Chapter 4: Hope

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(Sun’s POV)

With a horrible taste in my mouth, I wake up. It appears Lillie is already awake, I can hear her boiling the kettle in the kitchen. I throw the covers off of me and climb out of bed, grimacing at the taste in my mouth. It’s that taste I sometimes get when waking up, usually if I’ve been sleeping with my mouth slightly open - of course, I don’t snore. According to Lillie, I sleep as quietly as a mouse.

I grab a shirt and put it on, before stepping into the kitchen to say good morning to Lillie.

“Good morning!” I say enthusiastically as I enter the room. She smiles softly and hands me a cup of Komala Coffee.

“Morning! You sure slept well!” She giggles, tying her hair back into her iconic ponytail.

“I think I did! What about you?”

“Well, yes, I slept ok, but I’ve been thinking…”

“Go ahead,” I encourage.

“Well, it’s about our hazard suits. They barely held up against the last experiment that you carried out, and if we manage to fully open an Ultra Wormhole, then won’t the test chamber be flooded with possibly deadly particles from Ultra Space?” She asks, tilting her head. I think, sit down and take a sip of my coffee.

“Of course, anyone in there would then be exposed to radiations yet to be named by human science. But we’ve crossed dimensions before, it’s not like it’s immediately lethal… though combined with this other radiation… hmm,” I say, narrowing my eyes and sipping my coffee again in thought.

“I don’t think it’s worth risking the lives of anyone involved. As long as they don’t object to the project, I should be able to begin developing a new version of the suits. I mean, I’ve got the stuff to do it, right?” She says optimistically.

“Yeah, I guess it’s worth the time. Who knows, it could even allow for longer survival time in Ultra Space, or something. But what ideas do you have for upgrading those suits so that they can protect against a radiation that we’re not even sure exists?” I ask. Lillie smiles smugly, an idea clearly sat in her mind.

“Well… I’ve looked into U-115 a bit more, and I’ve found some incredible properties,” she begins. Makes sense. After all, this is a substance from Ultra Space we’re talking about.

“Like what, exactly?”

“Well, yesterday, I actually finished my work in isolating the two different chemicals found in the raw substance we retrieved from the world of the UB’s. With both of them singled-out, I actually found them to be respective elements!” She exclaims triumphantly.

“Whaaa-? And you didn’t tell me this sooner?” I laugh.

“Mmyeah, sorry,” she giggles. “But the point is, I’m still studying the details of these new elements. Somehow, the actual atomic structure of these elements is… bizarre, to say the least. But for some reason, they do seem to be… even simpler elements than both Hydrogen and Helium, they plainly lack a nucleus, and… I’m sorry, it’s just… really difficult to explain,” Lillie says slowly.

“Uhhh… well… what do we expect from other universes, I suppose?” I laugh. “But how could that be possible?” I finish.

“Well, I can’t really say. Working with these substances is nothing like the chemistry that we’re used to in our universe. Basically, the atoms in these ‘elements’ are completely non-sensical. Like, neutrons and protons just plainly don’t exist, neither me or anyone else studying this understands it. However, for some reason, electrons, or at least something very similar to electrons, do exist in these atoms, and here’s the best part - and brace yourself for this - we measure these electrons to move at 4 times the speed of light.” She says, her eyes glowing in excitement. My jaw simply drops. It’s beautiful how little sense this makes, and I feel privileged to be one of the first people ever to study the physics of another universe. I finish off my cup of coffee, placing it back down on the table. This is a pretty hot topic for 8:42 in the morning. I walk over to the side and put some toast on.

“Oh, joy. Working out how the hell that works is going to be my job, isn’t it?” I laugh.

“I guess so! Phew, this is a lot to think about huh? But… I guess it’s time for me to go to work,” Lillie says, slipping her jacket on.

