Chapter 9: We'll Bee there to the rescue

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Here you go guys, chapter 9! And we're going to find out who's Pikachu's partner! Hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks the support too!

The Next Morning...

" head..." Pikachu try getting up but fall back down.
" body won't let me get up." Pikachu try getting up again but kept on falling.
"Come, on!" Pikachu got up and started walking slowly.
"Yes, yes I'm doing it, I'm doing it, no, no, no!" Face plant on the hard floor.
"Oww!! Ahh!...ahh.....ahh...." Pikachu crawling down from the floor.
"Ahh!........ahh........ahh.........gaahhh!!!!!" Pikachu just lay there trying to find a way to get up.
"Gaaahhhhhhh!!......... Hmmmmm!......." Pikachu trying to get up again but this time next to the wall.
"Okay, Pikachu! Just do steps by steps and don't fall.
Pikachu finally got the hang of it. She walk to the other side of the room and notice Nuzleaf.
"Mornin', Pikachu! Look like another fine day. Are you feeling okay?" Ask Nuzleaf.
Pikachu nod.
"Okay! You have a good time at school today."
Pikachu leave the house to go to school. She was relief that Nuzleaf didn't remember what happen yesterday from last night. Pikachu walk through the plaza and got herself at school.
*Ding-dong-dong-ding.* *Ding-ding-dong-ding.*
"All right, children! It's time for health class."
Today's teacher was gotta be Audino and they're learning health today.
"Today we will be learning about evolving."
"What? Evolution?!" Said Shelment.
"Isn't that, like, maturing quickly?" Question Cupcake.
"What are you talking about? Don't you know what Evolution is? Evolving just means that you get bigger. I for one want to get bigger." Said Panchum.

"Well... That's one way to summit up, yes."
"What? We'll get bigger?!" Question Goomy.
"It's not only your bodies growing larger, though. It causes many other changes. Evolving does bring you closer to being an in that sense...Cupcake's assumptions are entirely off base."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Thought Deerling.
"And addition to evolving, you may-" Audino got interrupted by someone from her explanation about evolution.
"E-excuse me!"
Everyone turn around to see a worrying Roselia.
"I'm sorry, but have you seen Budew today?" Roselia ask.
"Huh? Little Budew? Here? No, I surely haven't. Isn't it still another year before Budew is due to start school?"
"Oh...what I to do? I've searched all over our neighborhood but found no sign of her." Said Roselia.
"What! You mean Budew has gone missing?" Said Goomy with shock.
"Maybe I should contact the sheriffs. I'm sorry for  interrupting your class like this." Roselia walk out of the class but fated to the ground. Audino rush over to her to see if she's okay.
"Oh, my! Are you all right, Roselia?" Question Audino with worry.
"Yes... It's just that I've been getting so dizzy lately..."
"You come with me, sweetie. I want you to rest for a bit in the school clinic." Audino walk Roselia to her hut.

"What could have happen to Budew?" Question Goomy.
"It makes you worry, doesn't it?" Said Deerling.
"Well of course you would, Deerling. You're just so kind hearted. But seems like you might be overreacting over one kid wandering off..." Said Panchum.
"How can you say that?! How could you not worry when a tiny kid like that goes missing on her own?!"
Yelled Deerling. Being mad at Panchum for being a jerk. Everyone argue and talk about the missing Budew.
"It's true that her mother at least would get worried
about it. Wait... Budew? I think Budew is the one I saw back then...." Though Pikachu having a flashback.

