Pokemon: The Screeching Ghost Pokemon

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I look out my window. It's raining. Fitting. Today is the five year anniversary of the incident. My Pokemon sense my sadness, and as they pop out of their pokeballs, I've already soaked the pillow with my tears. Manectric, Tentacruel, Lilligant, Ninetales and Flygon all tried to cheer me up. But they all know that this is that one day where nothing can make me happy.

I cried all day long, with Tentacruel continuing to bring me water. I thank him over and over, but I still cry. Flygon tries to sing using it's wings, but I ask him to stop. Lilligant brings me flowers. I used them as some comfort, but not enough. Ninetales keeps my warm with her body heat. Manectric does tricks with Shockwave, but He's too sad to do much himself.

yes, I used to be a Pokemon Trainer, and a very good one to. I had six badges from the Delta Region, a beautiful and Diverse region. But rated as the most dangerous. I was great at contests too. My team each had their own talents. But I gave it all up. The incident shattered me into powder. Without her, I couldn't go on. I went into hiding, in the remote Crater Town. I left my family and friends. I just kept my Battle Scanner, my Badges, and my Ribbons.

My name is Daron. No last name. I won't tell you, so don't ask. I get around by selling Trainer Items I find in a nearby cave. My only friend Is the local cafe owner. He knows my past. I go there every few days. I was luck Enough to get this old cobblestone and wood house on the edge of town. Little rent works perfectly.

Eventually, I cry myself unconscious. The next day, my Flygon gets my by nudging me. I get out of bed, clean myself up, take a shower, and head for the cafe for breakfast. As you can imagine, I'm starving. I see Charles, the cafe manager.

Charles:I didn't see you yesterday. I assumed it was the anniversary.

Daron:I'm going to say yes. And you'll say I have to stop living in the past.

Charles:You know me well. I guess you just want me to drop it.

I nodded. I ordered a four egg omelet, a salad, and some berries. Some for me, and some for my Pokemon. See, I found out that there are ways to make berries stomachable for humans. It's complicated, so I wont go over it. I also leaved Charles a tip, but I don't think you could call it that. Tips don't tend to be over 200% the actual price. I had quite a bit of extra cash anyway. I walked outside for breakfast.

After eating everything, things go from normal post-tragic life to abnormal post tragic life.

???:Help! Please! Somebody help!

I turned in the direction of the scream. I first saw a girl about sixteen, my age. She had red hair, a grey jacket, a shirt that I was sure was a mix of bloodred and white (giving it the oddest shade of pink), a white pair of sweatpants, and some white running shoes. Then there was the noticeable details. Her hair was tipped with hot pink marks, and her white glove and shoes had pink hearts on them. The next were the small anime style bat wings that were part of her clothing at the wrists and neck.

I quickly saw what had caused her to scream for help. She was being chased by a Ghost Pokemon. I whipped out my Battle Scanner. I pressed some of the buttons and identified the pursuer as Dusknoir, at Level 48. I then saw a Houndoom pop out. Level 43. It then used its Flamethrower, shooting deadly flames at the girl.

Everyone was backing away. Facepalm. These chickens must not be Pokemon Trainers.


The two Pokemon charged forth. They were some of my strongest. I ordered Tentacruel to attack with Hydro Pump. That stopped Houndoom. Flygon used Dragon Breath at Dusknoir. That was lucky to paralyze it. I ordered an Iron Tail from Flygon, and finished Dusknoir with the Trapping Sand Tomb. As it fainted, It let out an ear piercing screech. I felt as my left ear bled a little.

The girl ran over to me.

???:Thanks *huff*.

Daron:Your welcome. Do you know why those Pokemon were chasing you?

???:No *huff*.

I looked behind her and saw a cloaked figure with a Murkrow-Black mask. Speaking of which, he sent out Honchkrow.

Daron:What the H*** is your problem!

Masked Man:Honchkrow! Air Slash!

The attack was aimed at the girl. Manectric jumped in the way, resisting the attack. Manectric countered with its powerful thunder. I knew this battle might get rough, so I told the girl to get behind me.


