The Final Battle

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(Y/n) POV

Kyogre uses Ice Beam, strange why would it use a move not very effective against a fire type.

(Y/n): Charizard, dodge it!

Charizard does, but then gets hit by a Hydro Pump, I look around and see a new poke'mon I hadn't noticed earlier, a Gyarados, and it's trainer, who I recognized as Team Aqua leader, Archie.

Archie: HAHAHA! So, you're the great Alolan Champion?! You don't look so dangerous!

(Y/n): Archie, I thought you gave up your evil ways.

Archie: Not when the world still needs correction, I will usher in a new era where the world will be covered by ocean!

(Y/n): Who are you to decide what the world should be like! The world needs to remain in balance for humans and Poke'mon to live and work together in harmony! If you can't get along with everyone else then you can't force what others should think, or who should live and die!

Archie: It won't matter what you think, cause you won't be alive to tell it. Gyarados, Hydro Pump!

Both Gyarados and Kyogre use Hydro Pump, and I tell Mega Charizard to use Solarbeam which, while super effective, only matched the power. I was backed into a corner, then a Thunderbolt came from the island and hit Gyarados, I look back and Tapu Koko had appeared and took down Gyarados with one hit.

(Y/n): Thanks Tapu Koko!

Tapu Koko: KOKO!

Archie: Why you annoying punk! No matter, you will never beat Kyogre! This world will made anew atop your bones!

Archie floated away on his hover board thing, Mega Charizard narrowly dodges another Hydro Pump and I turn my attention back to Kyogre.

Lillie POV

Gladion, Hau and I are fighting our way through the Team Aqua submarine trying to get to the bridge. We finally make it and there are three Admin's there, we have to get through them to get at the control device.

Lillie: Wartortle, come out! *Wartortle appears* Use Water Gun!

Admin Shelly: Lanturn, use Hydro Pump!

The two attacks connect and Wartortle's Water Gun was overpowered and got hit.

Shelly: Lanturn, Mud Shot!

Lillie: I know you can do it Wartortle, use Rapid Spin then Skull Bash!

Wartortle deflects the Mud Shot with Rapid Spin, then dives head first towards Lanturn.

Shelly: Use Thunderbolt!

Lanturn uses Thunderbolt and hits Wartortle and knocks Wartortle away. Wartortle isn't looking good, but we can't give up now.

Lillie: Wartortle, please get up! The fate of Alola and the entire world is at stake, I need you!

Wartortle: Wartorle. *starts evolving*

Everyone, including me, look on in amazement.

Lillie: *tearing up in disbelief* It's evolving.

Wartortle finishes evolving and is now a Blastoise, I can hardly believe it but we still have a job to do.

Shelly: No matter, Lanturn, use Thunderbolt!

Lillie: Use Iron Defense!

Blastoise does so and takes little damage, and I counterattack.

Lillie: Alright Blastoise, Hydro Pump! Max power!

Shelly: Use Hydro Pump, now!

Both attacks connect, but this time, Blastoise comes out on top and overpowers Lanturn.

Lillie: Now, Skull Bash!

     Blastoise does and takes out Lanturn, sending Lanturn into it's trainer.

Lillie: Yes, way to go, Blastoise!

     I give Blastoise a hug and move to the control device to find a way to disable it.

????: Get away from that!

     I look up as a Mud Shot is sent my way and flinch away, but the hit never comes, I open my eyes and see Blastoise in front of me.

Lillie: Blastoise, are you alright?!

Blastoise: Blastoise!

     I look past Blastoise and see the leader of the gang with a Swampert.

Archie: You're a pretty brave girl to have made it this far, but I can't let you undo my plans. So, Swampert, use Hammer Arm!

Lillie: Quick, Iron Defense!

     Blastoise endures the hit by retreating into it's shell, even with it's defenses Blastoise can't take much more punishment, unless.

Lillie: Clefable, I need your help too! Use Heal Bell on Blastoise!

Clefable: Clefab! *uses Heal Bell*

     Blastoise is now healed and can keep battling.

Lillie: Now Blastoise, use Skull Bash!

     Blastoise connects and smashes Swampert into the control device and damages it a little.

Archie: Insolent brat! Swampert, use Take Down NOW!

Lillie: I believe in you, Blastoise! Use Rapid Spin to defend then Hydro Pump!

     Blastoise uses Rapid Spin and the Take Down bounces off, Blastoise then uses a close range Hydro Pump which, while not very effective, still caused major damage.

Lillie: Now Skull Bash!

     Blastoise uses Skull Bash and takes out Swampert.

Lillie: Surrender, no matter what you do good will always triumph over evil!

Archie: Don't you see, I'm trying to save the world for all water type poke'mon!

Lillie: That is not your decision to make! The world needs to stay in balance to thrive! It is not our place to say what the world should and shouldn't be!

Hau: Lycanroc, use Accelerock!

     Lycanroc knocks out Archie and we all turn our attention to the control device.

(Y/n) POV

     Mega Charizard and I are still struggling against Kyogre, we even managed two Solarbeams but they didn't manage to take it out. However, Kyogre is really tired and I decide to end this now.

(Y/n): Alright Charizard! It's time for our Z-move! Let's go! Become a raging fire and burn! *fire type Z-move pose* Inferno Overdrive!

Mega Charizard: ROAR! *uses Z-move*

     The move envelopes Kyogre in a massive explosion, when the smoke clears Kyogre is barely hanging on and reverts to it's regular form. I quickly check on it, Kyogre opens it's eyes and seems much calmer now. Mega Charizard also reverted back to it's regular form, seeing as how the battle was over.

(Y/n): Hey I didn't hurt you too bad did I? If you hang around I know someone who can heal you.

Lillie: You wouldn't happen to be talking about me would you?

     I look up and see Lillie riding a Blastoise towards me.

(Y/n): And I thought I told you to stay put.

Lillie: *smirks* Since when do you have control over me? Don't worry Kyogre, I'll fix you up.

     Lillie gives Kyogre several Oran berries and uses some recover spray on some wounds but Kyogre was mainly just exhausted. With that Kyogre felt better and went back to where it belonged. Lillie and I meet up with Officer Jenny who was arresting Team Aqua.

(Y/n): So Lillie, was that you who took out the control device?

Lillie: I couldn't have done it with Hau and Gladion, and Blastoise here.

(Y/n): So your Wartortle did evolve. That's amazing.

Blastoise: Blast! *flexs*

Lillie: Oh, you show off.

      We both laugh as we reunite with our friends and I also found my mom and made sure she was alright. The crisis was over and everyone was alright and Kyogre is returning home. We'll have to see what awaits us next time as our journey continues.

(A/N): Alright new chapter, I have been working on this for close to a year and to see what I've written in that time is amazing and I kniw the only reason I kept going was because you guys enjoy my story ideas. So, thank you for everything. I wish you all well and have a great day. PEACE OUT!!!

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