“Alright, then have a great day. I’ll see if I can drop by at some point today, so let me know if you make any breakthroughs,” I say, glancing up at her. Suddenly, I sigh. I stand up, and gently take her hand. “And… stay safe, won’t you? Understanding won’t come without risk,”

She smiles and places her hands against my shoulders.

“Of course I will! I’ll see you later,” she whispers, placing her hands gently against my cheeks and pulling my head close to her. She rests her forehead softly against mine, before kissing me passionately and meaningfully.

“I love you, Lillie. See you later,”

“I love you too, Sun. Buh-bye!”

With a smile and a wave, she leaves the house and closes the door behind her.

I finish my breakfast, and put my plate down on the side. I stare up at the sky.

Just what… is out there?

I’m lost in thought. A quiet chirp brings my mind back to the Milky Way galaxy, and Feathers stares at me quizzically. I chuckle, and get up.

“Sorry, Feathers. I was a little lost there. You’re up late, huh…”

As usual, I prepare Feathers’ breakfast and give it to him, before grabbing my Pokémon from my room while he eats.

Right. No more delays. It’s time I head for Konikoni City, I exclaim in my mind. I grab Feathers’ Poké Ball before leaving my room, and put my bag and cap on as I make my way to the front door. Feathers finishes eating, and nods at me signalling that he’s ready to get in his Poké Ball. I return him to it, before heading out and closing the door behind me.

A few minutes later, I swoop down on Charizard after my short journey to Akala Island, and I land at the market of Konikoni City. I return Charizard to his Poké Ball, check I’ve got my whole team, and smile to myself, heading into the bustling town.

As I walk through the street, there are merchants and kiosks trying to get the attention of the public. I don’t bother stopping as there’s nothing really that I need besides a ring, but as I’m about to enter Olivia’s shop, I catch a glimpse of a familiar face up ahead. I grin as I approach a good friend of mine, none other than my boy - Guzma. He seems to be browsing through various herbal medicines at a kiosk, so I approach him from behind and tap him on the shoulder.

“Huh? What’s the deal - ” he begins, but he smiles as he recognises me.

“Been too long, champ. How’s it going?” He asks, grinning and putting some purchased items into a bag.

“I’m alright thanks, but it has been ages! Getting any stronger?” I ask challengingly.

“Of course I have! Lemme show you in a battle!”

With that, he sends out his legendary Golisopod, and I can immediately see the blatant bond that it shares with Guzma. I send Charizard out first to start the battle off.

“Alright Charizard, hit it with another slash!” I command. We’re a few minutes into the battle now, and his Golisopod is still standing. Folks from the town gather round to watch the battle on the street. Charizard nods and launches himself forward to attack, landing a blow on the opposing Golisopod. Golisopod backs up into his Poké Ball due to his Emergency Exit ability, and so Guzma sends out his Ariados.

Before long, Guzma’s down to his last Pokémon, Pinsir. He’s taken down most of my team which surprises me. Feathers is on the field, and he’s struggling a little with the type disadvantage. Pinsir charges about recklessly, attempting to ram into Feathers with it’s horns, but Feathers quickly evades and dodges the incoming attacks.

“Alright Feathers, Spirit Shackle!” I shout.

“Go, Pinsir! X-scissor, now!”

Amazingly, Pinsir moves first and deals a lethal amount of damage to Feathers, causing him to fall to the ground. For a moment, I think he fainted, but even I can’t remember the last time that happened. With a little strength left and still laying on the ground, he still executes the order that I gave to him. Feathers slowly arches his wing to form a bow, summoning the ethereal ghost energy necessary for him to fire the shot that finishes off Pinsir. Feathers collapses to the ground moments later.

“Ohhh, man! That was incredible, well done, Feathers!” I exclaim, grabbing a potion out of my bag and rushing over to him. He chirps quietly, tired but happy.

“Heh, well, what do I expect from a champion? Thanks for the battle Sun, I really enjoyed it.”

