Chapter 14: The Truth Comes Out

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Chapter 14

The Truth Comes Out


"Houndoom, Crunch!" Houndoom pounced on Vulpix a sank its fangs into her neck. She cried out in pain. We were unprepared for this. Zero and the others were too strong.

"Laireon, Iron Head!" Preston said to his Pokemon. It's helmet like forehead glowed and knocked Houndoom off of Vulpix. Vulpix jumped right back to fight.

"Houndoom, Fire Fang." Houndoom leapt onto Laireon's neck and bit into the unprotected part of it's neck.

"Throw him off of you then use, Hyper Beam." Preston ordered. Laireon winced and slowly ducked its head to the side then threw Houndoom in the air.

"Vulpix, help out by using Fire Blast!" I yelled. Laireon and Vulpix shot their attacks at Houndoom. It came crashing to the ground and fainted. Zero returned his Pokemon and turned to the others.

"Now, you may attack."

Cress and Jase came to our side. Many Pokemon were sent out against us. Suddenly, Cress' Poochyena, Yena was twitching and thrashing about.

"Yena," he asked,"are you okay?"

Yena was surrounded by a shimmering light. It was evolving. We could see the outline of her getting bigger and changing. The light ceased and now she was a Mightyena.

"Yes, great job Yena! Now let's kick some butt!" Cress cheered.

Flygon buzzed over to Yena and smiled. They then turned to our opponents. We all looked at each other and nodded. We were outnumbered but we weren't giving up.

"Let's do this-" I was cut off by a familiar voice.

"Poliwhirl, Water Pulse!" A ring of water was shot at the other Pokemon. I spun around to see Abbie and Ryker. I was shocked. Ryker must have told her about everything. They ran to our side. I showed Ryker the orb, which I still had a sure grip on. Ryker's Umbreon was out in front of us growling.

"Umbreon, use Dark Pulse." Umbreon sent out a dark wave at the Order of Darkness. They clutched their ears and groaned. The pokemon whimpered and thrashed about. The only person who seemed unaffected was Sithis and his Alakazam. He gave me a cold look and teleported away with his Pokemon. His minions ran and jumped into the sea.

Ryker smiled,"Dark Pulse can give people nightmares." Zero was still here. He was on one knee and looked up to us.

"This isn't over." A Pokeball on his belt opened up. An Abra crawled up on his shoulders and they teleported away.

We got back to the shore and rested their. We found victory today and got an orb. Abbie came over to me and sat down.

"Sorry for keeping everything from you." I said.

"It's alright, I know you were only trying to keep me from harm." She replied.

"Yes," Ryker said,"I had to tell her because I need help and she was the only one I thought could be trusted. And she was the person I knew who had a water type." He tapped his two index together sheepishly. We all laughed. I was glad that the truth came out.


Author note: SORRY for being late and lazy on updates. I just got back from the Boundary waters. I went up their with GreninjaXY and few other friends. Anyway I'm going to be typing and updating again. So please forgive me and read on.



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