"Budew. Roselia's little one. Honey-making season has begun, child. Many Pokémon like Beedrill and Combee all get together to make Heap o' Honey.
However, they're on edge while making honey stay safe and steer clear till they're all done. Especially a wee child like yourself. It's best to give Nectar Meadow a wide berth at this time of year." Explain Markus.
Pikachu flashback has ended from Markus' explanation.
"Could it be that Budew went anyway? She may be after some honey!" Thought Pikachu.
Goomy notice there was something Pikachu was thinking in her own taught.
"Hm? What is it, Pikachu?" Question Goomy.
Everyone look at Pikachu.
"I think I know where Budew is?" Said Pikachu.
"What? You have an idea where Budew may have gotten to?" Question Deerling.
Pikachu nod and explain.
"I think she went to Nectar Meadow to get that honey?"
"Nectar Meadow? To get some honey?" Question Shelment.
"It is true that Honey-Making season has begun in Nectar Meadow. If she did go there, Budew maybe in real danger." Said Espurr.
"Hahahahahaha! Why are you all falling for this lair's story? Don't you remember the ridiculous tales Pikachu was spewing yesterday?" Said Panchum.
"Huh?" Though Pikachu.
"Wow, I can't believe you're falling for it again. Who would swallow that kind of lie? You're all getting tricked again!"
"Woah! That was a close one. I nearly got fooled there." Said Shelment in relief.
Everyone look at Pikachu again. Pikachu stayed in silence.
"So they won't believe a word I say. Well...if that's how it is..." Though Pikachu and started to run off out of class.
"Pikachu!!" Cupcake shout her name. Where is she going?
"Hey! What are you-?!" Said Panchum. What the heck is she doing.
"You can't just can run out in the middle of class!" Said Shelment.
"What a fool. As if any of us would follow! I can't wait to see the chewing out that Pikachu gonna get from the teachers. Hahahahahaha!" Said Panchum.
"Pikachu..." Cupcake mumble to herself.

Pikachu ran back to the plaza.
"No way I am going to let this go. If no one believes me, then I simply have to go by myself! I'm going straight to Nectar Meadow!" Though Pikachu.
She walk the right side where the gate is, getting her items. She needs this for this rescue and ready to go. But she heard someone called her name before she left to the rescue for Budew alone.
"Hold up, Pikachu!"
Pikachu turn around. It was Cupcake, that was a suspire.
*Pant pant* *pant pant* "I did it!.... I ditched class, too!" Said Cupcake.
"What?" Though Pikachu. Cupcake doesn't seem like a Pokémon who can ditched class like this.
"I'm going with you! I believe you, Pikachu!"
"Cupcake!" Though Pikachu this was the most kindness thing that a Pokémon did to her, beside Nuzleaf of course.
"Come on! Let's take on Nectar Meadow! We're going to find Budew!" They both enter and going to Nectar Meadow to save Budew.
"Oh, and... If we get the chance, let's give that Alliance thing a shot! We just learned about it yesterday, so we ought to at least give it a try." Said Cupcake as they enter Nectar Meadow.

Who is Pikachu's partner?...

It's Cupcake!

As they passed dungeons too dungeons. They enter floor nine continuing to save Budew before it's to late. Budew got herself into a dead end at Nectar Meadow.
"Ermmm...I think I might be lost. Where am I supposed to go to find honey..." Question Budew.
"Bee-beeeeeee!!!" Budew hearing a buzzing sound, where was it coming from? Two Beedrills came out and notice Budew.
"Where are you going, bee-bee? Ahh, busy-buzzy bee-bee!" Said Beedrill from the right.
"Um...I...I...was looking for some honey..." Said Budew shyly.
"What?! Are you...a honey thief? Ahhh, busy-buzzy bee-bee!" Said Beedrill from the left.
"N-no, I never..." Strutted Budew.
"Combee! To mee! Ahhh, busy-buzzy bee-bee!" Said the right side Beedrill. Three Combers came out.
"What is it? What is it? Buzzy-busy com-bee!" Question Combee.
"It's a honey thief, bee-bee! Ahhh, busy-buzzy bee-bee!" Said left side Beedrill.
*Sniff* "I'm scared..." Budew shiver in fear.
"What? This child? This one! She seems pretty young! Pretty young?! Buzzy-busy com-bee!"
"Look don't mean everything, bee-bee! You Combee are pretty ferocious despite your own cute looks, bee-bee!"
"What? What! Couldn't be! Buzzy-busy com-bee!" Question Combee.
"Wa-a-a-a-a-a-ait!" Shout Cupcake rushing in with Pikachu.
"Budew! You're all right? Thank goodness! We came to save you!" Said Cupcake.
"So you're a band of thieves, bee-bee! Ahhh, busy-buzzy bee-bee!" Said left side Beedrill.
"So she is truly is a thief! A thief, bee-bee. Buzzy-busy com-bee!"
"What?! No! We're just..." Said Cupcake. Trying to give them an explanation, but they didn't listen.
"No time for your excuses, bee-bee! Ahh, busy-buzzy bee-bee!" Said Beedrill.
"Budew! Bet behind us!" Cupcake told Budew to go behind them, so she did.
"We'll expel you thieves at once, bee-bee! Ahhh, busy-buzzy bee-bee!" They started to attack.
Everything went to a flashing white the battle has begun. Cupcake and Pikachu took two Combees down.
"Cupcake, let use an Alliance!" Said Pikachu.
Cupcake nod, they use Iron tail/Grass knot and Quick Attack to their Alliance. They took down the final Combee staying. It just them and the other two Beedrills. Beedrill attack Cupcake and sent her flying.

