Chapter 15: School activity

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It is off day today. What I mean here is that I am writing it but it will hardly focus on battle. I think we had enough thrill for four long chapters and rounds too.

I am gonna let this be a normal well in relative to Pokemon world day . Well ! That is it. So let's get started.

Some relevant information:-
Misty gone.
Paul returned.
More screen time or read time for Lillie , Serena , Dawn from this point.
Ash' s Pokemon:-
And if he catches more than 6.  Trainers can only carry six Pokemon at a time. Others are sent to Professor from which they took pokédex. They can switch Pokemon at Pokemon center generally.

Now let's start.
"Good morning class. Today we are going to hold different competitive skill training programmes for your Pokemon and trainers too." Professor said as all nodded.

All followed him to the ground.

"Now before we start . There are very simple rules. You are allowed to use only one Pokemon for whole day . So you must chose it and stick with it . You can't use anything other than Pokemon and your skill to go through this. " Professor began.

"It is so hard. Who do I choose?" Ash wondered looking at Pikachu , Eevee , dragonair and Zorua who were all playing around .

"Something on your mind , Ash ?" Lillie said coming near him.

"Just having a hard time figuring out who to choose?" Ash sighed.

"Hey! Don't worry about it . But if I may offer my suggestion. How about going with Eevee?" She suggested.

"You know what. I am just gonna go with that. " Ash smiled and returned dragonair and Zorua back to pokeball.

"Alright! Eevee, today we are gonna spend the day together. So the shoulder is for you ." Ash said as Eevee climbed up happily.

"I will see you after activity is over , Pikachu." Ash told Pikachu as it nodded "pika".

There was only one short activity to be done. That was a relief for Ash . After that , he was pretty sure that he would quickly battle two remaining brains and get out of here. This school was kind of feeling like prison now.

(Me too. Can't wait to start journey. Really thin on plotlines - Writer sighs)

"So what are we supposed to do?" Ash sighed.

"It is simple. We are gonna work on speed today. So everyone take out your Pokemon for a Pokemon race ." Professor chuckled.

"Eevee! Just give it your best shot . Ok!" Ash told her and it nodded.

Race participants:-
Sawk by Stephan
Dwebble by Cilan
Miccino by Bianca
Fennekin by Serena
Piplup by Dawn
Eevee by Ash

(Paul refused to participate in race stating that it is pathetic and he would rather train to beat another brain .)

"Start" A shrill voice causing a disturbance in the vaccum of environment marked the start of race as all Pokemon ran as fast as they could while trainer saw them through the screen .

Eevee was in lead followed by Miccino and fennekin.

"I am not losing without a fight, Ash . Fennekin ! tackle Eevee out of the way ." Serena said.

"Oh ! We won't budge either. Eevee ! Dodge it and use quick attack ." Ash shouted as Eevee jumped leading fennekin to collide with rock and increased its speed.

It looked like Eevee was gonna win but all of sudden , Sawk came running with incredible speed.

"It was our plan to give you headstart so that we can gain eventually." Stephen grinned.

"Nice ! Eevee ! Use shadow ball on ground to life yourselves up and then use quick attack." Ash said as Eevee lifted itself in air rushing with full speed giving Sawk run for its money.

"And the winner is Sawk ." Professor announced as Sawk reached the finishing line. Eevee hung her head.

"Hey ! You tried your best. It is great." Ash picked her up as it squirmed around playfully.

"For one minute! I thought you were gonna move this too." Stephan joked.

"I am just glad this day is over. For some reason ! I am not getting that kind of going with activity vibe." Ash explained.

"It is natural , Ash . You are suffering from post battle frenziness." Cilan stated.

"Ash is sick?" Serena and Dawn butted in quickly

"Yes! But not naturally. I mean he had four intense battles in two days continuously and now next day , this activity. I think he might be not feeling up to anything else but missing the battle. So he probably needs some time to you know get back to normal self . I think we all should let him be " Cilan explained.

"You could be a great psychologist!" Bianca giggled.

"I am not even gonna ask how do you know about that term. " Ash chuckled as all smiled.

Pikachu ran to Ash sitting on his shoulder again.

"Hey! Wassup? You ready for some cooldown" Ash asked.

"Pika ! Pika!" Pikachu nodded.

"With Pikachu on his shoulder, he is already half back." Dawn grinned. Eevee pouted.

"Of course! I meant with Pikachu and Eevee." Dawn chuckled seeing it pout.

Yup! I need a cooldown too. Promise! Next chapter is gonna be fun. This was well you know.. something to post to trigger a feeling for real Pokemon like chapter. Gotta go.

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