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Welcome to the Orre Region. Like most other Regions, it's a place of beauty and majesty. But don't be fooled! There's something dark looming across the horizon. Something big... something that will cast a shadow of evil across the whole Region.

At the coast of Phenac City, a giant cargo ship known as the S. S. Libra is about to leave port, ready to head to an unknown destination for unknown reasons.

"All aboard!" Said the captain as he lifted the anchor and set sail. "Captain... are you sure it's safe to sail now?" Asked a man who walked behind the captain. He was a man in his mid to late 20swith dirty blond hair and gold eyes. He was wearing a long blue vest and black pants with matching boots.

"Don't worry Wes!" Answered the captain. "I know you're a little scared of what happened last time but there's no reason to freak out every time we set sai... what is this?!" The captain was interrupted by an alarm which began to blare.

"Sir! It's the proximity alert!" Wes said, looking at a nearby monitor. "Impossible!" Exclaimed the captain! "It's open ocean for miles!" Wes begins to mess around with the controls next to the monitor.

Wes narrowed his eyes. "The object in question is coming through the AIR!" He exclaimed. "And is approaching the ship with incredible speed!" "Any info on the size?" Asked the captain. Wes presses some buttons. "RADAR says that the object in question is at least 17 feet!" He exclaimed in shock.

"It's too big for any jet, and too small for any commercial flight..." the captain murmured. "What can it possibly be?" He wondered.

The object in question is indeed a Pokemon. It is a large Pokemon that resembles a plesiosaur and a bird. It is primarily dark purple, but it has pale silver-white undersides with slightly varying tones. It has a ridged mouth similar to a beak, although it has pointed teeth on its lower jaw. Its head has a point to the back, and its red eyes have pointed silver spikes on them. It has a long, slender neck and a smooth, streamlined body. Pale silver-blue plate-like protrusions run down the length of its back, and there are two smaller, more pointed ones on the end of its tail. It also has large wings that resemble hands.

The Pokemon in question quickly reaches the ship. Swirls of purple wind appear around the Pokemon's mouth, eventually forming a glowing purple orb. The Pokemon's eyes glow red and its body becomes surrounded by a purple vortex of wind before it fires a swirling purple beam from the orb at its mouth at the ship, encasing the ship in a purple force-field.

"What's going on?!" The captain asked, freaking out. "I don't know!" Wes responded as the ship began to tremble. The captain then rushes towards the control panel of the ship and grabs the communicator. "S.O.S!" He shouted. "THIS IS THE S. S. LIBRA WITH AN EMERGENCY S.O.S! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! I REPEAT; WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!"

While the captain was barking at the communicator, Wes slipped away to another location of the ship. He took a quick glance out of the window and recognized the purple force field that was surrounding the ship. His eyes widened in terror. "No..." he said before another tremor shook the ship.

'We need serious help!' He thought. 'And I know exactly who to call in this situation!' Wes then ran over to a nearby videophone and dialed a number on it.


We now head over to the Alola Region. A tropical archipelago of four islands and dozens of things to explore. Unlike most Regions, this Region does not have Gyms. Instead it has what are known as Trials, where a Trainer must complete a certain task before battling a powerful Pokemon.

Those who defeat all the Trials, as well as the Grand Trials of the Island Kahunas, Trainers are qualified to enter the brand new Pokemon League and compete for the title of first ever Alola League Champion.

We are now at the Battle Arena of the League Finals. One of the two competitors will become the first ever Champion of Alola. One of the Trainers is a boy with green eyes and blond hair. He is wearing a torn up black hoodie with red parts around it. On his wrist he also had a device which looks like a red watch with a stylized gold 'Z' on it.

The other Trainer is yet again, a boy. He has raven-black hair and brown eyes. He also has two lightning-bolt shaped birthmarks on his cheeks. He was wearing a black short-sleeved shirt under a blue and white jacket with a red and yellow collar. He has grey pants and black gloves with blue wristbands. He is also wearing a red and white cap with a green symbol on it.

The two League finalists are battling with some og their most powerful Pokemon. Both of them were wolf-like Pokemon, but one was bipedal and dark red while the other was a quadruped and orange.

"Let's go Lycanroc!" Exclaimed one of the Trainers. "Use Stone Edge!" He commanded. The red Lycanroc stomped one of its paws on the ground, causing pointed light blue rock pillars to appear out of the ground and rush towards its opponent.

"Oh no you don't!" The other Trainer exclaimed. "You know what to do buddy!" The boy's Lycanroc opened its mouth and created a white aura shaped like a set of teeth, which then bit down on the stone pillars, destroying them.

