Epilogue: New Beginnings

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*Nathan's POV*

Four years into work- not much has changed. I have made two notable discoveries:

The key method of operation here is focused around "The Hybrid Experiment," the goal to create a DNA-enhanced super-Pokemon. I am able to work with Pokemon far better than anyone else here.

Daily tasks have been nothing but a chore, while the only notion of interest was a small Pokeball left on my desk. Attached was a small letter, which I barely glazed over. It didn't seem useful to us, so I simply burned the note. However, I recorded the contents of it here for posterity's sake:



If you're reading this, my letter was actually able to reach you. You may not remember who I am, but I need to give you this- a Pokemon that will aid you in your research and the (here, the ink from the letter must have spilled over part of the words, for it is rendered unreadable) f...... of Team Rocket. If you must know, I escaped into the forest, and I'm coming back to help you.

-A friend from afar


The only word I can guess the blotched area to be is "furtherment," but I am unsure, nor do I particularly care. Who it's from, or why it's here is none of my concern. Nonetheless, inside the Pokeball is a Metagross, ready for battle. It'll make a great Pokemon, I'm sure of that. But, what can I use this for when it comes time for the Boss's next project?

-May, 24, xx

I close my notebook and lock the pages.

Nobody can ever read these, except me. If what I have here is used incorrectly, it could prove disastrous for all of us. I'll need more time to properly continue my research...

A noise from the other end of the hall interrupts my thoughts.

"Nathan, get over here!" I hear Giovanni roar from outside my room.

Hm... Boss needs to see me for something? Perhaps, this time, it'll be just what I need to find out what I'm doing here... I think to myself, leaping off my bunk and locking my room's door behind me as I leave.

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