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Here's a pictures and a z-ring shipping oneshot but with the picture I have something important to ask you

Who is the blue hair girl with ponytails I keep seeing in Ash and Alain pictures? If anyone knows please tell me (╥﹏╥)

Anyways here is the one shot now enjoy

(If you're easily offended/12 or under this ain't for you) (but sorry if I offend you anyway) (but let's take this opportunity to say how people on the internet need to stop being offended so easily)

"Thanks for helping me with these, Ash...", Kiawe thanked as he watched his tiny boyfriend struggle to reach the poster.

"No...problem...", Ash said as he jumped and finally tore it, "It's good you're getting rid of things you don't need. And I'm kinda having fun peeling this stuff off. It's, like, the second most satisfying thing in the world"

"Oh, really? What's the first?"

Ash's cheeks turned red as he turned to his boyfriend with a grin.

"I think you know what that is", he giggled.

Kiawe sighed and lay back with his hands behind his head.

"Yeah. It's good to leave these in the past, right?"

"If you feel it's right"

"You think he'd mind?"

Ash stopped what he was doing and shifted a careful eye to the other.

"You mean...your brother?"

He could see Ash was trying his best not to upset him. Smiling, he dragged himself off the bed and brought a hand to the highest posters.

"It's not just my life now; it's ours. I don't need this now that I have you"


It was just past noon when there was a knock on the door. Ash opened it to see Officer Jenny towering over him with a panicked  look. 

"Does Kiawe live here?"

"Y-Yes, he-"

"Mr. Jones! We need a word with you"

A few minutes later, the officer was sat opposite Kiawe with a notepad and cup of coffee. Ash was out of the house to run errands, so he was nervous.

"We'll need to ask you some questions, Mr. Jones"


"For starters, you hold a prison record for crimes such as robbery and assault, correct?"

She really went straight for it. And for a second he thought he was getting rid of his past once and for all.


"You participated in illegal activities along with felons who, to your knowledge, were supposed to be imprisoned?"


She flipped a page and paused for a second, noticing how anxious he was. She started to speak slowly.

"One of these felons was your...your brother?"

He was silent with his head down. But this was important.

"...LeRoy Jones?"

Kiawe shut his eyes tight and then sighed before he spoke.

"...That's him"

She struggled to find her words.

"Uh...well, recently there's been a mass breakout in a high-security detention facility, where your brother was. We...uh...wanted to know if you have any idea where he'd be?"

A grim look fell upon him as he raised his head.


She was taken aback.


"I'm not part of the gang anymore. You should know that"

"Mr. Jones, please-"

"We're done here", he said standing up.

She followed him to the door, trying to convince him, but he simply opened it and waited for her to walk through.

"We'll update you on the situation-"

"Don't bother", he snapped as he slammed the door in her face.


"Ash should be back by now", Kiawe murmured to Pikachu as he tapped his finger more rapidly on the desk.

"Pikapi...", the electric mouse mumbled back, going to check the door for the hundredth time.

"I'm so ashamed of the way I treated that police officer. It's as if I haven't changed at all.

"...I'm lucky Ash even feels safe around me even after knowing the things I'd done. Oh, why did he choose me? He deserves so much better...and if I'm still the lowlife I was all those years ago, there's no better time than now to start being a better man for Ash"

He heard the lock clicking. He rushed to the door as it opened. 

"Ash, thank god! I was so worried about y-"

The steps of polished black shoes walked right in after red trainers. It was Ash, indeed, but he wasn't alone. Behind him was a tall, muscular man wearing a suit, holding him back with a knife to his throat. Ash's arms drooped down as his eyes did, too terrified to move even slightly.

"If it isn't my wimpy little brother", the man said, his voice deep and hoarse.


"Or what should I call you? Traitor? 'Cause we ain't family no more, right?"

"Roy...put him down..."

Roy tightened his grip on the knife closer to Ash's throat with his other hand on his mouth.

