Making Up

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Iris: Im sorry we were being so dumb, ash...

Ash: its no problem, i know you guys were just concerned...

Arceus; you ready ash?

Ash: in a little bit, and all my friends come?

Arceus: ash, you know humans arnt aloud in the hall of origin

Ash: oh....

Arceus: unless i let them... Dont worry ash they can come!

Ash: Yay!

Arceus: You should have seen the look on your face! Hahahaha

Ash: okay let me ask there parents permission

Arceus: okay, tell me when your ready to come back okay?

Ash: okay

Arceus: you know how to ask me

Arceus goes to the hall of origin.

At Mistys house

Ash: hey mistys sisters i have a request


Misty: Calm down! Your being a bunch of babys!


Ash: you do realize your yelling at roualty right?

Sisters: r..royalty

Ash: im the son of arceus...

Sister: YOU LIER!

Ash changes into his true form

Sisters: WHAAAAAAA?!

Ash: do you believe me now?

Ash changes back to his human form.

Ash: so about my request, misty is one of my good friends and since summer just started, i wanted to know if it would be okay if she came with me to the hall of origins, im asking all my friends parents/guardians...

Sisters: s..sure i cant believe my sister is friends with the son of arceus!

Ash: well i didnt know either until recently... btw, im ash ketchum

Sisters: Your the one who took a bullet to the head for his best friend?!

Ash: yup

Sisters: so why did you do that to that miette kid?

Ash: because she got on my VERY bad side, she did something you NEVER do to me, she pushed gary into serena right in front of me, and made it look like there kissing, so she could date me!


Ash: excactly! Plus she tries to ruin the life of anyone she dosent like,so i had enough!

Ash: well let me ask the others parents... i got to hurry!

Sisters: okay...

At garys house with Professor oak.

Gary: hey, granddad i need to ask a favor...

Professor oak: what is it? Oh and Hey ash hows it going?

Ash: well thats part of the favor, ya see im going somewhere this summer, and i wanted to know if gary could come?

Professor Oak: sure! So where are you going?

Ash: well im gonna tell you, but your probably not gonna believe me...

Oak: Ash, i will beleive anything you say, i know ylu wouldnt lie

Ash: *sighs* okay, proffessor oak, i wa ted to know if gary could come with me to the hall of origins.

Professor Oaks jaw drops

Oak: your being serous arent you...

Ash nods

Ash: i know, i have alot of explaining to do...

Oak: yes please explain...

Ash: i recently found out that, not only am i the chosen one, but im arceus' son

Professor Oaks jaw drops again, this time even bigger

Arceus appears

Arceus: what my son says is true samuel... he also asked me to make gary and the rest of his friends imortal which i gladly did.

Oak: a..arceus?!

Arceus: yes it is me, arceus, and i know you would like to ask me alot of questions for research, which i will gladly do in the future but now, i need to help ash train... but if its okay, can i become a teacher at the university?

Oak: definatly!

Later at Mays House

May: MOM! MAX! I'M HOME!!!

Max is the first to get there

Max: MAY YOUR HOME!!! Ooohh is this your boyfriend?

Ash: sorry max, but im not, i already have one...

Max: awwwww

Ash: but dont be disappointed, may already has one!


Mays mom walks in.

Mays mom: Get away from my daughter! I know your a vampire!

May: MOM CALM DOWN! I KNOW HES A VAMPIRE! But were really good friends!

Max: wait you kinda look like that vampire who took a bullet for his best friend gary!

Ash: that would be me...


Mays Mom: im sorry mr, i didnt know you were a good person

Ash: dont worry, ms. Maple its a common mistake!

Ms. Maple: thats good... so what brings you here?

Ash: well if its not to much to ask, i have a favor...

Ms. Maple: well what do you need?

Ash: well im going somewhere this summer and im asking all my friends parents if they can go with me!

Ash: oh and hows Mr. Normans gym going?

May: wait, ash how did you know about my dads gym? I never told you about it?

