Chapter 10 - Rocket's Last Stand

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"I- I tried to stop them, but there was nothing I could do! They attacked when you were in Alola, miss Lillie!" Bill continues.
Lillie and I look at eachother in panic. She looks like she's about to cry as well. I hug her, to try and comfort her.
"It'll be okay, Lillie. You've got the Alolan champion on your side, haven't you? I've taken on Team Rocket and Team Skull before," I say reassuringly.
"Wait... Alolan Champion?! I read in the news that someone called Sun became... I didn't think... uhhh," he groans, sitting back down in his chair, holding his head in his hands. Now he really does look like he's going to faint.
"Like you said Bill, we'll have to catch up later. Come on, let's focus. We need a plan. Where did they take Lillie's mother?" I ask. Bill straightens up in his chair, with a smug smile.
"Ah, yes, plans. I've already worked up a few ideas, but they're still only ideas," he says.
"A good idea can make all the difference, Bill. Please, tell us your plans," Lillie asks, tears forming in her eyes.
"Right! So, this map here..." Bill says, pulling out a map from one of his drawers. It is covered in notes and points of interest. "So, these three areas here are recent sites of targeted Team Rocket terrorist attacks. I've noticed that a significant construction project is underway here, at Saffron city," he continues. "It is heavily guarded by Team Rocket agents, so if I had to guess, this is where they're constructing their new headquarters. Their primary base of operations," Bill concludes.
"Then that's where they've taken Lusamine," I whisper.
"But how are we going to infiltrate a base that big?" Lillie asks.
"With this!" Bill announces triumphantly, whilst carefully picking up the electronic device on the desk in front of him. He hands it to me. "I've named this device the 'Arcslinger'. As the name suggests, this non-lethal sidearm has been intricately manufactured so that it delivers a jolt of electricity strong enough to incapacitate a target in combat. It's not enough to kill, and it will have to be used at close range, unfortunately. It's battery can only support three shots, but from initial testing, I'm amazed it didn't explode when I pulled the trigger. I've been working on this all night exactly for an assault against Team Rocket HQ, so please put it to good use," he adds.
"Uhh... right, thanks!" I reply reluctantly, picking the device up in my hands. I don't see how a small stun device will help to infiltrate a base full of psychopathic villains that want to murder us, but I'm grateful for Bill's work nonetheless. "You sure all this information is correct?"
"Of course not, but that's the fun bit!" He chuckles. I crack a laugh at that statement.
"It's good enough. Lillie, stay with Bill. He'll look after you here. And if I don't come back..." I say, whilst walking through the front door. Lillie grabs my arm to stop me.
"No. I'm coming with you." She says sternly.
"Lillie, please. You don't understand, it's too dangerous, they'll..."
"I'm not letting you go. Not by yourself. Please..." she says, tearing up. "I don't want to lose you, too..."
I think for a moment, and I lose myself in her sad eyes. I take a deep breath.
"Okay, Lillie. Just... stay with me, okay?" I say, embracing her in a tight hug. She squeezes me back, letting her warm tears soak into my chest.
"Ah... you two?" Bill says, looking towards us.
"Please... stay safe. And look after eachother," he says with a friendly smile. I nod, smiling back. And with that, we head off to where Team Rocket HQ is supposedly situated.

When we arrive, Lillie and I crouch behind a bush near a building. There is a lot of construction going on ahead, and the guards are distracted for a minute. They're talking with some engineers.
"Now's our chance! Let's go!" Whispers Lillie. I nod, and we move quietly to behind a nearby wall. I assess our surroundings - there is a window that we could break through, but it would make too much noise. The main entrance to the building is guarded by some more Team Rocket grunts... ah! A ladder! It leads onto the roof of the building, but there may be another way inside up there.
"Follow me!" I whisper to Lillie. She climbs up the ladder after me. At the roof, there is an open window which leads into another room. The architecture of the building is kind of weird, but works in our favour. We climb through the window, and head down the stairway to the ground floor. There, we find an elevator.
"You know where this leads," Lillie says.
"Yeah... down," I reply solemnly. We step into the elevator, and take it down to the only available lower floor.
When the doors open, we're caught off guard. We're greeted by the sight of construction work, massive cargo containers, and a few grunts pacing around, busy with their own things.
"What are they doing down here?" I whisper. Lillie points at some signs next to a set of doors. One of the signs read: 'Research & Development', and the other is labelled: 'Living Quarters 01'. I sigh.
"Oh well, they won't be here long enough to be put to any good use," I mutter. We creep through the facility, until we reach a narrow corridor. There are plants in pots along the corridor, for decoration. And then we see a grunt in front of us. Luckily, he's facing the opposite direction, and hasn't heard us coming. I pull the Arcslinger out of my bag, and turn to Lillie.
