Chapter 22: Breaking of Pride

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Ash and his friends have arrived in Akrutik city , where Ash will have his next gym battle.  But there is a bit commotion among the trio today..

"But Ash ! You just has your gym battle couple of days ago . I think I should have my Pokemon contest first and then you can go to your gym battle. It is not like going anywhere unlike contests." Dawn crossed her arms.

"Yeah Ash ! I agree with Dawn ." Serena looked at him.

"I am just saying that you all can register yourself at Pokemon center while I will have gym battle. Look ! It is just one on one battle here . I am going to go with Zorua and win quickly." Ash said as he rushed off.

"But.."Dawn began.

"Let him go , Dawn. He is definitely not gonna listen and too much in his head right now." Serena told him.

"Yeah! Let's go ."Dawn sighed. Both registered for the Akrutik city Pokemon contest.

[Pokemon contest is basically composed of two rounds . The first round involved showing your Pokemon usings it's skills and attacks in delightful manner . Then after selection , Round 2 involves fighting just like Pokemon battles but here points are set . The more graceful an Pokemon uses its attacks, the more points the opposing Pokemon loses. In the final round , whoever is left with more points at end of time wins and earns a contest badge. ]

"My name is Ash Ketchum. I challenge the gym leader here for a battle." Ash announced as he entered the Akrutik city gym.

"I see . My name is Christopher. Akrutik city gym is psychic type gym. So with which Pokemon, you are gonna battle today ?" He asked .

"I choose Zorua ." Ash brought out his pokeball. Pikachu sat down daunted "pika"

"An interesting choice. I choose Alakazam." He brought out his Alakazam.

"This will be one on one battle. When either of the Pokemon is unable to battle, the match will be over . There can be no substitutions . Began." Judge announced.

"Zorua! Use Illusion." Ash said.

"Alakazam! Use psychic." He retailated as the illusion broke away before it could cover the field.

"That is strong. Well Zorua! Use payback." Ash said but nothing happened.

"Don't you remember? Payback can only be used if Alakazam has attacked first which it hasn't. Perhaps inconvenience in your usual strategy is failing your concept. Alakazam! Use teleport." He said As Zorua looked here an there to find it .

"Now ! Use psychic." Christopher said and Alakazam appeared behind Zorua bouncing it back and forth to roof and ground.

"Oh no! Zorua is taking damage." Ash sighed.

"What do I do ? Zorua can't lose . Yes! Zorua ! Use imprison." Ash commanded as dark rays emitted from Zorua.

"Alakazam! Use protect." He said and imprison cancelled out.

"Now Use Confusion on Zorua." Hé said as powerful beam hit Zorua knocking him out .

"Zorua is unable to battle . The gym leader wins the match." Judge announced.

"But how can Zorua lose ? It has illusion, imprison and transform. Such.."Ash was shocked .

"Just because a Pokemon have powerful move set doesn't mean it will work every time and against all types. You should get your Pokemon to Pokemon center . Train and then come back to challenge me." Christopher told him and he nodded.

Ash returned Zorua to his pokeball and then rushed off to Pokemon center with Pikachu.

"Just hang in there , Zorua. You will be fine." Ash said.

Once Ash reached the counter, he quickly gave his Zorua to Nurse Joy so that it could be treated.

"Good grief! You look tired, Ash . What happened?" Serena asked seeing him .

"Oh well! I lost. I guess I started to depend too much on Zorua alone that I forgot about what battle is. That it is more than just set of moves."Ash sighed.

"Well ! It is nice, Ash . But all that matters is that you are now awared of how you were behaving and you will win next time ." Dawn said.

"Yeah! Just keep training." Serena beamed.

"Thanks you guys . Hey ! I am sorry, Pikachu. You sat on sidelines too long ." Ash told him fondling his head as it nodded happily.

"So are you registered for Pokemon contests then?" Ash asked.

"Yeah ! It is about to start soon . " Both said.

" Great! I will cheer you on." Ash said.

"For me?" Serena asked.

"Or For me?" Dawn asked.

"Uhmm..both of you ." Ash said. Both pouted at the answer.

"Well ! Breaking of Pride is good for Ash . He is normal now." Serena wondered.

"Yeah ! You are right.  Well! I am gonna go now. My chance is coming up ." Dawn said .

Soon Ash went with Pikachu in audience seat watching as contestants came and show their Pokemon.

"Now the next contestant is Dawn." The host announced.

"Come on out , Piplup." Dawn threw her pokeball.

Piplup came out surrounded by bubbles.

"Piplup! Use bubble beam." Dawn said as Piplup surrounded itself with bubbles.

"Now use whirlpool." She said. Soon the bubbles started to float on whirlpool of water with Piplup as the crowd cheered.

"This is quite good after all." Ash said.

"Pika! Pika!" Pikachu agreed.

"I am glad you agree too , Pikachu. But we need to think about how to defeat that gym leader. Electric attacks won't work , Zorua is not an option, Eevee and Dragonair are left. Even if I choose one , what movesets do I use? After all it has teleport , protect , psychic and confusion. What do we do , Pikachu?" Ash wondered as both continued thinking while people sitting nearby looked at them curiously .

As the journey continues.

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