Ash: you see may, before i went to kalos university, i used to travel across regions, earning gym badges, but i never won a leage, except for two at least...


Ash: the orange leage and the battle frontier


Ash: yup

Ash: so about the request...

Ms. Maple: well, were are you going?

Ash: well after i say it i know for a fact you wont believe me so im gonna have alot of explainning to do and im probably gonna have to prove it,

Max: can you please just say it?

Ash: *sighs* im going to the hall of origins...


Ash: here, prohapps this will explain...

Ash changes into his arceus form

Everyone(encluding may)'s jaw drops

May: okay ash, i know your the son of arceus but i didnt know you had a whole nother form because of it!

Max and Ms Maple: YOUR THE SON OF ACREUS?!

Ash changes back to his human form

Ash: yeah... oh and i had my dad make all my friends imortal so i dont just out live them...

Their jaw drops

May: i know exciting right?!


Ash: sure as long as your mom says yes


Ash: okay, i will be back later after im done getting everyones parent permission to get you that way you have enough time to pack and have family time before we leave, oh and Ms. Maple, everyonce an a while for everyone, including me to see their family, including me because my mom lives here on earth, and we will be back after summer for school, is that okay?

Ms. Maple: sure, just can you tell me what you mean by everyonnce an a while?

Ash: like somewhere around every 1 or 2 weeks...

Ms. Maple: Oh okay, and can you make sure there back, here on July 4th

Ash: i know, everyone gets to go home 4th of July, because its our independence day

Ms. Maple: okay well you should probably get going...

Ash: yeah, i need to go ask Pauls parents...

Ms. Maple: okay

At pauls

Paul: hey can i go on a trip with my friend this summer? i will be back to visit everyonce in a while!

Pauls mom: sure!

Ash: well that was easier then i thought...

At drews

Drew: hey mom, can i go to the hall of origins this summer with my friend ash?!


Ash walks in

Ash: hey drew, you ready to ask her if you can come with me?

Drews mom: so where are you really going?!

Ash: drew didnt tell you? Im going to train with my dad at the hall of origins... by the way im ash ketchum nice to meet you!

Drews mom: you two really should joke around about that, arceus wouldnt apreciate it!

Ash: but m'am im not joking around, i really am the son of acreus, here let me go into my other form...

Drews mom: ???

Ash goes into his arceus form

Drews moms jaw drops...

Ash changes back to his human form

Ash: do you believe me now?

Drews mom: my son is dormmates with a pokemon?!

Ash: technicly im only a third pokemon...

Ash: im also only one third human

Ash: but i was born, half human, half pokemon... but then 5 years ago... there was the incident...

Drews mom: what 'incident'?!

Ash: back when i was traveling in kalos, on route 22... me, serena, clemont, and bonnie were walking along a path, when suddenly we were attacked by.......... a vampire

Drews mom gasps

Ash: i sacrificed my self so my friends could get out of there alive... and then i woke up the next day, and i was a vampire...

Drews mom gasps

Ash: but i dont need blood to survive anymore since arceus gave me my immortality back!

Drews mom sighed in releif

Ash: also one more thing...

Drews mom: yes?

Ash: i made drew, along with the rest of my friends immortal...

Alot of explaining later, at Dawns House

Dawn; okay mom, me and my friend, once he gets here, need to ask you something...

Ash arrives still in his arceus form

Ms. Johanna Gasps

Ash: what is it?

Dawn chuckles

Dawn: *sighs* ash you forgot to go back to your human form...

Ash: oops...

Ash: yeah, ill go ahead and tell you whats going on, but dawns mom, what do i call you?

Dawns mom: just call me ms johanna

Ash: oh okay

Ash: well you see... im Ash Ketchum, Dawns friend... and as you probably already guessed, im the son of arceus... and im going to train with him in the hall of origins this summer, so i was wandering if Dawn could come?

Ms Johanna: s..sure...

Both: thank you so much!

Ash: we will be back everyonce in a while so all of us can see our families...

Ms johanna: okay!