"Stone Edge, again!" The red Lycanroc's Trainer commanded. The red Lycanroc summoned more stone pillars, which charge towards the orange Lycanroc. "Accelerock! Go!" The other Trainer commanded.

The orange Lycanroc surrounded itself in a white aura and then rushed into the red Lycanroc at a high speed. The blond-haired Trainer grinned. "I'm afraid it's game over, Ash..." he said. "COUNTER!"

As soon as the orange Lycanroc slammed into the red Lycanroc, the latter became covered in a multicoloured aura before punching the orange one.

"LYCANROC!" The raven-haired Trainer cried out in fear. The orange Lycanroc was barely conscious, flying through the air, still close to the Pokemon who punched it. As it pushes through the pain, using every last ounce of strength and willpower it still had, it surrounded itself in the same multicolored aura before turning around and hitting the red Lycanroc with the spine on its head.

"LYCANROC NO!" The blond Trainer cried out as his Lycanroc was sent flying to the back of the Stadium, crashing into a wall... and fainting.

"Gladion's Lycanroc is unable to battle!" Exclaimed the Referee who was monitoring the Battle. "Ash's Lycanroc wins! Which means the victor, and the first ever Alola League Champion is... ASH KETCHUM FROM PALLET TOWN!"

Ash's eyes started to fill up with tears, unsure if what he was hearing was true. "We... we won...?" He asked in disbelief. Pikachu then ran over to its Trainer and rubbed against his leg. Ash tightly closed his eyes before jumping in the air while flinging fist upwards.

"WE DID IT PIKACHU! WE WON! WE FINALLY WON A LEAGUE! WE'RE CHAMPIONS BUDDY, WE DID IT!" He exclaimed, not being able to contain his excitement. Pikachu jumped up and down along with its Trainer, just as excited as him.

"Great job Ash..." Gladion said as he walked over to his Rival. "Thanks Gladion..." Ash replied as he shook Gladion's hand. "That was incredible Ash!" Exclaimed a floating red device with zig-zag arms, a screen on its "chest", blue eyes and chubby feet.

"Thanks Rotom!" Ash said to the possessed Pokedex that's hovering close to him. "According to my calculations, your mom and your friends are going to trample you down in around 3... 2... 1..." it said, just before Ash's friends from Alola arrived on the Stadium.


Ash and his friends returned to Hau'oli City in Melemele Island so that Ash can make a bunch of videophone-calls to all of his friends so he can tell them about his accomplishments. Suddenly, a different nearby videophone began to ring.

Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring! Phone call! Phone call! Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring!

"I'll get it honey!" Ash's mom said. She was a woman in her mid to late 20s with amber colored eyes and mahogany colored hair. "Kay mom! Thanks!" Ash replied haphazardly as she picks up the phone.

"Hello! Ketchum's Alola residence, this is Delia spea..." "DELIA?!" Delia was interrupted by Wes' voice yelling through the videophone and his face flashing on the screen. "WES?!" She whisper-yelled in shock. "Why are you calling me? This can put all of us in serious danger!"

"WE'RE ALREADY IN SERIOUS DANGER!" He exclaimed. "IT'S TEAM CIPHER DELIA! THEY'RE BACK!" Delia's eyes widened in fear. "No..." she murmured. Wes' image on the videophone screen begins to fill with static. "They have... ado... gi...! Snagging... ole... ip...! ELP...!" Was all Delia heard before the screen filled with static.

"Wes?! WES?!" Delia cried out to the screen but to no avail, the call had ended. "ASH!" She called out for her son. "Mom?! What's wrong?!" Ash asked worried, clearly acknowledging his mother's desperate tone of voice.

"It doesn't matter now! Pack your bags, we're leaving Alola!" She exclaimed. "What?! Why?!" Ash asked, clearly baffled. "I don't have time to explain!" She cried. "We're leaving to the Orre Region in an hour!"

"OKAY OKAY! Jeez..." Ash shrugged angered, confused and concerned. As Ash went to his room, Delia took a picture from her purse. The picture was of her, Wes, a younger Ash with a Poliwag, as well as a grown woman with a young honey-blonde girl, around Ash's age.

(I'm really bad at Photoshop okay?!)

"Wes, Grace..." Delia said, as a single tear fell down her cheek and splashed in the photo. "I don't want to get any of you involved... not again..."

A few hours later...

Ash, Pikachu, Rotom and Delia are sitting on an airplane that's headed for the Orre Region. "Okay then mom..." Ash said while petting Pikachu's tail. "Can you PLEASE tell me why we're going to Orre?" He asked with a serious tone.