“No problem, thank you too, Guzma,” I say whilst healing Feathers back up and returning him to his Poké Ball. There is a short pause.

“So… if you don’t mind me asking, what brings you here, Sun?” He asks.

I stand back up and smile.

“Well… you’ll find out in time,” I chuckle mysteriously.

“Oh…? Is it something for Lillie?” He grins. I smile and say nothing.

“I’ll see you soon, Guzma! Stay out of trouble, won’t you?”

“No fun in that, but whatever. See you around!” He replies.

A bell rings as I enter Olivia’s shop, and the Kahuna looks up at me with a warm smile as I enter.

“Welcome, Champion! What can I do for you today?” She asks eagerly as I approach the counter. I struggle to find the right words to ask.

“Hi, Olivia. I, uhm… do you think… you could make a couple of rings?” I ask.

“Sure I can, you’ll need to be more specific though. What kind of rings do you want?”

“W-wedding rings, please.”

The Kahuna’s jaw drops in surprise.

“Arceus, you’re going to propose to Lillie? That’s brilliant, good for you!” Olivia exclaims happily. I blush a little and giggle.

“Thank you, it has been on my mind for a while,”

“I’m sure it has. So, do you have an idea of what you want the rings to look like?”

I consider; I haven’t really thought about it much. I think about what Lillie would like.

“Hmm… you know, I think I do have a bit of an idea…” I say, pulling a notepad and pencil out of my jacket. Olivia watches me strangely as I sketch a diagram of two rings.

“Wait, do you always carry that around?” She asks. I stare at her.

“Olivia, I’m a scientist, of course I do,” I laugh. I finish the labelled sketch of a ring. It’s gold and circular, with an insignia in the shape of a lily on the centre.

“Yes… do you think you could make this?” I ask hopefully. Olivia smiles and nods.

“Sure! Give me a few hours, and they should be done. I’ll need this sketch, though,” Olivia replies, taking the note.

“Alright. Thank you, Olivia.”

(Lillie’s POV)

I sit at my desk, studying a sample of U-115 under an electron microscope. I watch the delicate little particles react with eachother anomalously, each of them emitting microscopic little electronic pulses.

Now then…

I’ve built up a theory as to how I may be able to upgrade these suits, and so I’ve arranged a small practical experiment: a shielded membrane of organic tissue adjacent to a device that should emit small amounts of deadly radiation. The only thing protecting the organic material is a field of U-115 molecules. Of course, the experiment is safely set up so that I won’t be affected by the radiation.

“Here goes nothing…”

I begin the experiment by exposing the living tissues to ionising radiation, and immediately, the molecules of U-115 begin to visibly react.

Please don’t zap me, please don’t zap me, please don’t zap me…

I continue to observe the experiment, and to my amazement, the living tissue is totally unaffected. I intensify the radiation levels, (which is slightly risky), and the organic tissue remains unaffected even after minutes of exposure. I switch the device off, and stand up, breathing slowly and heavily in disbelief.

(Sun’s POV)

I sit on a bench, staring out at the view of the deep blue ocean. When and where should I propose to her? How will she react when I ask her? Is it all really worth it…? So many questions float around my mind, but my thinking is suddenly unintentionally interrupted by Rotom.

“Zrt, hey Sun… you doing okay?”

I sigh, and smile.

“Yeah. I just - feel unsure,” I mutter.

“Underzztandable. But don’t doubt yourself! Remember back at Mt. Lanakila at Victory Road, azz you felt the same about becoming champion? All you needed waz some encouragement, and look at you now!” Rotom says cheerily.

“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks, Rotom,”

“Anytime, zrt! Hey, do you think the kahuna hazzz finished the rings yet?”

“It’s been a couple of hours, might be worth checking,” I reply. On that note, I get to my feet and begin to stroll back towards Olivia’s shop.

As I walk back into the shop, a lady behind the counter gets my attention.

