Chapter 7 | Part 1

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Chapter 7: The 'little' incident

Warning: This chapter contains heavy gore, and a bit of language. Please read with caution.


The Shurkiens and the Hazaki's were all gathered outside for a unique event of playing games, crafts as the whole islands were watching tonight's sunset, which no one wanted to miss. Zero manged to crack a decent amount of Sinzo's shell, thanks to the sparring battle they have, but still giving him time to warm up to him on his own. On the other hand, their wives were teaching their kids at the crafting station along with a few younger trainers and pokemon, mainly to keep them occupied until it was time.

"Mom, can me and others walk around for a bit or play until it's time?" Chaser asked his mother, who was helping his older and younger brother. "I think it's best for a exercise and stretch."

The white-furred Delphox's ear flicked in response before looking at her son, still keeping an eye on her youngest. "Hm, I don't see why not. What do you think Flare?"

"I don't see why not." The red-furred Delphox, putting down her craft, dusting off the bits of glitter in her fur, "And nothing is wrong with some exercise. Just stay close to your fathers and let them know before you go anywhere else."

"Yes, ma'ma."

The kids all got up from the crafting tables, handed the crafts that they made to their mothers, and dashed off to the beach to meet their fathers.

"They’re growing so much." Flaire said, tucking away the crafts in a bag she brought.

Flare nodded in agreement, "Yeah. I don't want them to grow up just yet."

Flaire giggled. "Are you going to convince Zedo to have another child?" She asked, causing Flare to get red.

"W-well, maybe....But I'm sure he doesn't want another child, I don't know for sure," Flare admitted, "But he's already in love with Shade and Kai, he's very protective of them, so I'm not quite sure."

Flaire gave a warm smile to her. "Oh Flare. Zero loves you with all his heart, he's always there for you when you if in a tight spot. I'm sure he wants more kids, he'll bring it up eventually. But I think he wants to start small for just a bit until you guys are ready."

Flare gave a smile before looking towards her husband, who was playing chase with the children while Sinzo just watched.

"Speaking of childen..." Flare mentioned, slowly turing her head with a smirk towards Flaire. "You and Sinzo seems to bit-"

Flaire slapped her hand over mouth before another word could get out as her face went completely red. "Shh, don't say it out loud!" She playfully scolded her, causing Flare to burst out laughing right under her hand.

~~With Zero, Sinzo and children~~

"Alright! Ready?" Zero smirked.


Kaiser looked back at his father whom was chilling in the sun under a pile of sun. "Come on, dad! It will be fun!"

Sinzo's head rose from the ground with his tonuge in his mouth before looking at them. "Thanks, but no thanks. I don't want to be a bother. Besides, you gusy are having a lot of fun with Zero."

"Aww, please?" Asher begged joining in with Kaiser.

Before Sinzo opened his get another word out, all the kids were huddled together with puppy eyes. Sinzo was taken back by this, he looked over to Zero, whom was just smirking at him. Soon after a few more begs, Sinzo finally gave in after awhile, joining Zero's team, meaning chasing and catching the boys. The kids were given a few extra seconds to hide, even including using their mothers as hiding spots, just for the giggles. Which lasted a few rounds before settling down for the a snack break.

"Say, Sinzo? Can you get some more berries?"

Sinzo pop a berry into his mouth before looking at his mate. "Why? Trying out stuffing cheese cream into a berry from the restaurant we went to that day?"

"Mhm! I told you it was good! Even you admitted," She brought up, Sinzo just rolled his eyes. "Oh, don't be like that. Plus I want the kids to try some, and we could use some for dessert later during the event."

"Say like a good idea yet delicious." Zero said with a smile on his face and Flare nodded in agreement.

Sinzo sighed. "Alright, fine. I guess I could-"

"Can we do it?!" Everyone looked towards the Froakies who were smiling brightly.

"I don't know. The forest is pretty dangerous itself, cause it's nowhere near as dangerous as Jumaii is." Sinzo warned them.

"Yeah! You're going to eaten!' Shade spoofly hissed, causing Kaiser to hide behind Kai and holding his stuff bunny tightly.

"No we're not, Shade!" Kai groaned. "Besides we saw a berry patch while we were playing."

"How about this." Flare suggest, "if you boys stay together, you can go."

"Yes ma'am!"

"But on a condition. Your fathers will come with you just in case." Flaire added on.

Sinzo and Zero glanced at each other with shock but shrugged it off. Soon the two Froakies and Greninja all headed off to the forest to pick the berries.

"So what berries do we need? Or how many do we need?" Zero asked, plucking a few oran berries off a bush.

"Any, and alot. I also use left overs to my a smoothie or cakes." Sinzo said leaping up a tree, grabbing the banana like berries.

