Handcuffed and Humor

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Me:I'm back!

Everyone:Where were you?

Me:Um school


Me:So we have three dares for today

Everyone:What is it?

Me:One of the dare is from kawaiiice who dare Paul and Dawn to be handcuffed together

Dawn:No!!!Not him

Paul:I'm not going be handcuffed with troublesome



The girls was holding Dawn down while the boys was holding Paul down.

Me:And done*handcuffed Paul right and Dawn left hand*

Paul:Well that just great

Dawn:*anime crying*Why!?!?!?!

Oceania:Well our second and third dare is from Alpha_Sapphire_ and the first one is to dye Paul's hair pink and that means Dawn get to dye his hair since their handcuffed together

Dawn:Yes!!!!!!*drags Paul into the bathroom*

Oceania:Okay.........so that may take long so the last dare from Alpha_Sapphire_ was to dress Drew as a Shaymin

May:Hehehehehe!Lets go Drew*drags Drew into a dressing room*

Drew:Ahhhhhh!!!!!No way I'm not going to wear that

May:You have to Drew it's a dare

Drew:You can't make me

May:*sniff*Fine!!!!!!*start crying*

Drew:Alright.Alright.I'll do it only if you stop crying


Drew/Dawn:I'm done

Everyone starts laughing

Leaf:OMA!!!!!Drew your hair matches perfectly with your hair

Ash:Paul your hair is*laughs more*

Oceania:Okay that's all for now bye*goes inside her bedroom*

Paul/Dawn:What about us?

Ash/Misty/Drew/May/Gary/Leaf:Looks like you guys are sleeping together tonight*walk away*


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