Chapter 4 - Reporting For Duty

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All around me is darkness. I can barely see the strange, glittering crystals that surround me in this odd world, but nothing else. I am alone. I am scared. I listen to the eerie sounds of the Ultra Beasts that surround me. Slowly creeping forwards, I see her ahead - mother. The one who always took care of me, who helped me up when I fell down... but her mind was twisted after all that happened. Fused with a creature from another universe, she approaches me with a wicked smile on her face, ready to kill... but wait, there's... something wrong with this memory. Where is...
With a gasp, I wake up. Sun lays besides me, still asleep. He was the one missing in that memory. He was the one who saved me from Ultra Space, he was the one who saved me from the Aether Foundation, he was the one who saved Nebby... he's saved me more times than I can remember. I refocus my breathing and put my hand against my forehead.
"Morning Lillie, are you okay?" Sun asks suddenly.
"Oh! Umm... I... I just had a nightmare about my mother, when she was possessed in Ultra Space," I whisper.
"Hey, everything's okay now, right? You're mother is safe at Aether Paradise with your brother, she's fully recovered, and you're here with me," He says smoothly to help reassure me. I sigh and smile.
"You're right," I say with a smile. I lay back down in bed beside Sun, nuzzling into his side.
"So, what do you want to do today?" He asks, his voice full of excitement as usual.
"Hmmm," I consider. I climb up onto his lap as he lays in bed, straddling him, which he likes.
"Well, we should go to Po Town first. Remember, Plumeria asked us to go there?" I continue, bouncing gently on his lap.
"Oh, yeah. I guess that means I can show you my Team Skull form!" He laughs, gently rubbing my sides. I smile and lean forward whilst sat on his lap. Sun moves his hands up from my sides and rests them on my shoulders, before we embrace in a long kiss.

When we're finished, I climb off of Sun carefully and find my clothes to put on today. My body is tingling in a good way, from the way Sun and I held eachother. Sun gets up too, putting on his usual clothes quickly, and packing his backpack with other things. I decide to dress in my Z-powered form today.
"Is it okay if I go have a shower quickly?" I ask.
"Yeah, sure. I'll be waiting in the kitchen," he replies with a smile. With that, I flash him a smile, pick up my clothes, and head to the washroom for a shower.

Sun's Mom seems to still be asleep, so I try to shower as quietly as possible. After washing myself, I dry myself with a towel and put on my clothes over my bare skin. Carefully tying my hair up into a ponytail, I hang up the towel that I used and I enter the kitchen, to find Sun who is already making breakfast.
"Wow, you look great!" He smiles.
"Heehee, thank you!" I chirp. Just a moment later, Sun's Mother walks in.
"Alola, Mom!" Sun chirps.
"Morning, you two! Did you sleep well? I hope you weren't up to late doing anything too silly..." Mom grins.
"No, no! Of course not!" Sun laughs, blushing. I giggle too, burying my face into Sun's shoulder.

