Chapter 1

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Mother:" Y/n, it's time for bed"

Y/n:" Mom! I'm 18! I'm not a kid anymore!!"

Father:" Y/n, Listen to your Mother or else you won't get to choose your first pokemon from Professor Oak"

Y/n:" Fine Mom! UGH!"

The door to Y/n's room was slammed closed.

Y/n wasn't always a troubled kid, but when his first friend didn't come around anymore he became a bit hostile towards Pokemon.

Y/n's parents thought it be a good idea for Y/n to obtain his first. They think that, if he had another friend that was a pokemon, he wouldn't be so rough with pokemon, he's even rough with his parents Gallade and Gardevoir.

His parents Pokemon had a Ralts with each other, then kept them away from each other for unknown reasons.

Y/n:" They will think I'm sleeping... But in reality, I'm going for a midnight walk"

Y/n said to himself as he was opening the windows to his room, he felt a little tug in his pants and seen Ralts on the floor beside him.

Y/n:" What?"

Ralts:" Ralts... "

Y/n:" You don't want me to go?"

Ralts:" Ralts"

Y/n:" I'll get into trouble?"

Ralts:" Ralts Ralts"

Y/n:" I do this every night"

Ralts:" Ralts Ralts... "

Y/n:" Your gonna tell my and your parents?"

Ralts:" Ralts!"

Y/n:" Mind your business young lady"

Ralts:" Ralts... "

I climbed out of the window and closed it, I then looked back into my room and seen that Ralts was sitting on my bed.

Y/n:" what are you doing!?!"

Ralts:" Ralts... Ralts... "

Y/n:" your waiting for me to get back?"

Ralts:" Ralts!"

Y/n:" You're so weird... "

I said as I jumped down from the roof and walked through the forest trail my father has created a while ago.

Y/n:" I swear once I see that pokemon... I won't forgive it... "

I said muttering to myself, that's when I heard a cry of an Eevee, I then ran towards it cry and seen an Umbreon, a Jolteon and a Flareon were standing above it, it looked like they were gonna bad things to it.

Y/n:" Hey! Leave that poor uh... Eevee Alone!"

The three eeveelutions pokemon turned to me and growled I picked up the stones and started throwing it at them, they dodged and surrounded to me, so I did the only thing that I was good at.

I kicked the Umbreon in the face before the other two tried to tackle me, in which I punched them both in the faces.

Y/n:" Who's next!"

I turned and saw more of them, so I backed away towards the unconscious Eevee, I actually had tripped over it, the leafeon tried to bite me, but I kicked its face.

I got up and grabbed the poor female Eevee and started to run away with her in my arms, she looked pretty bad, because there was blood on her fur.

Y/n:" Your gonna be okay!"

I yelled before I made it my parent's Farmhouse and seen Gallade and Gardevoir waiting for me.

Y/n:" Oh shit... "

Gardevoir:" What are you doing outside, you know you're supposed to be in bed "

Y/n:" i-i am sorry... it's just... "

Gallade:" You're lucky your parents don't know you're out here "

The Eeveelutions jumped out of the bush before I hid behind Gardevoir and Gallade.

They jumped in front of me and started to attack the Eeveelutions, I watched as Gallade was punching everything, while Gardevoir was using her Elemental punches, and were punching the Eeveelutions that had followed me while I was carrying this Eevee.

Y/n:" Let's get you inside... Gardevoir and Gallade will take care of those pokemon... "

I said as the Eevee opened one of its eye and looked at me before falling back asleep out of exhaustion...

Y/n:" Why am I taking care of this thing... I hate pokemon... "

I said before I placed it on my bed and started to pray the blood spots with potions.

Ralts:" Ralts Ralts... "

Y/n:" It was injured I couldn't just-... Wait... Are you jealous Ralts?"

Ralts:" Ralts... "

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