Welcome Rebecca & Lavender!

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Bonnie: *sitting impatiently*

Tracey: *sketching Teari's Lucario in a slightly edgy pose*

Teari: *watching Tracey sketch*

Misty: *rolls eyes at Ash boasting about defeating Rose in a battle*

Rose: *returns her fainted Oddish* You did well, now take a good rest.

Ash: *high fives Pikachu* Yeah! We did it!

Pikachu: PikaCHU! (Yeah!)

Gladion: *glares at the Lucario*

Moon: *giggles at Gladion's expression*

Hau: *eating some malasadas, before sharing with Lillie*

Lunala: *peering over Ilima's shoulder while he is reading a book*

Ilima: *faintly blushes*

Ember: *is helping Brock clean the fortress*

Dawn: *braids Paul's hair*

Drew: *tries not to laugh at Paul*

Paul: *glares, before motioning May to do something*

May: *drags Drew away to another room, smirking*

Iris: *is sprawled across the floor in pure boredom*

Cilan: *wiggles his fingers in front of her, in a threatening manner like he was going to tickle her*

Iris: *wide eyed* Don't you dar-


Cilan/Iris: *share frightened looks* Oh no...

Bonnie: *chases them around upstairs*

(A/N: I don't know why XD Just go with it)

Serena: *notices what Dawn is doing* Hey, Clemmy?

Clemont: *drawing blueprints for a gadget* Yeah, what is it, Serena?

Serena: *smiles sweetly* Do you know where a comb is?

Clemont: Oh...

Max: *notices May's Glaceon and Drew's Absol snuggling, secretly shipping them, while also admiring Tracey's drawing*

Lilly: *looks at everyone having fun, and feels a sense of accomplishment*

May: *comes back with Drew*

Drew: *red faced*

Rose: Oh my! *holds back laughter*

Everyone: *looks at Drew, who has flowers in his hair*

Girls: *hold back from fangirling at the ContestShippyness*

*Bonnie stops chasing Cilan and Iris and waits impatiently by the door again*

Cilan and Iris as they're returning downstairs...

Cilan: I-I-Iris! *blushing extremely*

Iris: Haha! I knew it!

Ash: Knew what?

Iris: *smirks*

Cilan: N-No! I-Iris! Please don't! 0////0

Iris: *makes a triumphant pose* That Cilan likes me!

Misty: Really? *looks to Cilan*

Cilan: 0///////0

Ash: *to Iris* How?

Iris: *face faulters* U-um...

Dawn: Iris... What did you do?

Iris: Uhhhh nothing! 0///0

Paul: Suuure

Iris: I didn't! 0////0

Iris: R-r-right, Cilan?

Cilan: ...

Everyone: ...

Cilan: ...

Everyone: ...

Cilan: She kissed me...

Everyone: *stares between the two of them in disbelief*

Iris: 0////////0

May: ...Is it true, Iris?

Iris: *looks down to hide her blush* Y-y-yes...

Everyone: .....

Misty: *breaks le silence* Hey, who's up for some Go Magikarp?

Ash: *perks up in a heartbeat* Yeah!

May: I'm in

Serena: I'll play

Max: Count me in

Bonnie: *not paying attention*

Rose: *slept through Cilan and Iris situation (which she hates herself for missing it later on, as Wishful is one of her OTPs (in Pokémon Facebook, and now in this anyway))*

Lunala: *still hanging around Ilima*

Ilima: *letting her read the book with him*

Moon: Oooh! I wanna play too! *notices Gladion not moving to play*

Moon: *drags him over anyway*

Hau/Lillie: *join in*

*door knocks*

*Bonnie opens it instantly*


Teari: *perks up* That's my cue!

Teari: Everyone! Readers! Welcome the newest members of-

Rose: Thisssss joinnntttttt!!!!

Teari: *sweat drops* You need to stop doing that...

Lavender: Hello everyone

Teari: Where's Rebecca?

Lavender: Oh, she's right behind me

Rebecca: *steps out*

(^^^This is Rebecca, drawn by Peanutsfan1 herself)

(^^^Also, this is what Lunala looks like. She's Snivygirl25's player in Pokémon Moon. I edited the image a little bit to see if I could make it look better)

Rebecca: Hello!

Everyone: Hi!

Teari: Welcome to Pokémon Truth or Dare at Lilly's Truth or Dare Fortress of Doom!

Teari: How about you start of by telling us a little bit about yourselves?

Rebecca: Oh

Lavender: Okay. Hi again, my name is Lavender, and I like Dan and Ph--

Rose: Omg!! Really!? You're in the phandom too!?

Lavender: Well ye--

Rose: BESTIES!! *tackles in hug*

Rebecca: Oh, um, my name is Rebecca, and I like to read books a lot, and Pokémon of course, as well as the Percy Ja-----

Rose: Really?!? YAY!! *tackles her in hug while Lavender continues*

Lavender: As I was saying, I like Dan and Phil, as well as the obvious one, Pokémon, Panic! at the Disco, MCR (My Chemical Romance), anything and EVERYTHING emo, Pastel col---

Rose: Hold up... I'm not the only one??

Teari/Lavender: Uh oh

Rose: HOORAY!! *tackles in yet another hug, as Rebecca continues now*

Rebecca: And I also like PokéShipping

Rebecca: My dislikes are *points to Serena* you-

Serena: *sighs*

Rebecca: -and AmourShipping

Teari: *sweat drops* She thinks you and AmourShipping should burn in hell...

Serena: *sarcastically* Greaaaat

Lavender: *still being squeezed to death*

Ash: What Pokémon do you have?

Rebecca: Well, I have a Mimikyu, an Incineroar, a Silvally, Lunala... The legendary of course, a cute little Mudkip, and a shiny Toucannon.

Ash: What about you, Lavender?

Lavender: Well, I have an Altaria that can Mega evolve, a Milotic, a Venusaur, and Chandelure, as well as a Luxray

Teari: The rest of your likes, and dislikes?

Lavender: Oh yeah, I also like Har--

Lilly: *springs up from out of nowhere and pins Rose to the ground* Um, continue.

Lavender: Harry Potter, and things I dislike are K-Pop and... well school. I'm also afraid of the dark, moths, and sudden changes.

Serena: Well then...


Bonnie: But... ya know? It's not like I want your destruction... *nervous laughter*

Teari: Any who, on to personalities!

Teari: Rebecca is quite impatient sometimes, but overall, she's kind, has her head in a book a lot, and might I add, quite the fan girl when her ships are canon.

Lavender: Not to mentioned that she's Absol-utely obsessed with Pokémon.

Rebecca: How'd you know??

Lavender: Gurl, you we're ranting about your favorite strategies you use all the way here

Rebecca: Oh, right

Teari: And Lavender is kind of, somewhat shy, yet she's also a trashy, savage, emo all in one

Tracey: That almost sounds like you when we first met, Teari

Teari: Yup, and now look at me! Outgoing as can be!

Tracey: Yep

Rebecca: So is that all you want from us?

Teari: Nope! Crushes. Now.

Rebecca: Um... A boy named Ryan...

Teari: You, Lavender?

Lavender: ...*quietly* Wally...

Ash: Huh, I couldn't hear her.


Iris: You made him unable to hear her, Lilly

Lilly: wE kNoW tHiS, iRiS

Bonnie: Well, now I gotta fix the fourth wall. I'll be right back.

Teari: Lol

~No Leader Board Today, as I included about every ship [Except Penguin] ~

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