The masked man had already healed Dusknoir and Houndoom.

Masked Man:Give me the the girl.....

Daron:No. You obviously want to kill her. No one would attack a human like that as a joke.

Masked Man:Dusknoir, Houndoom, Honchkrow. Attack! Get the girl!

I was expecting a triple battle, but that wasn't going to happen. My three fighters would continue to attack, but they could only deal half the damage they were taking. They had to defend the girl from the Masked Mans Pokemon. That psychopath attacked her instead of my Pokemon.

Daron:Flygon! Draco Meteor!

The attack stirred up the dirt on the battlefield, and the smoke from the meteors provided the perfect distraction to escape.

Daron:Quick! Flygon! Get us outta here!

Flygon picked both me and the girl up. We were heading north. I looked at the girl. She was near paralyzed with fear.

Daron:Are you okay?

She just nodded her head.

Daron:By the way, My name is Daron. What's yours?

She shook her head as to wake herself up.

???:I..I..I'm not sure! I just woke up, wearing these clothes, and after wandering for a bit, I was attacked by that Masked Man.

Daron:Try to think of your name.


She bit her thumb. She was apparently frustrated. She then lit up.

???:I think it was Arxi.

That name sounded familiar, but I knew I NEVER heard it before.

We finished our flight over a forest. Flygon was still as fast as it was when it evolved. We came out on Cross path. My choices for escape were towards Graphic City, a town famed for being the capital of Delta and for its 2 Pokemon Gyms. The other was across Silver Desert. Although the desert was no problem, but beyond it was the Lonely Path, were only Trainers who beat the Elite Four were allowed. I only had six badges, so that meant certain death, especially without my strongest team member.

Daron:Flygon, turn right.

We were now headed for Graphic City. I looked at Flygon. He was far too tired to carry us all the way.

Daron:Flygon, you can land us over there.

We landed on a rocky outcropping. I looked at Arxi. She was looking very nervous. I knew what she was thinking. She had heavy amnesia, she was being hunted by someone with deadly powerful Pokemon, and the only person she could trust was some random trainer, now miles from anyone else.

Frankly, I didn't blame her.

We started walking. I reatrieved Flygon. Daron:Are You okay?


Daron:You have perfect reasons to be scared. But I need to know:Other than some psychopathic hypocrit trying to make an opposition to your fashion statement, who could be chasing you.

Arxi immedietly blushed and got real nervous, with a loud eep.

Arxi:You....think my clothes are silly?

Daron:Actually, I like it. Besides, people over other Regions make some pretty tacky fashoin statements. Your clothes at least make you look like you fit in.

She calmed down. She seemed not to mind her clothes now.

Arxi:What a relief.

I knew we had to keep moving. Crater Town didn't have a Gym Leader, but Graphic City had 2. There weren't the toughest, but they had to do. A Gym Leader was supposed to deal with murderous psychopaths.

I just HAD to think that.

The trees ahead of us were uprooted and blown like missles in every direction. I instinctivly grabbed Ninetales and Lilligant's pokeballs (they had not taken any damage yet). And looked up. I saw the Masked Man and a Marowak and riding on a Jellicant. I started seeing a theme with his Pokemon. They all had something to to with death.

Masked Man:Marowak! Get the girl. Bone Club!

Arxi:What do you want with me?!

I wasn't going to risk waiting for the answer.

Daron:GO! Lilligant! GO Ninetales!

The to pokemon popped from their pokeballs. They wasted no time protecting me and Arxi. Marowak was knocked away by Lilligant's Energy Ball.

Ninetail was about to fire a Shadow Ball at the Masked Man but I stopped her.

Daron:No Ninetales! You'll kill that man if you knock out Jellicent! Masked Man:Jellicant! Hydro Pump!


Daron:LILLIGANT! Quiver Dance and Energy Ball! NOW

Lilligant Did waht she was told and the force of Energy Ball was enough to stop Hydro Pump.

