Chapter 4: Friday Night Stadium Lights

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Chapter 4

Friday Night Stadium Lights


Ever since I was little I've been told I was very bright. I'm the best academic student in my grade. Some teachers say I'm the best in the school. I'm sure they're exaggerating. The week went by pretty quick and before I knew it, it was Friday. I remember Preston taking Cress and I to the stadium Friday night of my first week here.

The school leaves the stadium open at all times. Kids like to come down and have battles. Sometimes it's about settling a score and other times it's just for fun. Things have been different ever since Professor Ryker told us the secret. Preston usually doesn't hang out with other third years. He hangs out with Cress and I a lot.

Then again, we are different than the others and how could they relate. They don't have a heavy burden on their shoulders. We all met over the summer at a local tournament. Preston won all his battles no sweat. I came in second while Cress came in third. We explored the building that the tournament was in before our matches came. It was fun. We kept in touch and we were excited that we would be attending the same school.

The kids who usually go to the stadium Friday night is the kids from Battle club. They like to show off. I heard a knock on my dorm door. I share a room with Cress, but he went out to go find Preston. I opened the door to find Preston and Cress waiting for me.

"One second," I said, running to get my black wind breaker.

We started down the that the dorms sat up on. We talked about last Friday battles. Cress retold the story of how his Poochyena defeat a fourth year's Duosion. We made it to the stadium and stood near the stands next to the entrance, our usually spot.

We watched a battle between a Chimchar and Staryu. The trainer with the Staryu won because of type advantage. We watched a few more battles and talked.

"Guys, I think I forgot my phone," he said, pat!ting down his cargo pants, "I gonna go get it."

He jogged out of the stadium and up the hill. Cress and I continued watching and commenting on the battles. I haven't been in a battle on Friday night. I'd rather just spectate, because sometimes it can out of hand and dangerous in Friday night battles. One Rydon's Hyper Beam almost killed some girl because its trainer was blinded by fury.

"Where's Preston?" Cress asked, it had been a good twenty minutes since he had left.

"I don't know. We should probably go looking for him," I said.

We walked up the hill and towards the dorms. The boys dorm is near the stadium and the girls dorms are closer to the school. They are separated because of, well many reasons. Mostly, privacy. We finally reached Preston's dorm house which is room was in. Outside of the dorm house was Preston battling! His Blazekin and Laireon looked tired out and beat up. No wonder, he was being ganged up on by six other people. Drew was leading the attacks. Drew hates Preston because he's better then him. Cress told me Drew was with Tracey when Bree confronted her. Drew and his ridiculous hair due.

Cress sent out Yena, "Hey crap for brains!" He shouted. Drew turned towards him looked angry, "Didn't mother ever tell you to play nice?"

Yena pounced on Drew's Machoke and sank her teeth in Machoke's neck. I reached for the Pokeball on my belt and threw it up in the air. Out came my Staravia, Star.

"Use Gust, Staravia!" I said.

Staravia flapped his wings and created a fierce wind. Drew and his thugs Pokemon were blown back. And were on top of each other in a big pile.

"Laireon, use Hyper Beam now," Preston said to his Pokemon.

Laireon charged a bright orange beam in his mouth. He opened his jaws and a powerful beam racer towards the pile of Pokemon. There was black smoke all around us. When the smoked cleared, Drew and his friends were running away.

We returned our Pokemon and Preston explained what happened. He was going to his room, when Drew and his gang members jumped him. They just attack him when he was defenseless. He didn't even have any Pokemon out. Luckily, he dodged the attacks and sent out his Pokemon. I knew Drew hated Preston, but I didn't think he would jump him with Pokemon.

"Thanks for the help, guys." Preston said, brushing himself off.

"It was out pleasure." I remarked.

We all started laughing. We started back towards the stadium. We rounded the corner of the dorms and saw Professor Ryker standing in front of us.

"Come with me. Now."

We followed him to his room in the school. He peeked his head into the hallway once we were in his classroom, to make sure no one was around.

"Before we begin, I'd like for our uninvited guest to make herself known." He said looking over my shoulder.

I spun around to see the new girl, Bree crouching behind a bookshelf. She nervously smiled.

"Uhhh, hi." She stammered.

Author note: You are probably wondering why Jase narrated this chapter. I did it because we don't know much about him and he has come into play. I am sooooo excited for this book. I hope you enjoy and if you do click the vote button and keep on reading. Updates Wednesdays and weekends. Now, don't forget to be Epic.

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