"AHHH!!" Cupcake fell to the ground.
"Cupcake!" Pikachu's cheeks started to spark. Beedrills gotta attack Cupcake defenseless.
"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Two Beedrills has fainted.
Pikachu master a new move Thunderbolt.
"Urgh...Ahh...Busy...bee..." Said Beedrill weak on the floor.
"Urgh...Buzzy...busy..." Also Combee.
"Judging by your looks, you seem weak. But you are...actually...quite...strong... But we must end this...quickly. We must hurry and make honey, bee-bee! We must all attack at once, bee-bee! Busy-buzzy, busy-buzzy, busy-buzzy bee!!" They we're ready to attack again.
"Halt!" A Pokémon appeared out of nowhere and stop they're little battle.
"Uwaah!!!" Question Cupcake.
"Mistress Vespiquen!" Question left side Beedrill.
"Mama!" Question Combee too.
"Beedrill, Combee! Calm yourselves! Your opponents are mere children! And they are no thieves. I hope you can forgive such a rude welcome. This happens to be our Honey-Making season... We are terribly busy during this time, and everyone's emotions tend to run hot. I'm afraid that you have come at rather a dangerous time... I do hope you understand."
"Um...Are you...?" Question Cupcake.
"I am Vespiquen. I am queen of Nectar Meadow."
"Bwuh? Th-the queen?!" Cupcake was suspire to see a real life queen talking to her.
"Hoho! Well, I maybe queen in name, but I am more a manager in function."
"Um...Your Majesty...I...I came here because I wanted to get some honey..." Said Budew shyly.
"So you are a thief?" Said Beedrill.
Pikachu block Budew so she won't get hurt.
"Calm yourself. I take it this is how you found yourselves in the fight I interrupted? What good will come of repeating your previous mistakes?"
"I...I brought my allowance and all... My mom has been looking kind of pale lately, and she's always tired. And I heard that the honey you make is really nutritious... I thought that if my mom could have some honey to eat, she'd surely get better." Explain Budew.

"So that's it... You are a very sweet and considerate child." Vespiquen gave Budew some honey.
"We do not need any of your Poke. You may have this as a gift from me."
"R-really?! Thank you so much!" Said Budew thanking her.
"Now hurry back to your home, child. I do hope your mother will recover."
Pikachu, Cupcake, and Budew left Nectar Meadow.
They save Budew and she final got that honey she needed for her mom.