I didn't want to kill that man. I didn't want anyone to die after the incident. This was a very bad situation. It then got worse when Jellicent went charging at Arxi. I waited not a second more than when Jellicent was close to the Ground.


Shadow Ball went right into the Masked Man's Jellicent. It fainted, going to the ground, giving off an ear trolling scream. But even when down a pokemon, the Masked Man was persistant.

Masked Man:Marowak! Bonemerang!

I looked around to see Arxi about to be impaled by Marowak's Bonemerang. However, Lilligant had some pretty quick thinking. She used her speed boost from Quiver Dance to block the attack.

Daron:Mega Drain!

Lilligant drained Marowak's strength, knocking it out.

I grabbed Arxi's hand.

Daron:Let's GO!

The Masked man retreived his Pokemon.


Daron:Ninetales! Destroy the switches!

Ninetales jumped right at the Masked Man, and quickly crushed the switches on the assailants six Pokeballs. YES! Now he couldn't call out his Pokemon. This was a forbiddon tactic in trainer battles world wide, minus life and death situations.

Considering that he was most likely being hunted by the police, and the switches could only be repaired at a Pokemon Center or through special devices, this would buy us a lot of time!

After running for what seemed like two miles, we reached an area with little undergrowth, but we couldn't be spotted from above.

Daron:It's safe here to rest.

Arxi:*pant* Good... *pant*.

Arxi sat down. I noticed something while we were running that I kept to my self. It seemed that she...had trouble walking, like she wasn't used to it. It seemed not to be an issue though, so I decided to keep it to myself.

Daron:Everyone! Come on out!

I called out everyone. If this guy wasn't going to give up, I needed to heal my team. I pulled out my many Sitrus and Leppa Berries. While my team munched away, I collected some logs and had Ninetales set them ablaze to create a cooking fire. I decided to cook some berries so me and Arxi could eat them.

Arxi:Hey what's that?

She pointed to one of my 4 spiky Tamato Berries. That made a really nice broth when you boiled it for 20 minutes with a Cheri Berry. I wouldn't dare to eat one whole. Way too spicy.

Daron:That's a Tamato Berry.

Arxi:It looks tasty.

Daron:It'll set your mouth on fire, but try it if your brave enough.

She, to my surprise, ate the Berry. I didn't think it was humanly possible, but she seemed to like it.


Arxi:Ya. It tasted nice.

Must have a high tolerance for spicy food. I noticed my Pokemon also seemed to like her. She must be really fond of Pokemon. I even asked her if she was.

Arxi:I'm not sure, they just seem to like me. So, are you a Pokemon Trainer?

Daron:Once. About five years ago. But I gave up after an accident.

It seemed Arxi knew it would be hard for me to discuss, so she dropped it. I did however tell Arxi about my Pokemon, and the story of how I got them. Manectric was my first caught, back when he was an Electrike. I caught Lilligant in Pyrite Forest. Flygon was captured at the Silver Desert. Ninetales was found in the Obsidian Mountains, and Tentacruel was found in a lake.

Later, I finished the soup. I served most to Arxi,and what was left to me. I wasn't too hungry after breakfast.

Arxi:This is good!

Daron:Thanks. It took me 6 weeks to get it right.

When we finished up, We decided to walk through the Forest to Graphic City.

Daron:When we get to Graphic City, we need to get you different clothing.


Daron:With your clothes, that masked man will spot you from a mile away. We'll also need to dye your hair.

I noticed she looked very worried.

Daron:Don't worry. The dye washes out with ease.

She looked less worried.

Nothing much happened till we got to Graphic City. At that point, we had spent a day walking, and reached the city at 22:00 (10:00 PM). We got a hotel (at Trainers discount) and I gave Arxi the bed. I liked the floor anyway.

Arxi:Are you okay on the floor.

Daron:Just Peachy! I used to sleep on rocks all the time as Trainer.

She seemed to trust me enough to fall asleep right away.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

5 Years Ago

Daron:Well, time to get my first pokemon. I can't wait.

