S1 Ep. 17 The Voyage

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(NOTE: This chapter is merely a festive and funny chapter. It is noway intended to be part of the story, and the reason I'm using the same names and species for the characters is because it makes it easier to imagine them and their personalities. After all, this is a spoof of Columbus coming to America.)

Percy de Powers the Pikachu. A noble ship captain who has set sail for the land beyond the Atlantic Ocean in search of a quicker route to India for life orbs. Many people laugh at the captain's ideas. For they all believe the earth is flat, and that he'll just sail off the edge. Captain Powers knew better though. Theories of the earth being round were popping up. Many began to believe them, but Powers knew that the earth was actually a dodecahedron of course. (Pardon my spelling.) With Powers, was his loyal crew. Kal'eb, Ariael, Macy of Macy, and Le Lizzie. Funds were obviously needed for this trip. So Kal'eb decided to pay for it by handing out tickets and claiming that there would be free food. There would not. Many would starve, but they did not know of it yet. Many survivors would call it a horrible experience, but one might call it... well words could not describe what he would think of it. Tyke of Chub was not prepared for days without meals. He may have not even been prepared to go an hour with a meal so Arceus knows why in the green earth someone of his girth would go on a month long journey. (Then again, it was falsley advertised.) His brother would help him through it though. Cle An Mantyk'e would be ther in his darkest hour. For the brothers swore to look out for another.

Each passenger brought one sack of their belongings as to not take up space. (That and Captain Powers is pretty OCD. Seeing the bags all over the deck would make him freak out.) The mighty crew helped people on as Kal'eb took their bags.

"Thank you sir," a man said.

"You're welcome. Don't be suprised if anything is missing," Kal'eb responded.

After an hour or so, the ship had fully boarded, well all except for one. Twas Tyke of Chub. He had gotten himself wedged between the two bars of the ramp to the ship. Cl An Mantyk'e was behind him. He set his sack down to help his distressed brother. A pink and blurry figure darted into the sack. Cle An did not realize this when he picked his sack up again. Kal'eb took the bag and threw it with the rest. A stowaway was now on board.

Day 1 Rough Waters Ahead

The wind was howling. A red morning haunted the entire day. Though only a sailor's superstition, it was thought that if the sun and sky shone red in the early morning, great meteorological trouble awaits the rest of the day. It seems as if the rumor was true, because Captain Powers was struggling to keep the ship on course in the rough waters. Waves ranging to be tens of feet in height. The crew braved the storm up top as the passengers waited down below. Cle An and Chub had finally found their room in the mess of floating wood. There, their bags awaited the return of the brothers. Tyke of Chub passed out on the floor from not only seasickness, but the lack of food was starting to set in. It seems as if the decision to eat only one bowl of cereal for breakfast was costing him deeply. Oh Tyke of Chub, we hope for a ray of light in this dark moment. Cle An flopped on his bag as a pillow. The bag moved and made a noise that sent shivers down Cle An's back and made the very ears on his head stand on end. Someone had found its way in. Cle An backed away as a pink blob rose from the sack. Terrifying? Twas not so, for the stowaway was a familiar face to Cle An. It was his friend Scar la Let. (These names though!) She was a young Munna who dreamed of finally going to another place where she could sit and eat soup all day. For the rugged streets of England could not satisfy the adventurous yet lazy spirit. In fact: It turns out that the only reason Scar la Let snuck on board was because she was late to pay her ticket.

"Why? What a surprise?" Cle An exclaimed.

"I am truly glad that you are here my dear friend, but if they catch you, you'll be thrown out into the storm, or even worse," said Cle An. Scar la Let ignored the sweaty yet truthful Tyke. Yes indeed. If they were to find her, she would be doomed. After all Percy de Powers is a bit of a neat freak and if he found out that there was an odd number on board, he would go mad. A truly troubling dilemma as Scar la Let showed no signs in wanting to leave, not to mention the fact of where she would travel to afterwards for though it had only been a day, the ship was far from land and not even the strongest Munna were able to float its distance.

"Oh friend of mine. Please. I will not speak of your existence. Please stay hidden until the voyage is over. I shall bring you food and water in the morning and night. You will stay here while I stay in the upper decks.

Day 2-10 Nothing


Day 11 Restlessness

It had been eleven full days since Percy de Powers and his crew set out to sail with a ship full of Pokemon and the times had grown tough. There had not been much food and the generous portions of water have taken its toll for the supplies were almost out. This proved troublesome, for there was not enough supplies to make it back, and Captain Powers still had no way of knowing the distance that would needed to be traveled upon reaching land. Not only so, but the crew itself had barely been able to survive Captain Powers and his horrible puns for the days, but this may have been one too many.

