Chapter 2: Setting course for a new journey

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Take me down
Everybody down
Down to the bottom.

Lol! It is just so awesome lyric. Anyway let's dive into Pokemon world, shall we?

"Hey you there! Yes you! Reading this. Keep trying and you will win." -Photo caption

Ash was finally back in Pallet town and feeling bit nostalgic after all of his awesome adventures. Well it had been a long journey and he was already planning on way to join a Pokemon school in Clevan region.

"Where should I go now? Home or meet my Pokemon first at Professor Oak's lab." Ash wondered as he carried on walking.

"What do you think, Pikachu?" Ash asked him

"Pika! Pika" Pikachu pointed towards home.

"Yeah! You are right. Mom must have missed me for so long too." Ash nodded in agreement.

Few minutes later

"Mom! I am home. Hello!" Ash shouted opening the door but he couldn't hear back any voice.

He continued walking as the wood creaked . Pikachu hopped down and quickly ran inside but found nothing.

"Where is mom?" Ash wondered.

"Pika" Pikachu raised his ears.

"Hmm! That is strange . Well I guess we should go to Professor Oak's lab and see." Ash said to himself as Pikachu hopped back on its shoulders.

Ash quickly hurried to Professor's lab but found himself yet again in very same situation that he encountered in home. Where is everybody? Why is this place so quiet? These thoughts coursed through his mind as he kept looking.

"Pika" Pikachu yelped.

"You sense something, Pikachu." Ash looked at electric mouse Pokemon.

"Pika! Pika! Pikachu" It pointed towards a direction and all of sudden, Ash was hit with loud sounds and swarm of people.

"I am so glad you are back , Ash. Congratulations on winning Hoenn league. I knew you would do your best and you did." Delia Ketchum greeted him.

"Thanks mom. " Ash shaked his head overwhelmed. Soon , he found that Misty , Brock and Gary were there too.

"Wow! You all guys planned this just for me." Ash asked.

"Ya! So did you like it?" Misty asked him.

"You bet I did. " Ash laughed as Pikachu joined in the fun too running around .

"Now now! Don't get too hung up on this victory, Ashy boy." Gary chittered.

"Come on! Gary! Cut it out." Misty glared at him.

"It is fine . " Ash tried to break a possible conflict.

"When we parted ways , I was kinda thinking if you will do fine without us to keep you in check. But looks like you learned a lot from your journey. I am glad , Ash . You deserved it." Brock shook his hand as Ash nodded smiling.

"Well! Can I see my Pokemon now ? I wanna meet them , Professor." Ash jumped in excitement.

"Of course! No need to worry. They are all anxious about your arrival since they saw your match on TV. " Professor told him.

"Wait! They watched my match?" Ash was surprised.

"Yeah! And muck almost ruined the battle by hugging us all but we were able to see the magnificent ending you did to Tyson's meowth with snorlax." He explained.

Just as Ash reached the garden, he saw all of the Tauros running towards him.

"Oh! That is bad." Ash saw that they were about to stampede him. But all of sudden, he was wrapped in a vine whip and brought safely to land .

"Hey! Thank you Bayleaf." Ash said as Bayleaf ran towards him knocking him down.

Soon Bulbasur, Aipom , Todoile, Squirtle etc surrounded him.

"Hey! Slow down . I am happy to see you too." Ash tried to calm excited Pokemon. After spending some time , Ash decided to go back to the lab .

"Come on! Pikachu." Ash called for Pikachu as it followed him.

All were now having a hearty breakfast.

"Slow down! Ash . This food is not going anywhere." Misty said to Ash as he was quickly stuffing himself.

"I know. But this is so good. It wasn't fun eating berries most of the time on my journey." Ash told her .

"Well! I won't try to stop you in that case ." Misty sighed.

"Great! Beside..." Ash drank soup.

"Yes! Beside..." She asked.

"I am going on yet another journey now. Well not really journey. But .." Ash began.

"What? What are you talking about? You just won the Hoenn league. " Delia asked surprised.

"Yeah! I know. But I am going to a school in Clevan region now." Ash announced.

"A school! Wow! I never took you to stay in one place considering how reckless you are." Misty scoffed as Brock and Gary both laughed.

"Hey!" Ash looked at her.

"But I am not just going for school. After that ! I am going to compete in Clevan region. It is said that any champion of Clevan region is more powerful than any champion of other region because it has more gym battles to win to qualify for Clevan league and even tougher challengers. And plus! There are trainers from lots of regions there with different Pokemon. Wouldn't that be just cool?" Ash raised his fists in air .

"Well! It does sound pretty awesome. " Brock agreed.

"So when are you leaving?" Delia asked.

"Just now. I can't wait any longer." Ash told her .

"Fine! Take care of yourself and let me get your backpack." Delia sighed seeing how pumped up Ash was .

"So which Pokemon are you going to take with yourself?" Gary asked.

"Oh! This time it is just gonna be like Hoenn. I am going to take Pikachu only." Ash told them as Pikachu jumped up on his shoulders excitedly.

Soon, Ash based goodbye to all of his friends and mom and set out to Clevan region to check out what awaits him there.

As the journey continues.

So Ash is on his way to Levior school. Ah! Probably could have spend some time thinking of better name . Man! That is one lazy writer.

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