This was Daron five years ago on the First Day of his Journey. His hometown of Riverstone would give its new trainers a pokemon caught from the local cave systems. Daron had wanted to be a Trainers his whole life. This was a very exciting day.

Members of the local Trainer association was waiting for him.

Trainer:You must be Daron.

Daron:That's me.

Trainer:We have a surprise for you. Your uncle caught this Pokemon for you.

Daron:What Pokemon is it?

Daron received his starter, and together, they conquered 6 gyms, and even won some Contests. He was a great trainer, and he was a great Coordinater. But, one day.....

The Incident happened.

Nurse:I'm sorry. Your Friend is not going to make it.

The shock of the incident nearly killed him.

It is unknown who his friend was, as Daron dissapeared. He went to Crater Town, and he lost contact with his family.

Poor Daron was dreaming this.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Next Morning:

Let's see the story from Arxi's view

I think something's tickling my nose. Something smells nice. I don't wanna get up though. I should just turnover.



I felt an electric shock go through my body. It really hurt. I woke up to see Lilligant slap Manectric in the face. Ninetales came over to me and pointed a paw towards a nearby tree just out the window. I saw Daron out the window. He looked like, he was....crying? I walked over to the window.

Arxi:Are you, okay?

He got down from the tree next to me.

Daron:Yes. I see that Manectric woke you up the hard way.

Arxi:How did you kno.....

Daron:Your hair is a mess.

He handed a silver device. I saw my reflection. I most likely turned as red as the berry I ate yesterday.

Arxi:EEEEKKK! My hair is standing on its ends!

Daron:We needed to rearange your hair anyway. Lilligant!

His Lilligant handed him a strange bottle.

Arxi:What's that?

Daron:Homemade hair Dye. Take a shower. Then we'll put this on, and then get you some new clothes.

Let's skip to the part were Daron dyes my hair. Okay?

Daron put the Dye in my hair, and told me to wait twenty minutes. He left Lilligant and Tentacruel with me, and went to cook some berries at the hotel kitchen. He came back 18 minutes later with a nice looking cooked berry.

I wasn't really hungry. But I wanted to figure out who I was.

Daron:That's strange.


I was worried. It felt like two hours since he put the dye in. He gave me the thing he was using for a mirror. My hair was completely blond. I started to get all red, but then Daron pointed to the ends were my hair were still pink.

Daron:That's odd. I made sure to get the ends.

Arxi:I guess we can keep them that way.

Daron:We should get some new clothes for you. I know a place were we can find a jacket just like this. Minus the anime wings.

We walked to a store and sure enough, Daron got me a featureless Jacket and shirt the same as mine but black and grey. He then got me some featureless shoes and short skirt. Finally, he showed me that my jacket had a hood.

Daron:You'd be very surprised how these minor details can make a person look different.

Arxi:I just hope that guy who was chasing us gets caught. I hate these clothes.

Daron:Okay. Lets stop by the Pokemon Center. I need to heal my team. If this guy starts to chase us again, I'll need to be at 100%.

I wanted to find out who I was, so I need help. Daron seemed like the perfect person to help me. I didn't like these new clothes, but I knew Daron was right. Besides, If it wasn't for him, I would be dead now.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I looked at Arxi. She looked unhappy with her new clothes. I wish I could let her wear her old clothes, but until the Masked Man was caught. We were now on Flygon, and we were flying towards northern Delta.

Arxi:So, what's the plan?

Daron:I'm going to northern Delta. I think he won't find us there.

Arxi:I just want to find out who I am.

Daron:I asked around, but noone said they knew you. I eventually gave your picture to the police, and they said they would call me when they found out who you were.

Arxi:I guess that makes me feel better.


I saw a Shadow Ball nearly knock Flygon out of the sky, but we evaded with Fly.

Arxi:Will this guy ever give up?!

I saw the masked man on his Jellicent. His Dusknoir was floating next to him. I sent out Lilligant. She sat on Flygon's neck.

Daron:Flygon! Dragonbreath! Lilligant, Energy Ball!