Delia lowered her head. "I'm sorry for being so secretive Ash..." she said. "But I can't tell you... not now at least... trust me, you'll thank me later..." Ash pouted before turning his attention to the oval window, watching the clouds moving outside.

"Rotom? How much longer until we land?" Delia asked. "One moment please..." Rotom said before calculating the estimated landing time. "Attention all passengers..." said the pilot of the plane through the speaker system. "Dragonite Airlines flight 7425 to Phenac City of the Orre Region is about to land..."

"I would say really close..." Rotom answered. A few minutes later, the plane landed and Ash and Delia walked out. "Okay Ash, I'll try and book us reservations on the nearest motel, you can explore the area but don’t go too far!" Delia said.

Ash sighed. "Fine... come on guys..." he said before walking away. 'What am I going to do...?' Ash asked himself. 'I'm not sure if I should challenge the Gym...' Ash walked until he reached a building at the edge of town.

"Whoa! I guess we've walked for quite a while..." Ash exclaimed, a bit surprised. "I think we should go ba..." "NO! LEAVE ME!" Ash was interrupted by a man's voice calling out for help.

Ash turned to look where the voice was coming from. He saw that it was a man with brownish-orange hair, with glasses and wearing a lab coat.

"We've got entail that you've been working on a new Snag Machine!" A man said. "And you're gonna give it to us!" A woman said. Both of them are wearing attire that is similar to Team Plasma's.

"No way you Cipher scums!" The man in the lab-coat replied. "Well then, your choice... URSARING!" "LEDIAN!" The two said, throwing their Poke-Balls in the air and releasing their Pokemon.

One of the Pokemon was brown and resembled a bear. The other was a Pokemon that resembled a fighting ladybug. Both Pokemon had red glowing eyes and were surrounded by a purple and blue shadowy aura.

"What are these people doing?!" Ash whisper-yells to himself. "I don't know Ash..." Rotom replied. "Well whatever they're doing, I disapprove!" He said.

"URSARING/LEDIAN! USE..." "THUNDERBOLT!" Ash commanded, interrupting the two grunts. Pikachu fired a bolt of electricity at the ground between the two Pokemon, causing an electric current to flow towards the two, electrifying them.

"WHAT THE...?!" The two grunts exclaimed in unison. "Hey! You two!" Ash told as he stepped between the professor and the two grunts. "If you wanna hurt this guy, you're gonna have to go through me first!"

The grunts burst out laughing. "Forget it kid! You can't defeat Team Cipher!" The female grunt said. "Try me..." Ash said with a serious tone. "Okay then..." the male grunt said. "Let's see how we can defeat you... URSARING! USE SHADOW BLITZ!" He commanded.

Ursaring crosses its arms in front of its face and its body suddenly becomes engulfed in a purple and blue shadowy aura. Ursaring then puts its arms down and soars straight at Pikachu like a missile. While flying towards it, only its head can be seen, and its body becomes covered in a spiraling black-red mist. Ursaring hits Pikachu with full force and sends it flying backwards with so much force it actually tears a tree in half.

"PIKACHU!" Ash cried out, absolutely stunned by the power and ferocity of the attack. "Does not compute..." Rotom said while displaying an error message on its screen. "LEDIAN! USE SHADOW RUSH!" The female grunt commanded.

Streams of dark blue aura start to form around Ledian's body and then they grow and cover most of its body, with a black shadowy aura inside the bright purple aura as it grows. Ledian then rushes towards the tree where Pikachu is trapped under.

Suddenly, a flash of white comes from beneath the tree. Pikachu then destroys the tree trunk it was trapped under, surrounded by a white outline. Pikachu then begins the charge at Ledian so fast it appears to be leaving a transparent trail behind it.

Pikachu's Quick Attack collides head-on with Ledian's Shadow Rush, Pikachu easily throwing Ledian back, causing it to hit Ursaring. "WHAT?!" The grunts said in unison. "How is this possible?!" "Okay Pikachu, let's finish this!" Ash exclaimed. "One last Thunderbolt!" He commanded.

Pikachu's cheeks crackle with electricity and its eyes glow light blue. Pikachu then fires a multicolored bolt of electricity at the two Pokemon, creating a huge explosion.

When the dust cleared, Ledian and Ursaring both had swirly eyes and stars circling their heads. "It... it can't be..." the male grunt said. "And there's much more where that came from!" Ash exclaimed. "So get out of my sight!" "You'll be hearing from us kid! It's not over!" The woman said before returning her Ledian to its Poke-Ball and running away with the man.

