S1 Ep. 21 Delibird is Coming to Town

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-POV: From the Perspective of Tommy Jude the Froakie. (14 years old.)

Oh hello. Hi. I'm Tommy. You may or may not remember me from previous chapters such as First Day Pt. 1 and 2, Lizzie's First Date, or Love Experts. I'm part of a group we like to call, the Kalos Krew. (Yes, it is crew spelled with a 'k'. The creator of the name, my friend Seth (Chespin, 14 years old.), decided that it would make us look more rebellious, but most people just think we can't spell. The third member of our Kalos Starter Pokemon crew is Amber Brown (Fennekin, 14 years old.) Now now, certain Froakie's may or may not hold interest to Amber romantically, but whoever does should forget about it because she already has somebody. This Pokemon is Just a Guy. Well, he's a Chimchar, but he always says that he's just a guy for no reason.

"Ahem, I say not for the interest of people, I say it for it is true. I am Just a Guy," the Chimchar. Mememememememe. I'm a Chimchar, but don't call me that for I am Just a Guy!!!! UGHHGHGHGHHGIHGHDFLKDSJIOFDHSK SDVoireahgnoearhiorjgoij!

Well now that the important stuff is out of the way, I have to get a job as an elf assistant for Delibird (because ice cream shops apparently aren't open in the winter) at Woo-Mart. (It's an average superstore, but it's run by Woobat Inc. You probably have something similar where you are.) It's only for Christmas, but I need money for all that gift shopping because last time at our homeroom gift exchange, Tommy wasn't able to buy a gift for his person. Poor little Carbink didn't get a gift. I'm. Sorry. Bro. I know I come from a royal family that runs the Froakie Kingdom, but I'm thirteenth in line for the throne. So, unless there are twelve suspicious deaths all in the next twenty years, I'll be broke if I don't have a job. Tomorrow is day one. It's ok, because your friends will not be there to mock you.

"Hey Tommy! Amber and I are coming to film your first shift! It's going up on our YouTube Channel!" Seth shouted.

-From the Perspective of Mark the Mudkip. (He is 4 and is an orphan. He usually is found with a Treecko named Tobias and a Torchi named Tori. They are both 15 and are Mark's under-age legal guardians.)

It's finally December. I am so excited for the Christmas season now that I have two amazing friends and guardians plus a special someone to spend it with! (I love you Eve! XOXO.) It's so exciting because Delibird is coming to give all the good Pokemon gifts on Christmas Eve night! I've made my list, and I've mailed to the North Pole two months in advance! I'm sure that Delibird has seen it and is hopefully making my present right now! I wonder why Tori and Tobias haven't made their list yet? Mail doesn't really get to the North Pole that quick. I hope they already have, and I just didn't know.

"Hey Mark, You excited?" Tobias asked.

"Oh yes. I'm am so very excited. I've made sure that my letter made it to the North Pole. Now I just have to wait."

"Ha! Mark, you are the funniest! You're really doing a good job at this Delibird believer act!" Tori said. Tobias instantly put his hand over her mouth and shushed her. What's up with this?

"Why all the worried faces? What is it? I know Delibird is real because he is in the Pokedex books," I said. I had a feeling that this wasn't going to be good, but I patiently waited for their response anyway.

"Well yeah. Delibird is a real Pokemon, but it's not the one you think of. There is no such thing as a Pokemon that flies around the world and gives out presents. It's just not true," Tobias said.

"What?! Really?" I worriedly asked.

"Yep. Besides, it would be illogical for a Pokemon to be able to make that many different gifts, wrap them, and get them to every home in one night. There's a lot of articles about all the reasons it wouldn't work so you can read up on the rest yourself," Tori said.


"Hey Mark, are you ok buddy?" Tobias asked.




"I think we broke him Tobias," Tori whispered.

"Shut it," Tobias said.

"..............................................I need to think about something," I said. I walked out of the room and sat at a nearby dark corner.

"All my wisdom and knowledge, but the one truth I thought I knew over everything was just a cruel lie. My life. Just a sad joke without a punchline. Empty and lost. I drift through the season of red and green. The lights bring lest light. The egg nog is just not as egg or nog. The fruit cake taste less fruity. The carolers are less jolly. The seasons of lies. The life I knew. Is it gone? I ponder about the many philosophies I've heard over the course of my four-year life... Is this it?"