Kai and Kaiser put the picked berries into a little basket the made with their frubbles to help them from falling on the ground, turing them to mush on their way back to the others.

"Say do think there are more berries that way?" Kaiser said, pointing to his left.

Kai looked over and nodded. "Hey dad, it's okay if we check if there are berries over there?"

Zero gave a nod, "Stick together and be careful!" The shinies nodded and left.

Shiny pair slowly grab the berries that they saw, putting the in another handmade fubble basket near a tree.

"Say, I bet I can put more berries in the basket than you can!" Kaiser challenge him, putting to two berries in the basket.

"Oh yeah!?" Kai smirked, putting twice the amount of berries Kaiser put in. "Oh look, I'm already winning!"

Kaiser laughed. "Oh, it is so on!"

The two soon started to gather more and more berries trying to take over the lead from one another. Soon the two went far, and further from each other, to the point where they were completely separated from each other. Kaiser had stopped once he realized, and started to find a way back to Kai and their fathers but nothing came to his mind about the directions he should take.

"Uhm....Kai? Kai!" Kaiser called out, hopping from a direction to another.

Kaiser maintained calling out his name, the sun started to set which made things a lot worse by the second. He sighed as turned around, try to head back to everyone else make his way back but was blocked by something. Kaiser slowly looked as he started to back away slowly, above was a angery Ursaring, staring right in his eyes. Without warning the Ursaring swung at him, Kaiser panicked and duck but the Ursaring manged to leave a scar on his shoulder. Kaiser whimpered from the pain, slowly but quickly trying the escape, soon enough the Ursaring started chasing him, using its own attacks trying to corner him, eventually one of the attacks knocked over a boulder, bloking the young Froakie from going any further.

Kaiser slowly backed up to the tree. "P-please, don't."

"I don't care ya little bitch, someone is going to pay for taking my shit! So you're the close thing!" The Ursaring roared, swiping at Kaiser but slicing the his plushie's head clean off.

Kaiser stood in complete terror, couldn't take his eyes off of him. Ursaring was about to swipe at him again but was hit with a water pulse right in the side. Kaiser tilted his head in confusion but he could feel a slight tap on his shoulder, he slowly look back seeing Kai with a relief smile on his face.

"KAI!" Kaiser shouted and hugged him tightly, as Kai hugged back.

"You're okay!" He said with a smile before looking down at arm. "Your arm! Are you okay!?"

Kaiser nodded. "I'm fine! I'm more happy I found you!"

"Me too!"

The Ursaring roared again, as was about to you fury swipe again but Kai and Kaiser threw their frubbles at it claw, completely covering it. The Ursaring was getting more and more anger than ever, unexpectedly it used thrash againt them, sending the two Froakies crashing into the tree.

Kaiser slowly got up before looking at Kai, whom was covered in scratches and a little scars, Kaiser's eyes shrunk in even more terror seeing him. Kaiser started to tremble as hs scooped up Kai in his arms, his breathing getting heavy by the second as his slowly turing a a pure bright gold color. The Ursaring charging towards them once again with the same attack, then it charged at them once again, soon Kaiser held Kai close to him was everything went up in a big flash.

Zero and Sinzo quickly raced across the forest floor, panicked trying to find their sons after unexpected explosion.

"I really hope they're okay!" Zero said trying to calm himself a bit.

"I hope so too...I mean, what" Sinzo's words were starting to break as they came to the source.

The Greninja eyes grew in disbelief at what they saw. A big carter in the forest floor, and lots of blood scattered across rocks or the remaining trees. Zero's face was completely stunned while Sinzo kept a straight face.

"Dad!? Anyone!? HELP!" Zero immediately snapped our of his trace and quickly slide down the crater as Sinzo followed behind him.

Once they got to the middle, they saw their two sons holding each other.

"What happened!? Are you okay!?" Zero frantically asked them.

"I'm fine but Kaiser isn't waking up!" He cried, holding him closer.

Zero took a deep breath. "Don't worry, we'll-"

"Oh fuck...!"

Zero turned to Sinzo who's face had an unsettling look. Zero leaned over to see what cause the look only to find an Ursaring slipt clean in half, blooding pouring our from both sides and from the mouth, eyes completely white as bones and a bit of its organs were sticking out of this body.

The Greninja looked at each and nodded. Quickly scooping their sons into the arm and quickly leaving the area before others saw them. Kai looked over to seeing Kaiser completely exhausted and unconscious in his father's arm, he slowly reaches over, grabbing his hand.

"You'll be okay, Kaiser, I promise. I promise I'll keep you safe from anything that harms you."


I'm on vacation, so imma still on something in those long lines when ever I get the chance. And it's dark when I'm finishing/publishing this.

Bye, bye!

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