Trustedpartnershipping vs Amourshipping

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First time writing about a ship other than Yaoi in this book haha. Also my first time doing an Amourshipping Oneshot. I'll give it my best! (Really I do not like Serena, she is a brat in my opinion). Enjoy!

Another sunny morning in Alola had awoken a certain blonde-haired boy by the age of 16, who ran to his 14 year old boyfriend's room to surprise him.

Oh yeah. I should probably fill you in on this. Gladion and Ash had been dating for a few weeks now. Everyone around them supported their relationship, and so far it was going well, even thought Ash didn't fully understand what was going on between the two, he still knew how to love.

"Ashy, wake up", Gladion whispered gently as he shook the younger boy, smiling as he yawned and his eyes tiredly fluttered open.

"Ugh, w-what it...?"

"It's 9:00, Ash. Come on. Let's go have breakfast"

After relentlessly struggling to get the boy out of bed, he dragged him down the stairs and to breakfast.

"Why are you so tired? When did you sleep?", Gladion asked his exhausted partner.

"Uh, I stayed up for a little, 'cause I was talking to one of my friends from Kalos. She's coming to visit Alola for a little", Ash explained.

"Oh, really? And who is this friend?"


Gladion frowned. He knew at that second who he was talking about. The same Serena who had kissed him at the airport, thinking he would feel the same. And due to the fact that she was practically following him again to another Region, he was beginning to think she still thought that way. Did she even know Ash isn't single?

-A few hours later-

"Ash! I missed you so much!", Serena exclaimed as she threw herself onto the shorter teen, attempting to smash her lips against his. 

What, you think Ash would just let it happen? Come on, he's not that stupid. He was able to swerve out of the way out of the kiss, causing Serena to fall forwards and have to catch herself, much to the delight of Gladion. Who followed Ash to the airport, by the way. 

"Me, too! We have a lot to catch up on! I've been waiting to hear everything that's happened since..."

"...Since we kissed?"

Serena's sudden indiscretion was quite unexpected, but not a surprise. Ash had described her personality to his boyfriend in the best way he could, and she'd always been the type to make others uncomfortable if she got what she wanted in the end.

"Uh, yeah, since we last met, um, come on, let's go to the car", Ash stuttered nervously, picking his words wisely as his boyfriend and admirer were listening.

-More hours later-

Ash, Gladion and Serena sat at the table. Serena kept leaning closer to Ash as the minutes passed, which he countered by leaning closer to his boyfriend to get away from her. She didn't quite seem to understand that. How ironic. In Kalos, it was Ash not taking the hint. Oh, how the tables have turned.

"So, Ash, wanna go see a movie after dinner?"

Once again, Gladion and Ash were taken aback by the indiscretion of the 16 year old girl.

"I, um-"

"He's actually dating", Gladion interrupted, saving Ash from having to explain himself, and reassuring him that he had it under control by grabbing his shaking hand.

Serena quickly leaned back, her face expression changing from flirty and determined to shocked and angry.

"Oh, really?"


"Oh. Who?"


Serena gulped, hopefully swallowing her ugly attitude and flirting.

"O-Oh. Right"

"So we'd appreciate it if you would give us some space, please"


Not so tough now, are you Serena? Now that she was being stared at by an angry teen boy who looked like he was about to stab her.

Ash was heating up intensely. Not from how warm it actually was in the house, but because of the awkwardness he had to be in the middle of, and he felt like he caused.

-Even more hours later-

"Ash? You okay?", Gladion asked in concern after having watched him stare blankly at his phone for 5 minutes straight.

"Huh? What? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just..."

Gladion shuffled closer, wrapping his arm around the younger boy.

"Just what?"

"I just...feel like because of me, you and Serena won't get along"


Ash turned to face him questionably, finding only happiness in his green eyes.

"You''re glad you two won't get along?"

"Of course. It means I have a better chance of making sure she doesn't touch you"

Gladion smiled. Seconds after, Ash smiled. Minutes after, they were laughing and lying down together. Hours after, Ash had drifted off to sleep in the arms of his still-awake boyfriend. 

You'd think this whole scene was cute, right? Well, it would've been, if Serena wasn't behind the door spying on them. 

"You don't deserve him...I do...he's mine...that should be me...this isn't fair...", Serena muttered to herself in rage as she glared at the two boys.

Before she knew it, she couldn't see Gladion in the room anymore. 

Duh, Serena, you can't see people who are behind you.

Gladion calmly knelt down in front of the girl, wearing a threatening smile on his face.

"What were you saying?"


Once again, Serena's tough facade was buried in her stomach.

"Good. Then you should be able to stay away from Ash"

For once, she was quiet as she let the boy lecture her.

"He's clearly not interested, and you can't force him to be"

Gladion went back to bed. When did Serena go back to bed, you ask? After she was done packing.

-The next day-

"You're leaving already?", Ash asked with sadness.

"Yeah. I gotta get to the next town", Serena answered, eyeing someone who knew as well as she did that the reason she was leaving was completely different.

Ash left the two rivals alone to tend to Pikachu, who I haven't mentioned at all until now because it's not really that relevant to the plot.

"I'll be back. And next time, I'll get Ash away from you", Serena threatened.

"Bold of you to assume there'll be a next time", Gladion chuckled as he watched a cab pull up behind her.

A few minutes later, Serena was gone, and it was like she never existed. The day went on as usual, with no one bringing up a word about her. Sometimes it was because they'd forgotten about her, but when they remembered, they didn't say anything because, unlike her, they knew what to talk about and what not to.

Okay, so, I really hope you enjoyed! But just a little list of things:

1. The fourth wall breaks and the parts where I talk to the reader and character personally are there to make these Oneshots comedic and are one of my favorite ways to subtly tell the story. If anyone finds them annoying, just tell me and I will stop.

2. English is not my first language, so if I ever make a grammar mistake or use a word wrong or anything like that, feel free to let me know so I can improve my grammar. (I need to start talking good English because I am studying at a school where everyone speaks English)

3. If you thought some of this was written in a way just to direct hate towards Serena, you were right. I don't like her, and I think Amourshipping is one-sided. I'm the kind of writer that, if I don't like a character, I'm going to make it obvious through my writing, because I'm not writing stories professionally, I'm doing it for fun. I'm not sure if it's unprofessional to do that...

4. I know I say this a lot, but I am very sorry for the inactivity. I wish school took up less of my time. I haven't updated CRASHSAN in so long, and some people are waiting for an update on Pokemon GF (Gender Free) as well, so I am sorry for that, but it is a good thing you all understand and I am happy to have nice people reading my story.

As always, requests are always welcome.


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