-POV: Tommy

"Alright Tommy! You're doing an excellent job! Just keep on waving that sign! Yep! Yep! Take that picture! Yep! Clean the spit up off that inflatable candy cane! You're doing great champ!" Seth shouted. I couldn't see whether Seth was either mocking or just doing a really bad job at encouraging because the camera light was so bright from the bench he was sitting on with Amber.

"Can you at least turn the brightness down! We already have lights in here!" I shouted to them from the Delibird attraction.

"It's for effect! And try not to talk or look towards us! It's supposed to be a secret spying video!" Seth shouted back.

"Fine!" I said. I went back to my job. Only three more hours of thi...

"Oh hey! What brings you here?" I heard from behind me. Oh no.

"Not much Amber. You know why?" I heard. Please no.

"I don't have much that brings me here, for I am Just a Guy!"


"What are you guys doing?" Just a Guy asked.

"We're filming Tommy at his first job," Seth said. (I'm still questioning whether he's actually insulting me or is just really stupid. Probably the second one.) Just calm down. Continue doing your job.

"Is that him over there?"

"Yep. He's that one dressed as the elf." Please don't say hi.

"Ok! I'll go say hi."


"Hey Tommy!"

"Oh... Hey," I awkwardly said.

"I didn't know you were working here?" Just a Guy said.

"Yeah, I needed money for Christmas."

"That's right! You didn't have enough for last year's gift exchange. It's too bad. That Carbink even put a card with his gift to you. These times. They are cheerful yet secretly cruel and unforgiving to those who fail," Just a Guy said. I'm sure this guy doesn't mean to insult me eight times in a row, but he does a pretty good job at it.






"Well, see you around!" Just a Guy said as he walked away. Finally, he left!

"HEY! You work here right boi? I want my picture on Delibirds lap! Make sure you capture all the glory of my muscular arms. I'm gonna use this for a Christmas card boi," a Pyukumuku said to me. I almost forgot to do my job.

"Ok. I'll make sure to..."

Pyukumuku has no arms.

-POV: Mark

Empty. Cod. Darkness. It's all I feel as I walk down the aisles of Woo-Mart with Tori and Tobias.....

"You think that an Axew, Aipom, and Cherubi would enjoy these shirts?" Tobias asked.

"Tobias! I don't care about your side character sympathizing! They like anything average. That's why they're side characters. Why are you even buying them gifts?" Tori responded.

"Because the main characters of this story get too much spotlight! The readers need to see the background characters that fill our world! I'm paying my respect to those heroes," Tobias stated.

"Ok, but could you at least help Mark. I think his soul just left his body," Tori said as she pointed to me. I looked over to my side. Huh. It's a Delibird attraction. I used to always look forward to taking a picture on the lap of who I once believed to be magical, but is now just another Pokemon. A Pokemon (a Drampa to be exact) walked up to the Froakie employee. I listened into their conversation.

"Sir. I don't think I'm allowed to let you sit on the lap of someone who's older than you. Legally of course," the Froakie said.

"That's fine. Have him sit on my lap instead," the elderly Drampa said. The Froakie looked back at is Delibird co-worker who was waving his wings saying no.

"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

Someone his age still believes in Delirbird? It must've been nice to live that way for the many years he's been alive. Oh. The Drampa is walking over.

"You seem down kid. Aren't you excited for Christmas?" the stranger asked me.

"I was until I realized its sad truths. What's the point? If Delibird isn't real, what's the reason?" I asked.

"Now listen here. You're what? Four years old. What makes you have the right to determine what Christmas is all about at such a young age? You've only been able to understand words for like two. Maybe Delibird is real, maybe it's about family, or maybe it's actually something much more significant than you realize. I'm not the one to tell you. You have to find that out yourself," the Drampa said. The stranger who was talking to me walked away.

"See Tobias! You were so obsessed with gifts that you almost let Mark get taked by a stranger!" Tori ranted.

"Oh! So he's been demoted to 'a stranger?' He has a family! No respect for the Pokemon who make up society. I shun thee," Tobias said as he turned his head away.

"You're so flamboyant," Tori said.

"At least I stand for a cause!"

(A/N: Thanks for reading! If you liked it, please vote and follow me for more chapters! It's December so expect some more Christmas chapters coming up. It's my favorite time of the year and my favorite thing to write about so I hope I can give you more chapters!)

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