Ash: okay ill let you pack while i get promission from the others

With iris and cilan

Both: both of us's parents allready know you so they said yes

Ash: Great!

At berrys

Ash walks in still in his arceus form

Berrys mom: oh my!

Ash: hi im ash berrys friend.

Berrys mom is frozen in shock

Ash: whats wrong?

Berry chuckles and says
Berry: you forgot to go back into your human form, ash

Ash: Crap! Not again!

Berry bursts out laughing

Ash changes back into his human form?

Berry: wrong again...

Ash: oops! Thats my vampire form!

Ash finally goes into his human form

Ash: finally!

Ash: well im ash, berrys friend, and i wanted to know if its okay if gary goes with me to the hall of origins this summer...

Later at serenas

Serena: im already done packing, my mom just wants to know where we are going

Grace: so where are you two going
Grace smiled

Ash: well i recently found out im the son of arceus, so i need to go to the hall of origins to train...

Grace: WAIT WHAT?!

Ash: here, let me show you...

Ash changes into his arceus form.

Grace: im sorry you to but it is illegal for a human and pokemon to date

Ash: you dont have to worry about that part, im im only half pokemon
Im also half human!

Grace: oh okay...

Serena: and i already packed ahead of time!
Ash: okay well im gonna get everyone else while you two say your byes

Serena: okay

Ash: oh and ms grace, heres my adress incase you want to meet my mom

Grace: okay

Ash makes sure everyone is ready, then teleports them to serenas house

Ash: okay serena you ready to go?

Serena: yep

Ash: Okay lets go!

They all teleport to the hall of origins

Max: woaaaahhhh this place is so cool!

Arceus appears
Arceus: hello everyone, welcome to the hall of origins, your rooms are over here...

Everyone: Thank you arceus!

Arceus: no problem!

Arceus: oh and we are having a big dinner at 8:00

Ash smiles big because he knows about the suprise.

At 8:00

Arceus: our guests should be arriving soon...

Serena: you have other guests as well?

Arceus: ahh yes that part was a suprise

Ash sends his friends a smirk signaling that he knew about it

1 minute later

???: Why are there HUMANS here, arceus?!

Arceus: calm down Groudon,there Ashs friends

Ash: hey groudon! Its been a while!

Groudon: so it has ash! So, arceus finally told you?!

Ash: yep!

Ash: and these are my friends- drew, max, paul, berry, dawn, may, misty, iris, and cilan. This is my best friend, Gary. And this is my loving girlfriend, Serena.

Groudon: So, you finally stopped being a dense rock?!

Everyone bursts out laughing except for Ash.

???: Whats so funny Groudo- HUMANS?!

Arceus: Ahh, Kyogre you finally arrived, this are ashs friends!

Arceus: ash you can reintroduce them when everyone gets here...

10 minutes later...

Serena: hey ash, isnt that all the legendaries?

Ash: nope, Serena theres one i met before you started traveling with me...

Ash: back when it was only me, gary, and brock

Mewtwo arrives

Ash: ahh, there you are Mewtwo!

Mewtwo: ASH?!

Mewtwo gives ash a bear hug

Ash: its been a while...

Mewtwo: yes it has! Its been almost 6 years!

Mewtwo: Ash, who are 'they'?

Ash: oh thats right its introduction time isnt it?

Ash: just a second, dads is gonna get everyones attention so i can tell everyone

Mewtwo: oh okay, but i do recignise Gary

Gary: whats up, Mewtwo?! Long time, no see!

Mewtwo: i know its been, like almost 7 years now!


Everyone looks at arceus.

Arceus: Ash, would like to introduce you all to his friends!

Everyones attension is now at ash.

Ash: okay i want you guys to stand up when i call you okay?

The group: okay!

Ash: these guys are my friends- Drew, Max, May, Iris, Cilan, Dawn, Paul, Misty, and Berry! And you all know my best friend, Gary! And this, is my beautiful and loving girlfriend, Serena!

Latias looks sad


Everyone (except the forever alone, ash) started bursting out laughing.

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