Chapter 19: Master of Sneaking

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Hi! Things could have been bit dull in universe without evil guy so I had to introduce one . And no ! I am already confirming it that it is not any of the team rocket, galactic or anything that is already shown in anime. Gotta keep things new .

Soon Ash and his friends after running from group of vigoroths had reached the Manchester City. Liam parted his ways as the trio continued on their way.

"It is so nice to be back in city again." Serena beamed.

"Yes! Look at all these shops. I could go for some shopping right now." Dawn giggled.

"Focus guys ! We are here for my gym battle." Ash waved his hands in front of them after turning back .

"Alright!" Both crossed their arms.

Few minutes later

"Oh no! It cannot be ." Ash wailed looking at the door.

"Well apparently gym is closed till tomorrow. So how about we do some sightseeing for today?" Dawn smirked.

"Fine! I guess we can't do much else."Ash said sliding off the gate on which he was leaning as Pikachu patted him.

"I still don't understand why I have to come along too!" Ash complained as he struggled to carry bags .

"Pika" Pikachu questioned with his face buried in a bag .

"Oh come on! Don't whine Ash . We have to shop two more shops and we can't possibly carry it ." Dawn said.

"Two more?" Ash gasped horrified looking at himself already carrying more than enough bags.

Soon all three were sitting on a chair sipping drinks.

"This is nice. No carrying or trampling or rushing. Just drinking. Well except gym battle." Ash sighed.

"Oh ! Quit about gym battle. You will probably have it tomorrow and then you will be over with it soon ." Serena told him.

A familiar trio were standing on a building nearby.

"How long do we have to stay like this?" James asked.

"As long as those twerps are not distracted . Now keep your mouth shut ." Jessie told him.

"Hey! I don't mind but for part five minutes, something has been falling from James's pocket to ground continously." Meowth stated as James looked in his pocket and shook his head horrified.

"My limited 1986 coke bottle cap collections are gone !" He shook his head.

"Oh! Stop whining about those junks ." Jessie commented.

"Those are not junk but priceless collections collected over years." James reverted as both started fighting.

"Hey! Where are those twerps going?" Meowth questioned.

"Huh!" Both Jessie and James looked surprised at them going.

"I think the chance for distraction is gone now ." Meowth sighed as all agreed.

"I heard they are having a sneaking competition. Let's quickly run to Central park . Maybe we can see Carolina win again this year too." Some people muttered as they ran towards somewhere.

"What is sneaking competition?" Ash asked stopping one guy.

"Look! I am in a hurry man. Why don't you just come to Central park with others and see for yourself?" He ran with others.

"Let's hurry guys . I think this can be pretty interesting." Ash smiled as Pikachu jumped on him and all started to run .

"Welcome to 15th Sneaking competition. This year too we are gonna allow as many as trainers intend to and prove how agile and sneaky their Pokemon can be. The winner of all rounds will face our own gym leader and also winner of past two years Carolina in the final round ." The announcer stated as a girl with lilac hair waved her hand .

"So this is the gym leader. I am going to enter this competition." Ash said excitedly.

" But Ash ! I mean who are you gonna choose to enter into competition. I mean Pikachu is agile sure but can it really make sneak attacks like faster pokemons." Serena questioned.

"You are forgetting something. I have Eevee and Zorua too who are just as fast ." Ash smiled.

"Oh ! Right" Both girls took deep breaths.

"Well! I am gonna go with Zorua . " Ash declared as both sighed in agreement.

Soon the competition began . The Pokemons were moving so fast that it was quite hard to see that how fast they were with battle ending quickly.

"Now please welcome Ash Ketchum from Pallet town against Devoe from Akrutic city ." The announcer stated.

Devo brought out his Arkanine since it had very fast speed to battle Ash 's Zorua . Carolina with others were quite surprised at his choice. To many of them , Pikachu was a better choice since it was faster and yet even after Pikachu who was standing near Ash , the young trainer had chosen Zorua. Curious business indeed.

"Use extreme speed." Devoe commanded as Arkanine started to circle around Zorua in a blur.

"Relax Zorua!" Ash told as Zorua started to rapidly shake it's head and Zorua settled down.

"Now ! Use imprison ." Ash commanded as Arkanine lost its speed shaking his head confused.

"Use illusion on the whole field covering all." Ash whispered as all found themselves staring at dark abyss with no sight of Zorua. All of sudden Zorua appeared behind Arkanine hitting it .

"Arkanine! Try to find it ." Devoe said in vain as Zorua launched series of sneak attacks knocking it out and the illusion subsided.

"Impressive! What an extraordinary way to use illusion to sneak attack!" Carolina muttered to herself.

Serena and Dawn were not only one astounded by Ash among the watchers . Soon after two more rounds , Ash was able to defeat all his enemies coming up against Carolina.

"You were quite impressive but here is the point where your winning streak ends." Carolina smiled and brought out her Haunter.

"We will see about that ." Ash shrugged bringing his Zorua. The whole crowd was excited to see the battle . While half of the side were rooting for Carolina because she was city's own gym leader , other half sided with Ash due to his skills and being just a young trainer like themselves.

"Let's get started." Carolina stated bluntly.

"I agree . Zorua ! Use illusion." Ash commanded as all people including Carolina and Haunter found themselves in dark place.

Haunter remained unaffected and stick his tongue out at Zorua who snickered.

"Ghost type are not afraid of darkness." Carolina smiled.

"I know that." Ash chuckled as she put her fingers to her lips wondering what he was up to.

"Well! If you are just gonna rely on tricks , then we will make first move actually. Haunter! Disappear and use shadow ball" Carolina commanded.

Haunter faded out of sight as Zorua tried to dodge shadow balls .

"What is Ash doing? He can't attack haunter if he can't see it and certainly not land any attacks if Zorua is constantly getting attacked." Serena clutched her heart.

"Oh ! You worry too much, Serena. I am sure he has a plan." Dawn stated as both tended.

"Fine ! You can't dodge this attack. Haunter! Use hypnosis oh whole field." Carolina stated as a beam started to project out hitting Zorua.

"Yes! Zorua is now confused." Carolina smiled.

"Oh no! Well ! Guess she is winning this year too." People started to murmur.

"Don't be so sure ." Ash grinned as Zorua disappeared into thin air surprising all. All of sudden , Haunter became Visible and Zorua smashed it to ground with payback knocking it out.

"What ?" Carolina was aghast.

"You see ! We knew that you will suspect if start with sneak attacks and would not let it hit so we had to make you think that we were vulnerable. Zorua created illusion showing it was here but hypnosis attack was counteracting it's illusion so Zorua vanished into thin air. So I gave it gesture to attack and well match was mine ." Ash explained.

"Brilliant!" Carolina clapped with her hands .

"And so this year Master of sneaking title goes to Zorua and Ash Ketchum of Pallet town ." The announcer stated giving Ash a trophy.

"Thanks! Ash smoldered his head as Zorua jumped on his shoulders pushing out Pikachu who relented 'just for today'.

"I look forward to gym battle with you ." Ash told her.

"As do I . I promise you it won't be that easy as here ." Carolina smiled.

As the journey continues.

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