"Put him down? Gladly. I could torture 'im a little if you'd like"

"No! Roy-"

"But you'd be too scared of that, right? You always were. The kid who'd go back to pay, clean his jacket, apologise to people when we robbed 'em. I tell you, this little kid right here, he's got a lot more fight in 'im than you ever had. Was a pain tryna catch him 'till I told him 'bout how I'd end you if he didn't listen. Froze there and then"

Of course. Ash was always so gentle and caring towards Kiawe despite his past. As if his prison record didn't mean a thing.

"What do you want, Roy?"

"Imma give you one last chance to make amends, brother. Go back to the way it was, cold and cruel. We can start right now. Go on. Do the honours", he explained, offering him the knife.

Ash worked up the courage to move his eyes, but didn't look angry or scared when he looked at Kiawe. He could imagine him smiling.


"...Or are you gonna betray your family again? Whether you like it or not, I'm still your boss, you know. You wanna disobey me?"

Kiawe didn't know what he was doing when he took the knife, and started to hold it back. Ash was still reassuring him with his eyes, as if he wanted him to do it. He kept shaking his head, frozen in position with tears streaming down his face.

""Do it!", Roy screamed, making him flinch, "You wanna be a man? Start fightin' like one!"

He was suddenly able to think.

"There's no time than now to start being a better man"

For Ash.

He screamed as the knife flew down. It pierced Roy's torso, which was a little too close to Ash's arm, but he assured him it was fine. Roy fell to his knees, grunting.

"You want me to fight like a man?", he continued screaming, "Fight me! Fight me, Roy!"

"Hehe...", Roy chuckled, "So you've grown a little, your aim is still off. Don't get in over your head, little brother"

Roy tackled him to the ground, holding the knife against him. Kiawe kept trying to break free, but the fear of losing his life and strength against him was too much.

"Maybe you're the one I need to put down...", Roy growled.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed the knife and twisted it into his shoulder. He didn't have enough time to yelp as he was held against the wall, a red trainer in his face.

Kiawe sat in awe at his tiny boyfriend holding the man down with his leg, even while clenching his wounded arm.

"Don't...", Ash trembled, "Don't...fuck...with my boyfriend!" 

He kicked his face into the wall again before letting him sink to the floor.

"Only I get to fuck with my boyfriend!", Ash announced, making Kiawe chuckle at how scary yet adorable he was.

"Besides...", Ash muttered, "It's about time you retire. You've been doing your job wrong for a while now"


When Roy saw the determination on Ash's face, he bit his lip, sweating, trying to move away.

"No way..."

Kiawe has no clue what was going on.

"Sorry", Ash started, "I didn't tell you in order to protect you. My dad founded an organisation that takes down groups like your brother's. I've been across the world travelling to disband teams of villains, disguising myself as a normal trainer wanting to win leagues. Roy's group was assigned to catch crooks in Alola, but looks like he's doing the opposite"

He turned to the man lying on the floor, teary-eyed.

"...Which makes me your boss, until now. You're fired"

Roy stumbles out of the building, leaving his knife and some of his blood behind. Kiawe lifted his boyfriend into his arms as the younger boy wrapped his legs around his waist, pressing his lips onto his.

"Explains why you were never intimidated by me", he chuckled, "But I am a little salty about only finding out now. Maybe you could make it up to me~"

"Ahem. Who's your boss now?", Ash interrupted.

"That doesn't mean you get to be on top. I'm the boss in that case"

He carried his boyfriend on his shoulders, laughing as he threw him into the bed. A weight had been lifted. 

No, not Ash. He weighs basically nothing. 

Mkay guys I know that was so cringe but also I just want to say my content is gROWING LIKE WHAT MY WRITING ISN'T THAT GOOD GUYS

but seriously thank y'all so much I'm literally so happy

This was originally supposed to be Megabondshipping with Kyle instead of Roy but I've a feeling I do that ship too much haha

Also here's some art based on the one shot

Also also if you know the girl from the picture at the start of the page please tell me who she is XD

That's all for today thank you guys so much for reading my stuff it means everything that people enjoy my content

(Pls tell me I'm not the only one who gave up on online school because my brain burned out)


Guys I appreciate the help trying to find who is this girl but if she is their daughter it doesn't make sense if fanarts like this right? And other fanart I saw shipping her and Ash

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