“Oh, Sir, if you’re looking for Olivia, she’s almost finished in the back,” she says, gesturing to a door that presumably leads into a workshop.

“Thank you!”

I push open the door to find Olivia sat at a desk polishing one of the rings. She hears me enter, and swivels around on her chair to face me.

“Here they are, here they are! To be honest, I don't think I’ve ever made more gorgeous looking rings than these! Hmm… now I wish I could get married myself!” She says jokingly. The kahuna presents both rings in their respective velvet cases, and my jaw drops at the beauty of such stunning objects.

“Olivia, they’re… wow, thank you so much, they’re perfect!” I exclaim.

“Good to hear. Like I said, they’ve definitely got to be some of the most beautiful rings I’ve ever crafted,”

She hands over the rings, and I happily accept them. They look amazing, and just what I wanted them to look like.

I pay Olivia for her hard and amazing work, and put the rings safely away in my bag. Olivia and I head back to the entrance of her shop.

“Thanks Olivia. I really appreciate your help,”

“No problem, Sun. And hey - you’ve got this,” she says encouragingly.

“I got this,” I repeat with a smile.

“Alright then. See you at the wedding!” Says the kind kahuna, as she waves goodbye.

After another quick Charizard flight home, I jump down and land on the soil of Iki Town. I enter the house, take my shoes off and secure the rings in a safe place, before taking Feathers in his Poké Ball out of my bag and letting him back out into the world.

“We’re home, buddy.”

I take a seat on the sofa and pick up a book that I’ve recently been reading about the science behind the Ultra Wormholes, or at least, what we know so far.

(Lillie’s POV)

As I scribble down some more notes in the laboratory, a colleague of mine enters, wheeling in one of the suits. I know this woman quite well, she’s one of the best engineers that works here.

“Do you think this will work?” She asks.

“I… hope, but you can never really be certain when you’re working with these kinds of materials. I do appreciate your help, though,” I say gratefully.

“No problem. Just let me see the blueprints, and we can begin right away,”

“Sure. Here we go,”

I lay the schematics down on the desk, and the engineer gets the necessary tools out for the job.

My plan is to introduce a thin layer of U-115 into the suit, between the rubber membrane and inner padding layers. It should do the job.

(Sun’s POV)

Before long, I get a phone call from my girlfriend. Slightly worried, I answer.

“Hey Lil. Please tell me you’re okay?”

“Yep, I’m fine, thank you! We succeeded in upgrading the suits, and the idea I had in mind was successful! At least… on a molecular scale it was!” She giggles happily

I sigh in relief.

“That’s good to hear. So… what’s up right now?”

“Well, I’m about to go and test these suits out properly, so I’ll probably be home late…”

“Wait, wait… are you going into the test chamber?”

“Yeah. Please, don’t worry about me, though,” she explains with a giggle. Regardless of what she just said, worry courses through my body suddenly.

There’s no way I’m missing that.

“Uh-uhm… w-well, be careful, won’t you?” I ask nervously.

“Of course I will! I’ll be home later,” she says reassuringly.

“Okay… see you soon, Lillie. Love you,”

“Love you too. Bye!”

I hang up the call, put my phone down on the table, and prepare to head outside. I leave Feathers at home.

“I won’t be long, pal. Might even come home with Lillie,” I explain, rustling through his hair. He chirps in understanding, and I head outside again, letting Charizard out of his Poké Ball for a ride over to Aether Paradise.

I follow the usual route down to the test chamber, and head into the control room to observe the experiment with the other scientists there. Lillie is inside the test chamber, dressed in the jet black hazard suit, and she notices me through the window. I smile and wave to her, and she waves back. I speak to her through a small earpiece that I’m wearing.

“Surprise,” I whisper with a smile.

“Everybody ready?” Asks one of the scientists behind a computer. Lillie gives a thumbs up, and so we begin the experiment.