As we eat breakfast, Sun's mother asks me all about my experiences in the Kanto region, and I'm happy to talk about them. The food we eat is really nice, as it turns out, Sun is really good at making food! The Alolan sunshine beams through the window, warming
the three of us as we listen to the Pikipek's chirp happily outside. When we're finally finished, I thank Sun for the breakfast and we head outside, after saying goodbye to Mom.
"So, where should we go first?" I ask, as we close the door behind us.
"I guess Po Town can wait for a while... I was thinking maybe we could go to Melemele meadows to train Pokémon. You don't have to battle, we can just go for a nice walk, just the two of us," Sun suggests.
"That sounds nice, great idea!" I reply happily. After mounting up onto Tauros, it's a short ride to Melemele meadows. I'm getting used to riding Pokemon now, and the sea looks amazing as we travel!
As we approach the meadows, I can't help but remember the time Nebby got himself lost here. Again, it was thanks to Sun that he remained safe. We dismount from Tauros, landing on the grass. I hold Sun's hand as we stroll along the path.
"It's very quiet... looks like it's just the two of us," I whisper, looking around.
"There may not be many people, but watch out for wild Pokemon," Sun chuckles. I see something move in a bush, and I approach it slowly. As I move my hand to search the bush, a wild Oricorio jumps out at me!
"Aha! Just like that! You need help there, Lil?" Asks Sun quickly, reaching for a Poke Ball just in case. I get to my feet, staring the Oricorio in the eyes.
"I-I'm going to catch it!" I say as confidently as I can, before sending out Rockruff. Sun smiles, sitting down on the grass cooly to watch the battle.
"Rockruff, use tackle!" I command. Rockruff does so, dealing damage to the Oricorio. The fluffy yellow Pokemon is still standing, but is too weak to retaliate with an attack.
"Do you have a Poke Ball?" Sun asks.
"Um... oh yes! I remembered to buy some yesterday!" I remember, taking one out of my bag. Aiming carefully, I throw it at the Oricorio, and with a flash of light, the creature is changed from physical matter to energy, being encapsulated within the Poke Ball. But it still has a chance to escape...
After the ball rocks a little on the ground, the Oricorio manages to break out!
"Whoa!" I exclaim, jumping back with shock.
"That happens! Try another one!" Encourages Sun. I nod. Focusing, I throw another Poke Ball. With little energy left, the little Oricorio is easily caught.
"Yes!" I exclaim joyfully. Sun jumps to his feet, dashing over to me with a smile on his face. "I did it!" I giggle, throwing my arms around his body and giving him a tight squeeze.
"Well done, Lillie! Now you have a full team of six Pokémon!" Says Sun. "Now, how about that training?" He smiles. I smile too, sending out my Pokemon alongside his.

After playing with my new Pokémon, and battling casually against Sun, he summons Charizard.
"Umm... wouldn't Charizard destroy the meadow?" I ask. Sun grins.
"Oh, I'm not battling with him... You're not still afraid of heights are you?" He says with a teasing smile. I stare at him, wide eyed. To be honest... I am a little scared. Okay, I'm very scared of the idea.
"Uh... w-we're g-going to ride Ch-Charizard?" I stutter, breathing quickly.
"Hey, hey it's ok," he says gently, putting his arm around me to comfort me. "Don't worry, I'll teach you! You haven't experienced Alola properly if you haven't ridden Charizard, trust me!" Sun chuckles. I calm my breathing again, snuggling into his arms comfortably.
"Okay," I reply.
"Don't worry, Lil. I've got you. I'm not going to let you get hurt, am I?" He whispers. I smile. I do trust Sun, wholeheartedly.
"I... I guess. Thank you, Sun," I giggle.
"No problem. Now, let's get going!" He says eagerly. He climbs up onto Charizard first, securing himself. " Okay, now listen carefully. Climb up onto the seat behind me, secure you're feet, and hold on to me." He explains. "You'll be fine," he reassures me. I do as he instructs, sitting comfortably behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist, pressing myself up against him.
"Like this?" I giggle.
"Yep! You can hold onto me as tightly as you want to, just don't let go," He laughs.
"Okay... where are we going?" I ask.
"Po Town. Team Skull territory. You ready?" He asks softly. I take a deep breath, and prepare myself.

With that, Charizard leaps up towards the sky, gliding through the air effortlessly. With the initial burst of speed, I flinch a little, and squeeze Sun tighter, holding onto him for dear life. As we fly, I adjust to the situation, and even begin to enjoy the views from up here in the air!
"You alright back there?" Sun laughs over the noise of the wind.
"Yes, thanks! You can see lots from up here! Just... please don't go any higher," I giggle.
"Okay, that's fine! I'm glad you're enjoying it!" He replies with a smile.

