Pokemon Johto Journeys Theme (Shortened TV version)

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Hai! Been a while since I've translated anything, so Wynaut (get it?)

LANGUAGES USED: Japanese, French, Arabic, Finnish

It's a whole new world in which we live one-fifth (How can you only 1/5 live somewhere?)

Pokemon Management (Yes, the Management region is my favorite! :D)

Everyone wants to be a master's degree (I don't wanna be a degree. I WANNA BE A UNICORN)

Each and want to show their skills (?)

Everyone wants to go faster (Stop making assumptions, Google Translate! How do you KNOW each and every one of them wants to go faster?)

Teen on the way of the hill (So everyone BUT the teen?)

Every time you use (That sounds bad, somehow :P)

Go at best only slightly (At best only slightly? Sounds oxymoron-ish)

Each step in the climb (?)

Radaofu phase (I have no idea what Radaofu is but it came up when I translated into Japanese)

It's a whole new world in which we live one-fifth

This is seen in a new way (Is it seen in two-fifths then?)

hire new (The H is lowercase. That bothers me :P)

The new position (Hire new the new position. GREATY grammar, Google Translate!)*

However, what you do not yet have a good capture 'days (...what._

And you, you can become the best (Repetitiveness)

It's a whole new world in which we live one-fifth

However, what you do not yet have a good capture 'days

And you, you can become the best

Pokemon Management

Pokemon cord! (Yes, the cord region is also one of my favorites xD)

* = The "greaty" was an error, but I kept it in because it was an inside joke of sorts with a friend xD idk if she reads this but she'd get it :p

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