The to attacks hit Dusknoir, and knocked it out. Again, it gave out an ear peircing shreik. I thought I was going to vomit it was so terrible sounding. I didn't want it to come to this, but I might have to knock out his Jellicent. But, that may kill him. But, If Jellicent used an Ice attack, I'd have no choice.....

Just my ****ing wonderous luck!

Masked Man:Make sure she dosen't escape! Blizzard!

I had no choice. I sent Ninetales in mid air.


Ninetales gracefully fired Shadow Ball at Jellicent, knocking it out of midair. Flygon caught Ninetails, and I retreated my firefox and Lilligant.


Jellicent gave out a shreik far worse than the ones before it. I vomited right of Flygon. It hurt so bad. I just hope he won't get up after that.

Arxi:Oh my god! Are you okay!

Daron:Don't.......Worry.............What about you. Didn't you hear the scream?

Arxi just looked scared.

Arxi:Ya but.... It didn't hurt like it hurt you.

Daron:Let's just hope that the Masked Man dosen't get up again.

I looked down. I had no choice.


Flygon's attack created a huge shockwave on the ground, causing nearby rocks and trees to collapse created a barrier around where the Masked Man had fallen. I didn't think he'd get up after that.

Flygon landed. He wasn't used to carrying four entities. I looked at Arxi. She was looking at the rubble. She knew, I knew, that this wasn't it.

Daron:Let's go. I don't want to find out that this guy is still walking the hard way.

Arxi:Okay.......I just.

We were already walking.


Arxi:I think this guy knows who I am.

Daron:That might be true. But whoever he is, I do not want to risk asking.

Arxi:Let's get to the next town.

Well, everything was okay till we got to Copper City. We got a hotel at Trainer discount. We hoped that being here would help mask our presence. But, being here in this city was a problem for me alone. Why

I was going to challenge the Gym before the incident.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Later that night. Arxi's perspective.

Daron seemed like he was having a hard time with something. He was just outside on a small balcony in the rain. Daron was just looking out at the sky. I was almost scared he'd get struck by lightning.


He turned around. He was crying. For a long time. His pokeballs weren't at his chest. I looked around quickly to see that they were on the desk.

Arxi:Daron. Please tell me what's wrong.

Daron:You don't need to know.

That was it. I wanted to know. He has enough on his hands. I brought him kilometers from his home, gotten him involved in a problem he had nothing to do with, and got him to think like a trainer, something I know he didn't want to do.

Arxi:Tell ME!


He turned away and sat on a chair, burying his face in his hands.

Daron:I don't want to drag you into the suicidal deppression I've had for five years.

I put my hand on his shoulder. He was still crying. I saw his hands start to get drenched in tears. Whatever the incident was that made him quit being a trainer, it must be tearing him apart from the inside. I had to help. I did owe him anyway.

I gave him a hug. He stopped crying and looked up at me. I had his attention. I just hoped I could convince him. I was lucky. He grabbed his pokeballs and let his team out.

Daron:All right Arxi. I'll tell you.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Daron's veiw.

How I lost her was a story only I, my team, and Charles knew. I told it to noone. It made me give up being a Trainer. It made me leave my family. I didn't want any reminders.

Daron:Sit down Arxi.

I got her a chair. She sat down. So did my team. I got a chair myself. I braced myself for my own heartwrenching story.

Daron:My first Pokemon was a gift from my uncle. She was a rare Pokemon only found late at night in the River Caves under my town. A Misdreavus in fact. I named her Meinine. We were best friends. With her help, I caught the rest of my team and six gym badges. She even helped with my Contest Appeals. We were unstoppable together. We were closer than the rest of my pokemon. She would enter my dreams. She would wake me up by biting my hair and pulling back. She evolved in Mismagius, and won my sixth badge with little effort.

My voice stopped. It was the part that haunted me every night.

