Chapter 19: Sinnoh is Cold

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Chapter 19


Sinnoh is Cold

I got up bright and early the morning of our voyage to Sinnoh. I packed everything the night before. I made sure to bring warm clothes. I rolled my wheeled suit case to the front of the school where Battle Club and spectating student were meeting.

I found Bree, Jase, and Cress near the arch that welcomed visitors.

"Hey." I greeted my friends. They replied with a chorus of sleepy greetings. Mr. Curt called us to attention to take roll call. After everyone was accounted for, we made for the buses to take us to a near by dock. We would be going to Sinnoh by boat.

I stared blankly out the window as the bus bumped us around. We speedily passed by cars and pedestrians. We arrived maybe twenty minutes later at the dock. It was a decent sized boat. It definitely wasn't the S.S. Anne. We filled up the stairs to the main deck of the boat.

He showed the girls their hallway of rooms then, showed us ours. I opened the door to my cabin. I was lucky and didn't need to share with anyone. It was a neat little room with floral curtains and wooden end tables. A queen sized bed was tucked away in a corner with a leather couch a few feet away.

I put my suit case at the foot of my bed. I crashed onto my bed and listened to sounds of the ship. The creaking as it moved, the footsteps and voices from the hallway and rooms.

I sat up on my bed and swung my legs over and stood up. I went up to the deck to see Bree sitting at a small, round table. She had a glass of some kind of juice. I pulled out a chair across from her and sat in it.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Nothing." She answered.

"Something is obviously wrong. You look more depressed than a Gloom."

"Wow, that's one way to describe your girlfriend." She took a drink from her glass.

"Tell me. I want to help. I care about you."

"It's just....I'm really stressed out. I have to worry about the tournament and we have to go get an orb. The last time we tried to get an orb, I got a gun in my face. What if they show up or they already have it? These guys are serious enough to kill teenagers to get what they want."

"I wouldn't let them hurt you. You know that. You shouldn't worry about the tournament. You're an amazing battler and you've been training for along time with Vulpix and Blue."

"Thanks." She smiled.

We talked even more and the topics ranged widely. It started to get colder which hinted we were closing in on Sinnoh.

"Land ho!" Jase and Cress ran up from the lower deck.

Everyone ran to front of the boat to see a land mass growing as we approached it. We pulled into shore. I went back to my room to retrieve my stuff. We exited the boat to get back on another freaking bus and was transported to a nearby hotel that was close to the stadium. I was given another room to myself. I wasn't hungry so I skipped lunch and slept in my room. I woke up around three o'clock. We had a meeting about how to be a good spectator and all that crap. After that, we got some supper and I hung out with my friends. I didn't see Abbie get on the ship but she must have cause she was with Bree.

We went outside and my Arcues was it cold.

"It's colder than Cubchoo snot." Cress whined.

"Yeah let's go back inside." I turned back for the doors.

We went to sleep early. We were going to need it for tomorrow.


Author note: Yeah not very exciting but there will be in the next chapter. I just wanted to say thank you all for your support. My goal by the end of this book was 1k reads and I got 1k reads and I still haven't finished the book. Also I will be uploading a cool little book called Pokemon and Beyond. It's going to have things like announcements, interviews, rants, and more so check that out when I post it.

Vote, Comment, and see ya later!

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