“Will you be ok in there?” I ask nervously. I trust her, but as her boyfriend, I can’t help worrying about her. “A-and you’re sure you know what you’re doing?”

“Don’t worry, Sun, I’ll be as cautious as I can,” she chirps.

It only takes a few minutes for the crystal inside to reach its optimum power outage, and Lillie has no trouble interfacing with it to begin creating an Ultra Wormhole. I can see that internal radiation levels have spiked.

“...and?” I ask, hopefully.

“Yep, the suit is holding out just fine!” She replies happily. ‘Yes!’ I mouth, punching the air in celebration. Reluctantly, Lillie pushes the crystal to an extent to which we’ve never seen before, and with a brilliant flash of light, the small crack in the room bursts into a full Ultra Wormhole. There is celebration among the scientists here, and I sit down with a smile on my face, relaxing a little.

Well done, Lillie.

“Oh?” Says the scientist who’s still monitoring the computer data.

“What is it?” I ask.

“Uhhh… something’s… coming through,” he whispers. My face crosses an expression of fear again. “From their side,”

“Crap…” I whisper. I turn around and jog towards the airlock, soon breaking into a sprint.

I rush into a suit and place a helmet on, and wait for the door to open. I suddenly hear a cry of panic, iconically Lillie’s, and leap through the door before it has even fully opened. Just as I feared. Lillie is pressed up against a wall, trapped in the same room as a Buzzwole, UB Absorption.


She turns and sees me, a look of relief in her eyes. “We need to get it back through the wormhole!” I yell. She nods, dashing over to me. For a moment, the creature stands in fear, looking around at the chaos.

“I’ve got an idea, stay here,” I explain. I slowly approach the Ultra Beast, and it stares at me in fear. Suddenly, with no prior warning whatsoever, it launches itself at me, and I only barely dodge it. It continues to throw random punches at me, but I keep backing up towards the Wormhole to lure it in. My heart is beating fast. The Beast and I stare at eachother, neither of us making a move, until it suddenly decides to throw itself forwards as I’d hoped. I evade it, and it leaps through the wormhole - but grabs hold of me at the last second and takes me with it. I grunt in pain and throw my arm out in hope as I’m tackled into the wormhole, Lillie catching hold of my hand at the last second.

“I’ve got you!” She smiles, pulling me back as hard as she can. Now this is an interesting experience… my body is split between two worlds, my arms and upper half in our world, my legs being yanked by a Buzzwole in a mysterious, jungle-type world…

Lillie’s feet begin to skid on the floor, the Buzzwole obviously stronger than her. She pulls me with all of her strength, but neither of us are actually getting anywhere.

“Wh-what should we do, shut it down?” Asks a panicking scientist.

“Yeah, And decimate my torso from my legs in doing so, good idea…” I mutter.

“No, I can’t… hold on much longer,” Lillie groans, her strength beginning to dwindle. I breathe heavily and look back at the beast in it’s own world, deciding that there’s only one thing I can do. I thrash my right leg about, managing to kick it hard in the face, causing it to let go of me. With that, I’m thrown forwards, landing on top of Lillie. She doesn’t mind though, and wraps her arms around me as the wormhole closes behind is, both of us breathing intensely.

There is a few cheers from the scientists in the control room, followed by a round of applause for this scientific revelation. I smile.

“Hey, Lillie…” I say.

“Yes, Sun?”

My visor tells me that radiation levels have reduced to minimum safe levels, so I take my helmet off.

“The suits work.”

She giggles, and rests her head against my chest.

“That was… wow,” she says, breathing at a steady pace again. She takes her helmet off too, her attractive blonde ponytail flopping down against the floor. She closes her eyes and regains her composure. That was definitely a shock.

“But you did it, you little genius,” I chuckle, squeezing her in a tight hug.

“Well, not on my own. The engineering team really helped me out on this project. And as per usual, you were the knight in shining armour who came to rescue me when that Ultra Beast turned up,” she giggles, running her hands down the black chestplate of my suit.