"Cover your eyes," I whisper. With that, I punch the grunt hard in the back of the head.
"Argh!" He yells, turning to me. I punch him in the face, and then release of bolt of electricity from the arcslinger. The grunts eyes roll back in his head, and he collapses to the ground, unconscious. I hide his body behind a plant.
"Ha ha, ride the lightning, you piece of-" I whisper, but I'm interrupted by another grunt bursting through a set of doors.
"What the- ?!" He begins, but I fire another bolt of electricity at him.
"Shh- that was close," I whisper, catching my breath as his body collapses to the floor. Lillie gives me a cute smile, and we creep down another set of stairs. As we reach the bottom of these stairs, there is a single door ahead. The door is simply labelled; 'Giovanni's Office'. I stop dead in my tracks, and clench my fist just looking at the name.
"Sun? Is... something wrong?" Lillie asks.
My... my sister. Giovanni, that bastard...
I sigh. And let a tear roll down my cheek.
"Sun?!" Lillie gasps. I wipe my tears away.
"Lillie, please... I'm fine." I insist. She looks at me sympathetically, and sighs. She tries to change the subject a little.
"So... who's Giovanni?" She asks gently.
"He's the boss of this organisation." I reply flatly. I walk forwards, Lillie behind me, and enter the office.
Giovanni is sat at a desk, facing away from the door. A Persian is sat in his arms, and he's stroking it contently. Lusamine is lying down on a bed, but her arms and legs are tied to the bed. She looks to be in a lot of pain.
"Giovanni," I say, with barely suppressed anger in my voice. He swivels around on his chair, to face me and Lillie. There is a sly grin on his face.
"So you finally arrive. I've been waiting." He says. His voice is deep and serious, just as I remember it.
"Mother!" Lillie exclaims. She dashes over to Lusamine, and crouches down next to her.
"L-Lillie? And Sun!? How did you... you can't be here! It's too dangerous! Team Rocket will... uh!" She splutters in pain. She can barely speak, she's so unwell.
"I have agents all over the world. My patrols in the Alola region let me know you were coming. I wondered who this useless little girl would call upon for help," Giovanni mutters, grinning. He thinks this is all going to go his way. He's severely mistaken.
"Cut the crap, Giovanni. What do you want from us?" I say, through gritted teeth.
"Well, if you must know, I'd simply like to introduce myself with a friendly Pokemon battle, surely the Alolan champion can understand that? Just so you know, I won't lose." He says, trying to sound innocent. He sends out his first Pokémon - Rhyperior.
"Fine. Let's go, Feathers!" I send him out, and the office erupts into battle. Lillie stands behind me, watching the battle nervously. I hit Giovanni's Pokemon hard, and much to his surprise, they go down like dominoes.
"Wha- argh!" Giovanni yells, as Nebby finishes off his last Pokemon. I return my Pokemon to their Poke balls. "You fools don't understand!" He growls. "Team Rocket will rise again. We deserve the money, the power, the respect! We deserve the world! And so, we will take it. And that woman there is going to help us get it!" He yells, pointing to Lusamine. "I knew the time was right. We kidnapped the Aether President because she will give us the Aether Foundation. With their power under my control, we will be unstoppable." He finishes.
"Why... why do this?!" Lillie asks, scared.
"Because none of you matter! Only Team Rocket will rise," he says. He turns to his desk - and picks up a gun. A polished, .357 Magnum. He raises it, and points it at Lillie. She freezes, absolutely terrified.
"None of my patrols could kill you sooner unfortunately, so I have the pleasure of doing it myself," he says coldly.
"You... monster!" Lusamine whispers. Giovanni just ignores her.
"Put the gun down. I won't let you do it! Not again! NOT AFTER MOON!" I yell. He smiles, and considers.
"Well, you might just be right. Why kill this helpless girl when I could kill an Alolan champion instead?" He says, pointing the revolver at me.
"Sun! Don't!" Lillie squeaks, tears rolling down her cheeks. The world seems to freeze. I have to make a decision.

I make up my mind. I lunge at Giovanni, immediately throwing my body towards the ground. Giovanni pulls the trigger, and Lillie covers her eyes, with a scream. Miraculously, I duck under the bullet that he fires, and it flies past my shoulder, colliding harmlessly with a wall. He widens his eyes in shock, which gives me just the second that I need to hit him hard with an uppercut. His teeth collide in his mouth, and he is knocked back. However, he quickly retaliates with a punch against my cheek. I push him against his desk, and we quickly engage in a close quarters fight.