After a few minutes, Sun flies us down towards Ula'Ula island, landing perfectly in Po Town. Sun climbs off first, before helping me to dismount.
"That... was awesome!" I laugh. Sun smiles, and pulls me into a hug.
"See? I told you it would be fun!" He whispers, squeezing me gently in his arms. I giggle, before looking around.
"Huh. It doesn't look much different since last time I was here," I say. Team Skull's iconic spray paint is everywhere still, with the Team Skull logo finely printed on various walls, and even on the pavements.
"I guess this is just how they like it," Sun replies. He takes my hand, and we walk towards the large house near the edge of Po Town.

Plumeria is waiting at the door.
"Alola you two, you came early," she remarks, impressed.
"Better early than late," says Sun.
"True. Anyway, we're here for Lillie. This is your... uniform, I guess... I mean, it's not really uniform, but if you're one of us, you've gotta look like one of us, you know?" Plumeria explains.
"I understand. Thank you!" I say with a smile as the Admin passes me a package of clothing.
"No worries. Once you two are changed, come back here and I'll tell you what to do next,"
"Alright. Be back in a sec then," says Sun, taking my hand and leading me to a room where we can get changed.
Sun closes the door behind us, before I strip off the clothes I'm currently wearing and put them in my backpack. I put on these new Skull clothes, which are surprisingly comfortable. The tank top slightly exposes my belly, but it doesn't make me cold. Sun is the first to change.
"Can I look yet?" He giggles.
"Almost..." I reply, adjusting the tightly-fitting shorts. I decide to undo my ponytail for now, so my hair flows down past my shoulders.
"Okay! Finished!" I exclaim. We turn around to face eachother, and both of our jaws drop. I giggle. Sun's hair is bright white, and is styled in an attractive way. He wears black shorts along with his Team Skull tank top.
"Wow, Sun! I wouldn't recognise you with white hair!" I giggle. Admittedly, I think he looks more handsome with his usual hair, though his white hair looks awesome too!
"Yeah, it takes a while to get used to. You look great in that, you know," he says smoothly.
"Thank you! It feels kind of weird though,"
"Ah, you get used to it. Ready to head back?" He asks. I nod, and give him another cuddle, my cheek pressing up against his. After a quick kiss, we return to Plumeria.

"Okay you two, you're only mission for today is to patrol around this island for an hour or two," Plumeria says casually, as we approach her again from the corridor.
"Okay! Let's go!" I laugh excitedly, practically dragging Sun by his hand.
"Ok, ok! See ya later, boss!" Sun laughs.
We exit Po Town from the main entrance, and begin our patrol.

"This is fun!" I exclaim as Sun and I stroll along a route.
"It is! There's -" Sun begins, but he's interrupted by a sudden scream, coming from somewhere up ahead. "Looks like something interesting is actually happening on patrol," he whispers. Letting go of eachothers hands briefly, we dash ahead - only to find a young girl being threatened by two wild Scizor! The poor preschooler is backed up in a corner, the two menacing Pokemon sharpening their bladed intimidatingly.
"Oh no! Sun, we've got to help her!" I gasp, terrified for the little girls life. I send out Rockruff, Sun deploying Charizard alongside.
"Charizard, hit the left one with Fire Blast!" Orders Sun.
"Rockruff, use Rock Slide!"
After a few quick moves, we manage to defeat the Scizor. I close my eyes, and sigh with relief.
"Th- thank you!" The little girl gasps. I bend down to the Preschoolers level, smiling happily.
"No problem! That's why we're here," I reply.
"Oh! Um... here! I found this earlier, but you can have it!" Says the little girl, taking a smooth heart scale out of her pocket, and handing it to me.
"I found it on the beach earlier. Thank you again, heroes!" Giggles the preschooler, before toddling off home with pace.
"Aww, that's so sweet of her!" I giggle, looking up into Sun's cute, adventurous eyes. Suddenly, an idea pops into my mind.
"Oh, hey, I have an idea..."
"Oh?" Sun replies, intrigued. I precisely break the heart scale in half, placing one half into my pocket, and offering the other out to Sun, with a sheepish smile.
"Oh! Thank you, Lillie! That's such an awesome idea! I'll never let this go," Sun smiles, gratefully, before giving me a warm cuddle. I giggle and cuddle back, planting a kiss onto his handsome cheek.
"That was a little tense, and the sun is particularly hot today. Do you want to sit down for a minute?" He whispers, squeezing me gently. I smile and nod, so we sit in the shade of a tree, me sitting on Sun's lap. Nobody else is here, so I allow myself to do so.
"Sun?" I whisper, breaking the silence.
"Hm? What's up, Lil?"
"Thank you so much for helping me save that little girl back there, I don't know if I would have been able to do that myself..."
"No problem, that is what Team Skull do these days, after all."
Silence again begins to grow, Sun holding me softly as I sit comfortably up on his lap. There's something I want him to know.
"Sun, I'm so glad that I met you that day... everything we've been through, I don't know where I'd be without you..." I say, struggling for words. He runs his hand gently through my soft hair, smiling and putting a finger against my lips.
"And I don't know where I'd be without you, Lillie," Sun says huskily. He offers his lips for a kiss, which I gladly accept.

