S1 Ep. 8 Macy! The Rebellious Rulebreaker!

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(A/N: I've decided that this chapter would better fit here. I hope you enjoy. I'd like to say it's one of my best yet. I also decided to start putting music into some chapters. I hope it works out well!)

-POV: Macy

    "Ariel, don't forget to study for your permit test next Friday!" shouted Ariel's mother from the kitchen.

    "Got it, I'll also take care of the rest of the laundry and dishes too!" Ariel replied.

    "I'm sorry. This is actually the least busiest time in our house. You don't mind, right?" Ariel awkwardly asked.

    "Hey, don't worry. I was the one who asked to sleepover tonight. I gotcha fam," I said. She seemed relieved after that. She took me up the stairs to her room. Their house was blank. White wallpaper, doors, and common wood floors.

    "So what other things do you usually have to do after school?" I asked out of curiosity.

    "Well, there's finishing homework and extracurricular classes. I have to practice violin, make dinner sometimes, write a journal entry, and finish some chores. Then I get ready for bed," Ariel said. Any normal person would have been concerned about her lack of free time due to parental overload, but Ariel claims that she enjoys being busy and productive. Overly type A people are all Ariels. I consider myself a middle while someone like Kaleb or Scarlet is completely type B.

    "Interesting lifestyle," I mentioned as she opened the door. She paused.

    "Oh, yeah. Most relatives are surprised by this. Don't worry though. I like to make the best use of my time," she said.

    "What about right now?"

    "Building stronger friendships is a good use of time," Ariel commented. Her room was like the rest of the house apart from all her extra photos of our crew together and a couple other hobby objects stored neatly on the shelves. Her room is the completed opposite of my pile of trash.

    "So, this is my room," Ariel said. She clearly never has invited anyone over before.

    "It looks cool. It's nice to see a room where the floor is visible!" I exclaimed.

    "Hehe," she mumbled under her breathe.


More silence.

Complete silence apart from her mom vacuuming downstairs while she was cooking.

    "So, what's your family like?" Ariel asked me.

    "Huh. Oh. Naw. You don't need to hear about them. They're pretty normal. I could tell you about what it was like before I moved to New Dice City," I said.

    "You moved here?" Ariel asked. Wow. I guess I never told anyone about it. I met them five years ago. I was ten years old at the time.

    "Yep. It was wild ride to start," I said.

    "Could you tell me?!" Ariel eagerly asked.

    "Uh sure. It's also a long one though so get some snacks," I said.


-From the Perspective of 7-year-old Macy Grey the Minccino

    Hello! My name is Macy! Let's see. What is there to mention. Well, I'm seven years old, and I'm in the 2nd grade. I also live in the small town of Granville, Ohio. Some might say that I'm a little wild and that I can't pay attention in class, but I don't care! (Those 'some' being the teacher, the principal, and my parents.) What else is there? Well, I...

    "Macy! I told you to pay attention in class! This is the fifth time in today!" my teacher (a Lycanroc Midday form) shouted into my face. I'm sorry for using my brain to think.

    "Sorry 'Teach' it won't happen again," I said hoping we could move on. We didn't.

    "First of all, my name is Mrs. Rawlson. Second of all, I'm gonna have to give you time out at recess if you keep acting like this," she said.

    "What?! Time out is for kindergarteners! Why not another detention? My afternoon are practically always here anyway," I said. I have a lot of detentions to make up.

    "If you're going to act like a kindergartener, you will be treated like one."

    "Well I don't see anyone giving you time outs," I murmured.

    "MACY! INTO THE HALLWAY!" she shouted. I may have overstepped my boundaries...

    What got her all upset? I was just stating the facts. I guess it's another detention to add on. They're not really that annoying. I've gotten used to them. The only downside is that I have to walk home because my parents don't want to have to go out of their way to pick up their child. They will miss me when I'm gone.
    Granville is really nice though. Its autumn right now, and the leaves are in the middle of changing color. I started my walk home on the cloudy and brisk evening. I followed my usual route through downtown square and past a small park to my street. I saw the neighbors riding their bikes around. Casually threw a rock into one of their wheels. I always miss on purpose. I don't want to hurt them. Their expression is always funny when they get frightened though. I love Granville. I never wanna leave. The town's small enough to where you could leave your front door open, and nobody would try to break in!

Yep. Life is good in Ohio.