"Thank goodness... Didn't you know how worried I would be? I'm so're all right..." Said Roselia in relief.
"Mom, I brought you some honey. Eat it all up and get better, ok?"
"Thank you, sweetie. But please...from now on...don't go anywhere dangerous without me." Said Roselia.
"Ok, mom." They both hug happy to see each other safe.
"Thank you both so much for what you did. Thanks to you, my child is home safe. Please take this with my thanks..." Roselia gave Pikachu a perfect apple, weather Looplet, Guiding wand, and a pure seed.
"I am so grateful that you would worry about my Budew and got to save her. are also children yourselves. Please try not to be too reckless. I'll take Budew home now..."
'Thanks, Pikachu! And you, Cupcake!" Roselia and Budew left and went to there home.
"It's really good that we found Budew before anything bad happened. In the end we skipped school to do it, but I'm still glad we went. It's gotten really dark now..." Said Cupcake.
"If I'm not too late getting home, Nuzleaf will probably chew me out... I guess I ought to start heading back..." Thought Pikachu. She gave Cupcake a nod and walk back home.
"Hey, Pikachu?" Question Cupcake.
Pikachu stop and turn around.
"That story about you having animas... Well, I believe it."
Did Cupcake said she believe Pikachu having animas. Will it was obvious, Cupcake is smart there's no Pikachu that can't control they're moves.
"Yeah, all right I've decided. Pikachu! I want you... to be my friend!"
"Huh? Isn't that a bit blunt? And why does it sound like an order?!" Question Pikachu.
"No one believes anything you have to say right now, Pikachu.
"Wow, no punches pulled there..." Pikachu just sweat drop.
"But...that's the same way they treat me... So I really understand how you feel. It gets lonely when no one ever believes in you or what you say... But if you have even one friend who'll believe you...then you'll be really happy. So as one fellow outcast that no one believe in...why don't we start by believing in each other as friends? See? Then all we have to do is get another friend, then another, and another..." They both look up at stars from the sky.

"And some day we'll have more friends than we can count! Just like those stars up there! Yeah! That's what we'll do!" Look at Pikachu.
"So, my friend. I mean...Please... Please be my friend. No, that's not quite it either...Sorry.
I really hope that we can be friends. I promise to stand by you! So let's be friends!" Cupcake want to starts all over again. She made a lot of friends but...
Pikachu was different to everyone. Like they both have a bond. A bond like they never felt.
"............Okay." Pikachu smile at Cupcake.
"Really?! You'll really be my friend?!" Question Cupcake.
Pikachu gave a nod meaning yes.
"All right! Thank you, Pikachu! From today on,we're officially friends! Oh, I know! Um, let me see... Here they are!"
Pikachu was confuse what was Cupcake looking for.
"Pikachu! I'll give you one of these!"
"Are these...scarves?" Question Pikachu to herself.
"Yeah, I have two of them. My older brother has these on when he was little. He wear these and made a friend. And that friend was his partner. So I've always held on to them... But I want to show you that I appreciate your being my friend. So I'm giving you one! Here, why don't you try putting it on?"
"What?!" Pikachu was gotta wear the scarf on her neck but forgot about the necklace she was wearing. And idea pop into her head, she put the scarf on her head like a headband.
"Oh.....? Oh-oh...? Pikachu! It totally suits you! It looks really good! Really! I'd say we both look pretty spiffy, huh! Hehehehehehe! At an rate, these scarves...will always be...the proof of our
friendshi-i-ip!!!" They shout up in the sky.
"Wow, it's gotten really late! Let's head home, Pikachu! Oh! And I'll come by your place in the morning so we can walk to school together! So see you tomorrow!"
"Bye, Cupcake! See ya tomorrow!"
They both went home and gets there rest for tomorrow.

In the deep of the ocean sea somewhere...

Dewgong wanted to show three Lanturns something. They went to the deep and most darkest place under the sea. Good things Lanturns have light to see where they're going.
As they went deeper and deeper and they were all shock.
To see Wailord.............................................................has been turned into stone! Who cause this?!.................

"................Heh!..............Soon............Very soon...............
He's returning to this world....................And they will suffer everything they did...................Hahah!..............
Dark Matter is coming..................................................."

To be continued...

Who was that?
And what's with the contaction with Dark Matter?
Comments down what you think what will happen next?!
That all bye!

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