "Mei-Hyung Sycamore. I believe she should also learn to appreciate her East Asian heritage"

Renesmee was speechless, staring across the room, she noticed the Chinese and South Korean flags next to the Dutch and American flags.

"Well, that's bully fuel right there", she murmured, "Let's hope she doesn't have to learn anything else to go with that name"

"We had discussed teaching her my native languages", Ash started, getting a stare from the woman, "if she was open to it. Rest assured, I am fine with her just learning English"

Alain quickly went to stand by his shaking boyfriend's side, reassuring him as well as to be prepared to defend him.

"So, how did you get the fortune cookie?", she changed the subject, "Adoption? A surrogate?"

"Actually, mom...", Alain shook, placing a hand on Ash's shoulder, "With the science of today that allows same-sex partners to have biological children, we conceived the baby, and...Ash gave birth a little over a year ago"

Renesmee took a deep breath. Not with the intention of calming down, but with the intention of getting started.

"Was it the science of today? Or was it the fact that your 'boyfriend' is really a girl, whose eggs were able to impregnate her?"


"What? It's a natural question to ask. She doesn't have the parts a boy supposedly would, and still has a little chest in her...which I'm guessing would make it easy for you to have sex, before marriage, I might add, which I do not agree with!"

"Mom! Are you kidding?! She's right there!"

"The girl already has the most incapable parents in the world, and looks like an accident anyway. Would it hurt her any less to learn about it early?"

Mei grabbed the woman's sharp nose, stopping the argument.

"...Can you help fix my daddies' squeaky bed?"

"...It seems she's learnt already"

After almost throwing the toddler onto the couch, the woman stormed away, intentionally pounding her heels much harder on the ground than usual.


"Call me back when you have a wife who owns that title, along with a child that will be able to see!"

The door slammed behind her. Mei quickly crawled up to Ash, who was on his knees shaking, and held his shirt in her hands to comfort him.

"Don't cry, Daddy", she said, "It's okay. I don't like Grandma anyways"

"M-Mei...don't say that-"


Alain got on his own knees, putting a hand on the chin of his teary-eyed boyfriend.

"I'm sorry...but sometimes family just aren't meant to see each other"

Ash sobbed into Alain's chest, holding Mei close to his own.

"It's my fault...", he whimpered, "Your mother hates me...and now she hates your child..."

"You're wrong"

"But Alain, she does hate me-"

"I know that. I know that she hates you, and she hates our child"

Puzzled, Ash's glassy eyes found Alain's firm ones.

"But you're wrong by saying she's my mother. A mother loves and cares. She has never done any of those things...but you have. Though you aren't identified as a mother"

Mei, seeing Alain's hand on Ash's face, placed her own hand on his arm, somehow knowing it comforted him.

"...She's sweet like you"

"I told you she'd be alright. However, I have a feeling the sweetness comes from you"

"Dad", asked Mei, "Can you reach the chocolate in the cabinet? Daddy's too short to reach it"

Ash laughed, drying his tears.

"She can't focus...that's definitely from me"

"But that only happens sometimes. When you're in bed, for example-"

"Alright, Mei! Let's go have chocolate. But cereal for breakfast first"

"I want rice noodles"

"Rice noodles it is then!"

Ash got to the kitchen as Alain carried the girl to the table.

He stood behind his lover as he was cooking, dipping his mouth into his neck and holding his waist.

"You know, if you wore an apron-"

"Hey, she's right there. She may not be getting exactly a 'normal' childhood, but I won't let her learn how she was made at this age!"

"That's my sweet boyfriend"

hope you enjoyed, but I would understand if you didn't

I started writing stories mainly for myself, but now I have you guys and you mean everything to me, and I want to give you content you enjoy

that's why I always put warnings like 'this is cringe' or something like that, I don't want you to be disgusted or disappointed

I don't mean to put people off, but I guess I don't have confidence in my writing

If you want a story, whether it's fluff or lemon or whatever, ask and I'll do it for you! though it may take days...

regardless, I love you all much more than I can say, and still can't believe that even one person would read my story, let alone like a hundred

you're amazing and you make my day, thanks for reading :)

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