"Thank you very much young man!" Said the man with the lab coat. "No problem, I hate people like this..." Ash said as he turned around to face the man and hugging his Pikachu. The man's eyes widened. "Unbelievable! You're Delia Ketchum's son aren't you?"

Ash stared at the man, confused. "How on Earth do you know my mom?" Ash asks, rightfully so. The man stands up and cleans the dust off of his lab coat. "My name is Professor Krane..." he introduced himself. "The two you just battled were from Team Cipher, and those Pokemon were Shadow Pokemon..."

"Shadow Pokemon?" Ash asked, bewildered. "I do not have data on these..." Rotom said. "Well I can update you with data on Shadow Pokemon..." Prof. Krane offered. "Thank you Professor!" Rotom said. "While I update this, let me explain..." Prof. Krane said. "Shadow Pokemon are Pokemon that their heart were artificially blocked with evil, turning them into soulless fighting machines! These Pokemon are way too strong for any Trainer!"

"That sounds horrible!" Ash exclaimed. "You can say that again... Data upload complete!" Rotom said. "Your Pikachu has been the first Pokemon to defeat a Shadow Pokemon since Team Cipher disbanded 13 years ago. I can tell you're a powerful Trainer..."

Prof. Krane then pulled out a device from his pocket and held it towards Ash with his palm open. It looked like Clemont's Battle Pulse Meter.

"What is this?" Ash asked. "This is a Snag Machine..." the Professor answered. "It's the reason Team Cipher's after me. With this, you can steal a Pokemon from a Trainer..." Ash's face became baffled. "Now listen to me! The only way you can return a Shadow Pokemon to its normal form is by a purification process. And to do that, you must catch them..."

Ash sighed before grabbing the Snag Machine. "Wait! What are you doing?" Prof. Krane asked. "Isn't it obvious?" Ash asked. "I'm taking Team Cipher down!" Prof. Krane sighed. "I don't have much of a choice do I...?" Ash shook his head. "Don't worry Professor!" Said Rotom. "Ash is the first Alola League Champion! He'll be able to handle this!"

Prof. Krane sighed before reaching out for his pocket once more and this time pulling out a Poke-Ball. "If you're going to take Team Cipher head on take this..." he said, handing Ash the Poke-Ball. "It's a very special Eevee my staff rescued from Team Cipher..." he explained. "During battle, it can learn attacks from every Pokemon type!"

Ash nodded. "Okay Professor, I'll see you around!" He said before putting the Snag Machine on his wrist and exiting the lab. Once he exited the lab, he pulled out something from the left breast pocket of his jacket. It was a white handkerchief.

He wrapped the handkerchief around his neck (like Fred Jones). 'For good luck...' Ash thought. Prof. Krane then went to a nearby videophone and dialed someone up. Surprisingly, the person on the other end of the line was Delia.

"Professor?!" Delia said, surprised by the sudden call. "It's been quite a while Delia..." he said. "You're not gonna like this, but I just met Ash..." Delia's eyes widened with shock. Her face then had a look of pure fury. "You didn't get my son involved did you?!" She growled.

"Delia, he's our only hope!" Prof. Krane growled back. "Wes is missing, and they're much stronger now! I don't think you and Grace could take them on! But he can! He defeated two Shadow Pokemon with just 3 attacks!"

Delia gasped. She then lowered her head. "Fine..." she said in a chocked tone. "But if anything happens to him... I'll come for your head!" She warned.


Somewhere on the other side of Phenac City, in an underground bunker, is another surprise. Grace is there, lying two sleeping bags on the floor. "Why are you doing this mom...?" A girl's voice asked. It was the same honey-blond girl from the photo.

"I told you Serena..." Grace said with a sad tone. "I can't back down now. You're in great danger..." Serena started to cry. "Ash can..." "It's too much for him!" Grace interrupted. Serena didn't hold anything back, and let the tears flow.

Grace sighed. "I hate this just as much as you do, believe me..." she said. "Now get some rest, our first... 'assignment' is tomorrow morning..." the two of them laid down on the sleeping back. 'Ash... if you're here... forgive me please...' Serena thought before crying herself to sleep.


Hi guys! It's me Sam Alibi (Infinityalbi10), and this is something I'm experimenting with. I really like watching walkthroughs of XD - Gale of Darkness (especially from MandJTV) and I wanted Ash to explore Orre! And Amourshipping's here... because it's what I do best. Hope you enjoy!

Also, this doesn't mean I stopped writing Chaos and Order. I can write two stories simultaneously!

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