Chapter 1 Being the newbie

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Chapter 1

Being the Newbie


I woke up. I was in my room- I mean ocean? Colorful water-type pokemon swam by me. There was a small cave near a corral wreath. I swam towards it and dived deep into the cave. A glowing blue orb was parshley buried in sand. I picked it up, it was about the size of a tennis ball and didn't weight much. I started to turn back and swim to the surface when a Gyrados blocked my path. It opened its monsterous jaws and swallowed me whole. It was dark inside and the only light was the orb.

I jolted up in my bed. It was just a dream. I looked at the time on my baby blue alarm clock. Five-fifty, I should probably get ready if I want to get to the Academy on time. I glanced at my Vulpix sleeping at the foot of my bed. I smiled, I remember when I got her back at my old home in Johto. It was a gift from my dad. He now has a job somewhere else. I walked over to my new bathroom. It took me like five minutes to figure out how to run the shower. It was a lot different from the one at my old house.

I let the hot water pour all over me. I started the Johto pokemon academy with high spirits. I was going to be a third year. After a week of school there my mom dropped a bombshell. We were leaving for Hoenn. My mom was excited and went on about how great the school was there. It didn't change how I felt. I would have to leave my friends and everything behind.

Mom kept giving me the 'you'll make friends' speech. I probably wouldn't, I grew up with my friends and we had been through a lot. Maybe I could visit them in the summer. I shut the water off after I bathed myself and stepped out of the shower. I shivered as the cold air blew at me once I left the hot waters of the shower. I grabbed a towel, dried myself, and went to my room. My uniform I was supposed to wear was layed out on my floor. It was pretty plain, it consisted of a blue skirt, a white button-up shirt with the Hoenn Academy badge on the left breast, and brown dress shoes.

I got dressed, combed my hair, and brushed my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror, I had long blond hair, deep blue eyes, and a small nose. I remember hearing murmurs that I was pretty from the boys at my old school. But I wasn't the hottest. Violet Nelson had that spot reserved. I headed down stairs with Vulpix at my heels. There, my mom was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper, she was still in her robe. She looked up from her newspaper and beamed at me.

"You look stunning!" She exclaimed. "It's bring me back to the years I went to the Hoenn Academy." She embraced me and handed me my bag of things I would need. I would have to live in the dorms of the academy.

"Bye, mom." I called over my shoulder.

I stepped around the packed boxes, still left from our move. I walked down the sidewalk and towards the academy. A gigantic bell tower stood next to it. It was pretty hard to miss. All I needed to do was follow the tower. Vulpix crawled up my back and unto my right shoulder. She wrapped her exquisite red tail around my neck, like a scarf. The hairs tickled me as we made our way to the academy.

We stood there marveling at the court yard of the Hoenn Pokemon Acadmey. I entered under a mighty stone arch and in the court yard was two rows of cherry trees. Benches lay beside the trees and up against the school. I heard a roar of laughter and looked over to my left. Three boys were huddled in a corner. One of the younger ones, probably a first year, had his arms stretched out and smiling. He had shaggy blond hair and green mischievous eyes. He was just barely taller than me.

Another first year, by the looks of it, seemed honest and bright. He was shuddering with laughter at this funny story, the other first year was telling. He had dark hair that almost looked like a shade of blue. Lastly, was the oldest one. He looked like and upper class man third, maybe fourth year. He was tall and had chocolate brown hair. He had built chest and a relaxing look on.

The dark haired first year nudged his shoulder and they walked into the school.

"Bree Taylor, Bree Taylor!" Someone called. I looked to front of the school. A girl that looked my age was standing with a clipboard was surveying the area for me. She had gray rimmed glasses and long black hair. She seemed to have a peppy attitude.

"Uh, that would be me." I said as I approached her.

"Oh good." She said shaking my hand. "My name is Abigail, but only my parents call me that. I'm usually referred to as Abbie. Don't worry, I already know your name, Bree Taylor.

She is a bit of a chatter box but she was really nice. Hopefully, we could be friends. I was about to ask why she was looking for me when she interrupted and talked some more.

"I am a member of the exchange student welcoming committee. I will show around today and help you get familiar with where your classrooms are." She handed me a piece of paper with a list of class periods.

Period (1: Caring for Pokemon

Period (2: Pokemon Evoloution

Period (3: Identifying Berries and survival skills

Period (4: Personal and Pokemon fitness

Lunch period/free period

Period (5: Battling

Period (6: History and Lore

Period (7: Regions and culture

Period (8: Study Hall

Period (9: Choice of class or activity, if not early dismissal

Dismissal at end of day

"We have the same schedule and were both third years, were going to be the best of friends! I just know it." Abbie was just full energy. I could see us being friends.

"I hope were close friends too." I replied high fiving her.

Then some girl sashaying her hips came right towards me. She had crimson lipstick on and lots of other beauty products on. She had a trail of other kids behind her. Oh great, another Violet Nelson. She placed her hands on her hips and spoke.

"Let's get one thing straight newbie. You will stay out of our way and know you place here. I don't care what rank you were in friggin' Johto, cause here we are at the top. And if you think different, I will crush you." She scowled with a fierce look in her eye. Behind here a tall boy with gelled hair that formed a spike in the front, smirked.

I was not backing down like a little kid.

"Gee, I've never felt so welcome. Are you part of the welcoming committe too? You seem like the friendly type with all of you lackeys back there." I said, smiling.

Behind me, Abbie kept snickering and trying not to laugh. Vulpix, still resting on my shoulders, stuck her tongue out at the 'beauty queen'.

"Whatever." She snorted.

She snapped her fingers and turned on her heel. Everyone else followed her, glaring daggers at me. I mimicked her movements behind her and Abbie bursted into a giggle fit. I know I'm so mature.

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