"This is for Moon!" I yell, beating him with my fists. "You killed her! You killed my sister! Now I'll kill you, you bastard!" I yell furiously into his face, getting as many hits into his face as possible. Once he stops staggering, he tries to push his hand with the gun in to my face, but I force his hand towards the ceiling. He lets off multiple shots from his revolver, but they all hit the ceiling as I divert all of my arm strength into an arm wrestle for my life.
Giovanni is strong, but I'm stronger. I pull out the Arcslinger from my pocket with my free hand, while my other hand mercilessly punches him in the jaw. The Arcslinger has got enough juice in for one more shot. He knows what I'm trying to do, and tries to force my hand away. However, I soon overpower him, and aim the Arcslinger straight at his face. With blood trickling down both of our faces, I go to pull the trigger - but he knees me in the stomach. I wince, and I'm caught off guard. Lillie, standing behind me, watches the fight in fear.
"Sun! Get your head down!" She shouts. I do so, and she throws a book that she found with all her strength at Giovanni. It hits him square in the nose, and he's knocked back for a moment - just enough time for me to press the Arcslinger against his throat.
"Goodnight," I say, before pulling the trigger. Giovanni jumps back as the electric courses through his body. He falls back, unconscious, and goes through his wooden office desk, landing in a heap on the floor. I drop the Arcslinger, which breaks upon impacting on the floor. I wipe the blood off my face with my sleeve.
"Hah... I'm.... still alive," I try to laugh, before collapsing to my knees on the ground. Lillie runs to my side, and crouches down next to me.
"Oh my God Sun, are you okay? Come on, I've got some first aid stuff in my bag..." she says, taking her bag off and searching for medical supplies. I can't help but cry. The tears flow down my face, and I rest my head against my knees. I'm not an aggressive person - in fact, I'm quite the opposite. I can't get over what I just did, even if it was against someone like Giovanni.
"Come on, it's okay, Sun," she whispers gently. She wipes my face clean with a cloth from her bag.
"How did I... I'm really sorry," I say.
"Hey, don't be sorry! You just saved our lives! My life, and my mothers! Thank you, Sun!" She says, before kissing me on my lips.
What would I do without her.
She checks the damage against my stomach, which is pretty bad. After pulling myself together, I get to my feet.
"Thank you, Lillie. I really needed that," I say. She replies with a cute smile. I step over to Lusamine, and untie the rope keeping her to the bed.
"Th-thank you, Sun. Thank you so much," Lusamine says gratefully.
"It's no problem, miss Lusamine. Let's get you out of here," I reply.
"Sun, I'm afraid my mother still isn't capable of walking on her own... would you mind?" Lillie asks. I nod, pick up Lusamine, and sling her over my shoulder, carrying her in a kind of 'fireman's lift' fashion.
We have no trouble escaping the base, except for the last part. At the final hurdle, we're spotted by a group of grunts, who soon call for backup.
"We're not far from the exit! We can make it!" Lillie pants, while she runs. She's right, and as we approach the exit, we see the most reassuring sight in the world. Police. We make it to the outside, all three of us safe and sound. The grunts are stopped by the officers, and there is an ambulance ready for Lusamine. Amongst the large group of police, we find Bill.
"Haha! I knew the plan would work! Or, at least I hoped so, and it did! Well done, you two!" Bill exclaims.
"Thanks, Bill..." I mutter, stumbling forwards.
"Oh my... are you alright?" Bill replies, stunned by the sight of me before trying to help me stand up properly.
"I'll be fine," I reply wearily.
"Yes, yes you will... oh, and the arcthrower? Where is it?"
"Hah, well... it played its part. Thanks. That thing kinda saved my life," I explain, clutching my side.
"I see. Excellent! I'm glad my efforts were not in vein," Bill nods, satisfied.
We sit down for a bit whilst the police secure Team Rocket's HQ, and Lillie tells Bill the whole story.
We watch the Team Rocket grunts get arrested and put into police vans, and then Giovanni comes in on a stretcher beside us.
"And so then Lillie saves me by thr-" I say, but suddenly, Giovanni kicks the officer next to him hard in the face. He's woken up! However, police surround him in a circle.
"You!" He yells, staring at me. He pulls a jet-black Glock 17 out from his belt, and aims it at me and Lillie.
"Seriously?" I sigh.
However, as police officers hastily go to disarm him, he simply sighs and puts it down.
"No, no. There's no point..." he mutters slowly. "My Team Rocket are - were all that mattered to me - and now we're gone." A single tear rolls down from his eye. "So this is how it ends," he says, before pushing the barrel of the gun into his mouth.
"Giovanni, don't!" I yell, but it's too late. He speaks one last word.
"Addio," he says sharply, before pulling the trigger to which Lillie covered her eyes to just in time. Everyone looks to eachother in a mixture of both shock and disgust, as the sight of blood and brains painted on the side of the ambulance makes itself apparent.

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