“You know I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I say quietly, taking the opportunity to flash my white teeth. I take a deep breath, and stand up, getting off of her lap and helping her up to the ground. The professors upstairs are deep in conversation about the project, and the readings from the suits are ready to be analysed. Lillie takes my hand, and we head back to the airlock to unequip our hazard suits.

After changing back into our lab coats, we head back to to the main elevator, both of us exhausted. It’s about 5pm, and I’d say it’s time we call it a day. Lillie and I step onto the elevator and I press the button to take us up.

“We really are playing with the devils toys, aren’t we?” Lillie sighs suddenly.

“With the Ultra Wormholes?”

“Yeah. Every passing day we discover new things about Ultra Space and it’s inhabitants, who knows what might happen next.” She replies.

There is a slight pause.

“Well… have you ever heard the saying, ‘those who play with the devil’s toys will be brought by degrees to wield his sword’?” I ask. She smiles.

“I guess that’s true…”

“Understanding won’t ever come without risk. Sometimes we have to do the things we do because they will improve our ways of life. That’s what science really is for.”

I call Charizard out from his Poké Ball at the outside area of Aether Paradise, and we glide back home to Iki Town. We’re mostly carried by the strong winds, actually. Before we know it, we land and climb off, wearily pushing through into the house.

“Hey Feathers,” I call. Feathers chirps back from the living room, happy that we’re back. I take a seat on the sofa, and I’m soon joined by Lillie.

“So, what have you been up to today?” She asks, getting comfortable and nuzzling into me.

“I uhhh… I went over to Konikoni City. Ran into Guzma, did a bit of shopping… not much, really,” I explain as innocently as I can.

“Oh, that sounds nice,” she replies.

I close my eyes, resting my head on the sofa. She giggles.

“Well, you must be tired. Anything you want for dinner?” She asks.

“All up to you.”

(???’s POV)

“You are worthy, my child,” Giratina suddenly says, no emotion whatsoever in it’s voice. Slowly, I open my eyes. I have been practising a style of meditation for around 36 hours, doing nothing else but breathing in the same, rhythmic fashion. I get up to my feet.

“Thank you, Ruler of Antimatter. What are my instructions?”

“Your instructions… are to eliminate humanity, as you wished. There are a great many species in existence that require extinction, but humankind is the most… threatening,” Giratina groans.

“With their technology?” I ask.

“Indeed. The infinite realities that exist risk being brought together, thanks to the humans and their partners. This cannot happen. Imbalance and imperfection will plague the multiverse, and it will bring about a catastrophe that even we won’t be able to fix. So rise, my child. I gift you with the power of antimatter, the ability to bend the rules of physics to your will. Use this power wisely, and never allow it to overpower you.”

I stare strangely at the glow that suddenly begins to surround me… I hear a million voices in my mind, each one gradually getting louder and louder. My body shakes, my teeth clench together in my skull… until it all stops in the frame of a millisecond. I rise to my feet, taking a deep breath and opening my eyes - eyes which are now jet black. I am no longer a human. I am a God now.


It’s been, like, over a month since we’ve updated this, aaaaah it feels bad man ;_;

But yeah, like we keep saying, god DAMN school is not letting us do much at the moment, so getting time to write is way too difficult.

Damn, it’s also been a while since we’ve put a little question at the end of the chapter, so I guess I’ll put one here now XD:

Rotom Powers. What do you think about them, and how often do you use them?

Uhhhmmm, *searches mind for things we wanted to talk about*

Yeah, I think that’s about it XD

Again, sorry for dis crap upload schedule, but we are trying as best as we can XD

Thanks veeeery much for reading, we hope you’re enjoying the story thus far. Don’t forget that we’re here to DM at any time if you have questions or aaaanything at all, and of course, we hope to see you in the next chapter!

~ Wanderer and Golf

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