    I turned into the driveway of my medium sized home that housed my parents, my sister, and I. I hopped up the settling concrete stairs onto the porch and knocked on the door. My sister Claire (a Cinccino) answered the door while on the phone.

    "Food's on the counter. Mom and Dad aren't home right now," she said. She waltzed back into her room to make sure I couldn't hear her conversation. One time, she wasn't careful enough and I caught her on the phone with some random guy. She was in real big trouble after that and didn't have her phone for weeks! See. I'm not the only problem child here. I set my backpack down and walked on over into our mid-sized kitchen. There was a casserole on the stovetop with a note.

    "We'll be back at 8:00. Here's something for you two to eat."

    They've been home late a lot recently. I wonder what they've been doing.

    I relaxed back into our giant fluffy gray couch and flipped on the TV. Maybe their buying a new TV instead of this giant box we have in our living room. I flipped on to the news. Apparently tomorrow is the anniversary for the Dice City disaster. It's been like forty years since the incident and thirty years since the city was rebuilt as the bustling and alive New Dice City. Poor city residents. They have to deal with annoying traffic every day! Gotta love small town roads. I switched over to another channel and began to eat.


    "What do you think Claire will think about it?" I heard as I began to shake the drowsiness off. I had gone to bed before Mom and Dad got home. They didn't show up by eight. I looked at the clock.


    What are they talking about? I tried to listen more closely to their conversation. I could make out some of the words through the walls.

    "She probably won't mind. She has a phone anyway. It's Macy that I'm worried about," I heard my mom say.


    "Well, it is a pretty heavy topic, but it is for the best of our family," my Dad murmured. I listened for more. They stopped talking. I saw the light through the door shut off. They had gone to bed. I realized that there was no reason to hope to hear any more and went back to sleep.

    ALRIGHT! Today is the basketball team's final game! Pretty much the entire school is gonna be there. I'm only in elementary, but I've heard that the high school's team has been on fire recently. (Well that's what you get when one of your team members is a fire type.) The best part is my plan I have. Of course, I'm a notorious known prankster in the lower grades, but I haven't made a name for myself in the middle school and above. I need to be a legend by the time I'm older and in high school. That's why I've been setting up my biggest one ever! The bleachers have spaces under them. Perfect place to store several remote powered toy grenades filled with... Hmm... Probably grape juice.

    "Welcome everybody to the match between Granville and Yellow Springs! Today marks the final game of this unofficial season of basketball! I hope to see excellent play from each side, but I'm of course cheering for our school!" the principal announced. I waited in the hallway. My parents wondered why I wasn't sitting with them and Claire on the bleechers. Well, I didn't want to be a victim of my own prank. They didn't know though. I had previously placed the bombs while they were setting up. (They wonderd why I suddenly volunteered for something.) It's all ready, but I have to wait for an opportune time. Probably a grand finally to the game. Last minute of the 4th period seems like the best time.

    By the end of the first half, we were winning by 25!

    Soon our lead dropped down to 18.

    Then 5.

    Now it's tied and it's the final minutes of the game. Time to put my plan into action.

The clock counted down as the final seconds of the game approached. Our team was running to score again. I took the opportunity to launch the prank. I pressed the button and instantly, fountains of juice erupted from within the bleachers. I fell on the floor in laughter. Everyone was dripping purple. Our team seemed to be distracted by it as the buzzer sounded. It ended a tie game. As I through a little party of success for myself, the principal grabbed me.

    "Macy! You are expelled from our school forever!" he scolded. Wait what?!

    "Come on! I do pranks all the time. I thought it was our thing! I do bad things and you give me a quick scolding!" I pleaded in his office. I released a chariot of doom when I pressed that button yesterday night. Now I'm in school on a Saturday with my parents.

    "Mom! Dad! He can't keep me out of school forever! Right?" I asked.

    "Well, Macy. There's no need to ask because you're not gonna be going to this school anymore anyway," my Dad said. There was a hint of restraint in his voice. He was about to tell me something big.

    "We've decided to move to New Dice City," my dad said.

    "What!? Why?!" I frantically asked.

    "Your father got a new job opportunity there. It'll give us more money and your father will be able to spend more time you guys," my mother added.

    "Wha?! I don't care. I don't wanna leave!" I shouted.

    "Macy, say goodbye to your friends. We're leaving next week," my dad finished.

(A/N: Thanks for reading. Continue on to part two up next! Remember to vote, comment, and follow ItzChandelure and I for more content!)

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