Daron:We were exploring the Aerial Cave. It was a wind labyrinth, and there were pretty powerful pokemon there. I was walking through with Meinine at my side. We were walking through the howling wind when Meinine tugged my hair in one direction. She urged me to looked over there, and I saw a few figures. I saw 2 Haunters and a Dusclops.

I ordered a Shadow Ball! That took out a Haunter. The others fired Shadow Balls at me. Meinine took it. I ordered a Calm Mind and some Shadow Balls. The Shadow Balls struck down the Haunter and Chandelure. I decided to go on.

We continued to get attacked by Ghost Pokemon. I started to get worried that Meinine wouldn't be able to handle it. We moved quickly. Meinine took down over twenty Pokemon. I was starting to get worried. We should have passed the exit. I checked my Battle Scanner. The only thing was static. Now I was scared. We then heard a noise. It sounded like a malicious groan. I ordered Mismagius to use Inferno on in the direction of the noise. We heard a scream of pain, and saw what we hit was a Gengar. The flames died, and it started using Curse. Meinine was cursed. Then the Gengar shot a Shadow Ball. But it wasn't aimed at Meinine.

It was aimed at me.

Meinine, already weakened and cursed, took the Shadow Ball head on. She was knocked down, and Gengar used Destiny Bond on her. I then was scared at what this Gengar was planning. I tried retrieve her, but Gengar grabbed her and started choking her.

Gengar was going to kill her. I was about to retreive her when Gengar tried to strike me. Meinine saved my life by using Shadow Ball to knock out Gengar.

But......she fainted in the proccess.

Gengar evaporated, and I went to retrieve her, but the rocks above her collapsed on top of her. I screamed in terror, instantly calling out the rest of my team to help her. We found her. She was badly wounded. I retrieved my whole team except Flygon. I was lucky to see that the cave in caused a hole in the roof. We flew out, and to the nearest town. We rushed to the Pokemon Center. The nursed tried to heal her but.

Nurse:I'm sorry, you're friend is not going to make it

Daron:The shock nearly killed me. I fell apart. I gave up being a trainer. I left family behind. I didn't want to be around any reminders. I moved to Crater Town. I made a living selling trainer items and PokeBlock. I made it around, but every anniversary of the incident, I cried till my eyes bled.

That's the story. I have only told one other person that. Ever.

Arxi had a stunned look pn her face. She was shocked at how dark my story was. I looked over to my beloved pokemon. The were all mourning. They remembered.

Arxi:I'm so sorry.

Daron:You don't have to be. You had nothing to do with it.

The next few days were pretty calm. I got a call from the police, abd they said that the couldn't find the Masked Man, nor could they find Arxi's identity. They said that she might be from another region. I told her that I would help her until this mess blew over.

Arxi:Thanks Daron.

Daron:Don't mention it. I've actually thought of becoming a Pokemon Trainer again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Arxi's veiw

It was feeling less scared now. I thought I might be safe. But something kept me thinking. When I imagined Daron's story, I couldn't imagine Meinine for some reason. But I just dismissed it.

Daron:Arxi, I think I found something strange.

Arxi:What is it?

Daron:I've realized that when the Masked Man attacked us, he seemed to ingnore my existance entirely. He was only concered with attacking you. Nothing else.

I started thinking a hundred thoughts a second. Why would he only attack me. Why noone else?

Daron:Well, we don't need to worry now. We just have to lay low. Besides, we should get something to eat.

I realized I was hungry.

Arxi:Good Idea!

I guess we just had to lay low. This would blow over eventually. Maybe I would find out who I was. While thinking about the thoughts, I forgot about the Masked Man entirely for just an instant.

I'm such an Idiot.

A spasm of electrical energy appeared in front of us and knocked us back. I looked at it, and a bloodred portal opened up. The masked man's Dusknoir came out. Before I could scream, it grabbed me and dragged me through.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Daron's Veiw

The portal was closing.


I instinctivly jumped through. The other side was very deep inside a cave, with the only light from glowing fungi. The atmosphere was drier than expected. There was a faint howl. It felt both cold and warm at the same time. I knew what this cave was. The Aerial Cave.