"Hey guys, SEA you later!" Powers said as he walked into the cabin.

"That's it, I'm done," Kal'eb said. He jumped over the side of the ship. And did not come back up. Ever.

"Oops." Was all that the Captain could say at this point of the journey.

Day 12 Another Day. Another Pun. Another Suicide.

Le Lizzie had been the most loyal of Powers crew. Even though the others had grown suspicious of Kal'eb's mysterious disappearance, (Percy de Powers claimed that Arceus took him to heaven because he was so pika exquisite) Le Lizzie knew that the captain would never pull such of dirty move of murder, for she had dreams of marrying the captain one day and starting a new life on a farm full of Welish Corgi. Le Lizzie's dreams would soon be crushed, for the rest of the crew was plotting mutiny against Powers. In the process though, Macy of Macy had a change of heart and committed suicide out of guilt. We mourn the death of you of Macy of Macy. Ariael was put into the prison of the ship, for Powers could not kill her or there would be an odd number of passengers on the ship. Little did he know that it was still odd. Pretty odd indeed. The one's below began to dwindle in number, but they stayed an even one (apart from the uncounted for stowaway.) Cle An and Chub of Tyke began to worry for their friend Scar la Let, for they had heard rumors of the several suicides from the crew members.

"Why, what must be causing such a trouble as to make one throw caution to the wind and end their life?" Cle An worried. Not only that, Tyke of Chub had not been holding up well to that point. A lack of food is like taking a bear's arm from it. You don't. Oh Arceus we hope you can shine light on the situation.

Day 13 .....................

Still no land in sight. It was beginning to set in. Le Lizzie began to lose faith in Powers. After all, the captain's puns have finally begun to grow stale. Le Lizzie had never thought that she would tire of such a handsome and upright Pikachu. Shocked and saddened. She was ready to team up with Ariael. They must take down the captain. Le Lizzie snuck down to the underbelly of the ship to Ariael's cell. In the process, she accidentally awoke the sleeping tykes nearby.

"What is that noise I hear that wakes me so late at night?" Cle An questioned. Tyke of Chub rolled over and moaned as Cle An lit a match to provide light. Scar la Let was gone.

"Brother oh dear! Our curios fugative friend has wandered off to place which I do not know. We must find her for she may surely cause trouble for the whole of us," Cle An said. Tyke of Chub was not amused by this news. He was too hungry to realize the situation. As Cle An walked out of the room in search of Scar la Let, Tyke of Chub wandered away towards the noise they had heard earlier. Little did he know about the trouble that awaited.

Le Lizzie had a plan. She and Ariael would sneak out and steer the ship away from it's course and murder the Captain in his sleep. The ship would be doomed and they would jump off to leave it all before they would be caught and hanged. Le Lizzie turned the cell's lock and made a very loud noise that rang throughout the dark halls of the ship. As the cell opened, a rumble came from the hall behind her. It was Tyke of Chub. He was weary and tired, but Le Lizzie and Ariael still saw him as a threat and decided to keep him hostage for the time being. They continued to the upper deck.

Cle An was at the place spoken of earlier as well in search of his friend. The sea was calm. It looked as if it was a solid piece of sparkling glass. He saw Scar la Let by the Captain's Quarters. She was eating a sandwich for she was hungry and got up to get one earlier. At the same time though, the two crew members and their hostage appeared around the same area. They were just about to break into the room until Cle An caught them.

"Brother! What happened? Who are these Pokemon?"

Tyke of Chub was still to groggy and hungry to know what was going on. He simple sat there. With all the talking and Tyke of Chub's stomach, Powers awoke. He rushed to the door to see what was going on. He looked over to them. He saw his crew and did not question the knives in their hands, but he did se a new face. He saw Scar la Let. He did not know who this Pokemon was for she was not accounted for in the ship. There was an odd number of Pokemon on board. Powers began to freak out at how unorganized it was. He went mad. He rushed to the edge to jump, but in an attempt to end it, Arceus gave grace. They had found land. Powers landed softly in the sand. He made it. The passengers rushed off the floating piece of terror onto the dry land. Tyke of Chub instantly woke up at the sight of fruit in the trees and rushed over with his brother. And then they all lived happily ever after but eventually died because we all die eventually so yeah. That stuff.

(A/N: Was that hard to read? It was hard to write. I took inspiration from the writing styles of the Narnia books, but this was probably garbage compared to that. Just a little reminder to vote, and follow.)

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