After a little while, he stands up, picking me up from his lap and holding me in his arms. Our lips finally depart as he gently places me back on the ground.
"We should get going again. Plumeria would kill me if she saw us making out like that while on patrol," Sun laughs. I laugh too, imagining Plumeria's reaction. We stand up, the boiling Alolan sunshine immediately striking at us.
"How confident are you with Charizard?" Sun asks with a grin.
"I'm... getting better with flying," I say slowly. With that, Sun summons Charizard, and we saddle up. Obviously, that was all he needed to hear.
"Okay. This way, we can patrol the sky and you can get more used to flying!" He points out.

Later, as we fly, I look down at the Alola region beneath my feet. It's such an amazing view!
"Why did I ever leave Alola?" I giggle.
"I wonder the same thing all the time," Sun laughs over the sound of the wind. "Were you bored of me or something?" He jokes, with a grin.
"Oh no, of course not! How could I get bored of you?" I whisper, smiling, and gently nuzzling into his back.
Shortly later, as Sun is about to take us back to the ground, there is a strange, low-pitched boom along with an even stranger effect, that seems to darken the skies for a few seconds.
What was that?
I grip onto Sun a little tighter, in fear.
"Ohhh, no. I think I know what that might have been," Sun mutters. We fly over to where that explosion originated.
"Rotom," Sun shouts over the intense wind.
"What'z up?"
"Can you scan this... energy, please?"
I have to peer closely, but you can just about see some glittering shards of energy hanging in the sky. Rotom analyses whatever the substance is, before turning back to us.
"Yes, thiz izz Ultra Energy. It seemz that an Ultra Wormhole tried to open here, but somehow failed..." Rotom explains. The Ultra Beasts...

I gasp, but Sun expected this.
"U - Ultra Wormhole?" I whisper, frightened. Sun sighs and nods, hugging me gently to make me feel safer.
"We should report this to the Aether Labs, right away." He says sternly, redirecting Charizard towards Aether Paradise. He looks at me sympathetically, seeing fear in my eyes.
"Hey, it's ok. Don't worry, Lil."
I nod, managing a small smile, before we shoot off in the direction of Aether Paradise.

Here it is at last, sorry about the long wait again XD

So, I'm still on holiday in Scotland, so I'm afraid to say that my upload schedule will be dodgy for the next week. Everything should be back to normal sometime soon, though.
I'd also like to apologise if my writing isn't exactly on point, a lot of this was written at like 1am XD
Anyway, I'll stop apologising about everything now, and provide a question I'm interested in seeing answers for: Would you like to see more of Ultra Space in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, or is that just me? I'm in love with the UB's, and I think it made the story incredible in Sun and Moon, so yeah XD

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as usual, however this time, I really can't predict when my next chapter will be out XD so... sometime soon, hopefully. See you there,

~ Wanderer

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