It had to be here of all places. I looked over. Dusknoir was dragging her into the darkness. I sent out my whole team to help.

Daron:Energy Ball, FlameThrower, DragonBreath, Shockwave, Hydro Pump!

The Attacks hit with One Hundred Percent Accuracy, only Dusknoir and missing Arxi. I knew that they wouldn't let another friend die. There desire to keep her safe made sure they made no mistakes. Dusknoir let out the deafening screech again.

Arxi looked pale. I helped her up.


She was shaking and could barely speak. Her face seemed to drain of all color. She now looked like her skin was the type that never burned.

Dusknoir was retreived. The Masked Man walked out of the darkness. He was about to send out another Pokemon when I snapped.


My loyal Pokemon listened to my order flawlessly. Nintales and Manectric took his legs, Lilligant and Tentacruel took his arms, and Flygon positioned his tail just over his throat. they were just as angry as me. I saw Arxi from the corner of my eye. She was looking even paler. She must have been really scared by her sudden abduction.


For the very first time, the Masked Man aknowledged my existance.

Masked Man:Why? Why would you help someone who commits a crime against nature itself?

I looked at Arxi. She was deathly pale. It was almost undescrible otherwise.


Masked Man:She is a ghost who refuses to leave this world! She died and couldn't except it. She commit the ultimate evil and she found a way back to the World of Living. And for that, SHE MUST DIE!

There was a long pause. It lasted for what seemed forever. I looked over at her. She was as pale as a ghost. I could almost see through her. Her expression of fear was worse. She only said one thing.

Arxi:I'm..........A ghost?

Daron:Start Talking. Explain EVERYTHING!!

Masked Man:You don't reconize her, don't you? I brought her to die in the exact area she died the first time.

My heart stopped for ten whole seconds. If this lunatic was telling the truth, that meant that Arxi was the reincarnation of beloved Meinine......


His voice sounded like a hundered Demonic voices talking at once and echoing off the cave walls.. The Pokeball jumped from his waist, and spasmed in a glow of bloody light. I saw the the room become a purple swirling void. I ordered Ninetales to smash the switches on the Masked Man's Pokeballs. The pokeball containing Spiritomb seemed to explode with a black light as a blue Spiritomb came out. It my Pokemon and I got between the soul jar and Arxi. I didn't think it could happen, but she was getting even paler.


I readied myself. I put out Lilligant first. A barrier formed between the battlefeild and the rest of us. I looked at Spiritomb's Level through my Battle Scanner. It was level 75. That was higher than any of my pokemon.

Daron:I won't lose. Lilligant! Use Quiver Dance!

She did as I ordered. Spiritomb's body just raged around. I ordered another Quiver Dance. She did so again. i then ordered Petal Dance. She smashed into Spiritomb, but it hardly did any damage.


The attack contacted Lilligant. It just dissapeared into her. Then, she started screaming loudly. Blood appeared over her body everywhere. She fell to the ground. She was heavily injured, but still alive. I recalled her.



I sent out Ninetales. She could knock out Spiritomb.


The attack did hardly any damage again. I checked my Battle Scanner. Spiritomb had barely lost a quarter of it's health. I knew what was next.

Masked Man:SHADOW BALL!!!!!!

I watched helplessly as my Ninetales was put through searing pain. Her flawless fur was stained with her magical blood. I retrieved her.

Daron:Tentacruel! Hydro Pump!!

Tentacruel came out and launched his powerful Hydro Pump at the insane man's shining Spiritomb. It just seemed to hit the Odd Keystone base. It had taken damage for sure, but it was hardly anything.

Masked Man:SHADOW BALL!!!

Tentacruel was hit the killer Shadow Ball. His jelly like blood went over his body. I retreived him as he fainted.


The first Pokemon I ever caught. His Thunder had to hit, or I would have no chance of winning. I ordered Thunder. It was a direct hit as a blade of ferocius lightning tore into Spiritomb. It hit, but Spiritomb still had one fourth of it's health left.

Masked Man:SHADOW BALL!!!!

Poor Manectric went through the pain of having it's own electric power burst out of his body. He fell down in a pool of blood. I was essentially holding my life in my hands as I ordered Flygon into the battle.


There was a storm of brilliant blue meteors. As the smoke cleared, I could hear my heart beat. The smoke lifted. I saw Spiritomb come out of the smoke. Still standing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Arxi's veiw.

I watched as each of Daron's Pokemon fell in a desperate attaempt to save me. As the battle passed, I watched as I became paler and paler. Now Flygon was about to faint.

Masked Man:SHADOW BALL!!

As Flygon spazzed in bursts of pain and blood, I started to cry. Daron's pokemon were suffering all because they tried to save my life. Now Daron and I were going to die. This was all my fault.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Daron's Veiw.

I knew what was coming next.


I remembered everything I did with Meinine. All the times we had together. Wins, getting Badges, thinking about challenging the Elite Four. They all died when Meinine died. If Arxi really was a reincarnation of Meinine, I had to do what she did for me for.

I blocked the Shadow Ball with my own body.



I was losing conciousness fast. I had to say this.

Daron:Arxi. Listen. I did this as thank you for saving my life so long ago. If you truly are the reincarnation of Meinine., I have to say thank you. For everthing.

Arxi was crying over my body. I just wanted her to know she was so meaningful to me. I looked at her again. Her ghostly-white skin was turning a deep purple, with her hair getting longer turning the same color. Only the pink ends remained. A hat of the same deep purple materialized on her head.

Everything went fuzzy at that second. Only one thing came to mind:


I blacked out.




A booming voice came to me. It was like the masked man, but calmer, and actually made me feel safe.

Voice:You, Daron, are a noble person. You helped someone you didn't know, putting your own life in danger. You have a gleaming gold heart, and a shining silver soul.

Daron:Tell me. Why did all this happen?

Voice:Arxi lost her memory and her form was corrupted upon coming to this world. She subconsiously came to you thinking you could help her. The Masked Man was sent to bring her back to the afterlife.

Daron:What now. Am I dead?

Voice:No. At the last second, Arxi turned back into Meinine and defeated Spiritomb.

Daron:Is there anything now?

Voice:Yes. You will return to the world of living. So will Arxi. But, she will remain a human forever. She will be free to live the rest of her life. Do you wish to return?

Daron:I want to know first. Why did Meinine want to return to me so badly.

Voice:Simple. She knew that her absense so greatly pained you. She knew you would fall apart without her. But there an emotion of love. This is hardly seen at all now. It no longer existed after a time so long ago, were humans and Pokemon lived a reletionship so perfect and harmonius. That is why I have to decided to let you both live.

Do not take life for granted, and live it to the fullest. Remember to help Arxi with her new life. You noticed she had trouble walking. You know that she has nowhere to turn to but you.

Remember. Life is not forever. Life should be about helping others.

And with that, I returned to the world of the Living. It was raining. I looked around. I was in a forest with Arxi looking at me from a nearby tree. She came over to me slowly. She was in her old clothes and still crying, although silently.

Daron:Don't cry. I'm okay.

I got up.

Arxi:I.....*sob* Can't. Even though I know who I am, I have nothing to turn to, and I almost got you killed.

I put my hand on her shoulder.

Daron:You have me to turn to. You came for me from the start. I would have helped you. You will always have me.

She stopped crying, got up, and gave me a hug.

Arxi:Thank you.

Daron:With help, you could even become a pokemon trainer.

Arxi:Really. You think I can do it?

Daron:Anyone can. I'll even help you catch your first Pokemon.

As a thank you, she bit my hair and pulled, the same way she did as Meinine.


I helped Arxi with her new life. She caught her first Pokemon and started collecting badges. We became really good friends over time. I became a trainer again, and managed to get to the Pokemon League. I lost to the last member of the elite four, but I didn't mind.

Besides. I'm finally free of the depression thats plagued me for five years. I finally have a friend to fill the hole in my heart.

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