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The next day

Serena: hey weres ash?

Gary: he said he was sick, and i dont think he was lying either. 1, he NEVER lies to me. 2, he didnt look very good

Drew: yeah, and the wierd thing is i went in there late last night to get a water bottle i left in there, but he looked fine, he was awake!

Misty: i definatly think something fishy is going on with that boy...

Iris: i couldnt agree more.

Suddenly, Ash walks in the cafiteria

Gary: ASH?! But your sick!

Ash: ill be fine, but gary i do need to talk to you in private

Gary: o..okay...

In the bathroom With Ash and Gary alone

Ash: dont worry gary im not m..mad at you but i do need something...

Gary: yeah what is it ash?

Ash: well i havent eaten in two w..weeks.... a..and im out of blood packs, so if its not to much to ask... can i have just a little... not enough to do any harm though...

Gary: sure! I dont mind, anything for my best friend!

Ash: now this might hurt alittle

Gary groans in pain as he feels the burning sensation of the two sharp fangs coming into his neck

30 seconds later

Ash: okay thats not enough to do any harm, but if you loose go much more, you know what i have go do...

Gary:(nervosly) and w..whats that

Ash: transfer some of my blood into your body.... which would turn you into a vampire...

Gary: well thats not very good...

Ash: yeah...

Ash: well now what are we gonna do to cover up those bite marks?

Gary: here i have a bandaid, i will just tell them that i fell and hurt my neck

Ash: you sure it will work?

Gary: im sure

Ash (sadly): but i did actually need to tell you something

Gary: what is it?! It must be pretty bad if it makes you sad period! Your almost NEVER sad, Ash!

Ash: i know... it just i found out who my dad is and it makes me ashamed...

Gary: who could be that bad?!

Ash: well, first of all i always lived a normal life, thinking i was human, before being bitten, and the other night i found out my dad is dracula... so ive actually been half vampire my whole life without ever knowing...

Ash starts to cry

Gary: ash... it okay.... its okay.... i know it must be hard....

Ash: your right... and well i should stop before someone hears me...

Ash starts walking out but still in his vampire form

Gary burst in front of him and pushes him back in loudly saying


Ash: what the heck gar-

Gary laughs

Gary: were fixin to walk out in your vampire form!

Gary laughs even harder

Ash: oops... well thats embarassing

TV: this is just in! The vampire from the other day hadnt just left behind a strand of his hair! We have found a hair of a pikachu as well!
And from Dna test-

Ash: oh no...

TV: he is 5 feet 6 inches tall.

Ash and Gary walk out of the bathroom

Misty: hey dosent ash have a pikachu?

Drew: yeah, its always on his shoulders

Misty: hmm same hair color, same signiture pokemon...

Later at gym

Coach: okay today we are gonna record your heigth, wieght, and stretchability

Ash: (in head) oh no...

3 minutes later

Coach: Ash Ketchum!

Ash goes to the hieght scale.

Coach: 5 feet 6 inches!

Misty: okay thats it! One more piece of evidense, and it HAS to be ash!

Ash comes to the bleachers

Serena: hi

Ash: hey serena!

Gary: okay no getting to lovey-dovey in here
Gary chuckles

Misty: hey gary, can i speak to you in private?

Gary: okay?

In private with Gary and Misty

Misty: okay, im starting to think that, Ash is the vampire who killed Flora


Misty: and how do you know? We have only known him fo-

Gary: SPEAK FOR YOURSELF! I have known Ash for 16 years! We have known each other since we were two!!!

Misty: WAIT WHAT?!

Gary: yes! Thats the one i was talking about that i have been friends with for a VERY long time


Gary: just give ash one more chance it was all councidenses

Misty: find but one more alikness and he gets a stake driven through his heart!

Gary: fine!

Later that day in the dorm

Gary: hey ash i have some bad news...

Ash: oh no! What is it?!

Gary: misty has figured out you killed flora, but she said just to be safe she will wait untill she gets one more piece of evidense

Ash: thanks for telling be gary! Your the best bro someone could have!

Ash hugs gary

Gary: you too bro

They brake the bro-hug and then Drew starts to come in

Ash: just a second drew!

Drew: okay?

Ash wispers to gary: hey can i trust drew enough to tell him?

Gary: yeah... he is my second best bro behind you

Ash: okay... Hey Drew you can come in now!

Drew comes in.

Ash: hey drew, sit right here... i wanna tell you something... but you have to promise you wont tell ANYONE!

Drew: okay?

Ash: now normally i dont tell people this but gary said i could trust you enough for you to know...

Gary: yeah, i have been in on it for a while now...

Drew: and what is this ultimate secret your trying to keep hidden

Ash(sadly): i am a vampire...

Ash looks worried, while Drew is frozen in fear...

Drew: a..are you the one t..that caused the i..insident

Ash's eyes starts tearing up

Ash starts crying and says
Ash: p..please dont remind me of that... it was the worst experience i have ever had...

Drew looks terrified and confused.

Gary: if it wasnt for me, cheering him up... he probably would have commited suicide...

Gary: lets just say he strongly hates having to do that, because of that he usually drinks animal blood out of bloodpacks, but when he runs out he has no other choice, and if he let them live they would call the hunters...

Drew: then what happened with him today?

Gary: he hadnt eaten in 2 weeks, but since were friends and i wont call the hunters, thankfully for the both of us, he didnt have to drink enough to harm me...

Drew: wow, i always thought vampires were heartless creatures who didnt care about humanity...

Gary: nope not all of them, but some are...

Drew: so why did he not wanta kill you more then the other people?

Gary: because we grew up togeather! And we will always be best friends

Suddenly they hear ash scream in pain in the other room

Gary: ASH!!!

Gary runs as fast as he can towards the door and when he gets in the hallway he saw a sight he could only think of in his nightmares...

A vampire hunter was standing over ash ready to put a stake through him


Ash: please dont hurt me mister, i wasnt here to hurt anyone, i live here...

Hunter: like i would believe you!

The hunter gets ready to steak him when


Hunter: what?!


Ash hugs gary.

Gary: any time, hommy! Your like a brother to me Ash!

Hunter: Back away child! For this boy is a vampire!


Drew is speachless about what kind of things gary would do to save ash

Ash hears something and its headed right at gary, FAST!


Ash pushes gary out of the way and the object, which turns out to be a bullet, hits ash in the head

Gary: ASH NOOOO!!!

Drew gasps in shock, not being able to comprehind what just happened

The hunter is suprised, in shock, and mad because he knew it was the cause of one of his oficer.

Gary started crying REALLY, REALLY hard.

The next day at school- 8:00

Dawn: wheres serena, ash, and gary?

Drew stays sielent, still heart broken over the death of his friend.

May: hey drew, gary and ash are in your dorm, do you know were they are?

Drew just continued to be sielent, but noticably sad and a tear goes down his cheeck

Misty: okay if Drew is depressed then something bad MUST have happened

Misty gasps

Misty: guys, you know how ash was really similar to that vampire that killed flora, what if...


Cilan: well i w-

Drew: STOP!

Everyone: huh?


Everyone is confused why drew said that and in shock that he yelled at them like that

Suddenly they see Gary and Serena coming, noticably crying there eyes out.

Everyone except drew who stayed there weeping rushed over to the two


Gary: Ash... he...

Serena: s..shot last n..night!

Everyone gasps and fears the worst

Dawn: HOW?!

Gary: There w..was a vampire hunter, and h..he was gonna put a s..stake through h..his heart and i..i stopped them, but officer jenny heard a yell and thought someone was in danger so she fired at the house, and ash heard it coming for me... he pushed me outta the way and it hit him in the h..head in the process

Everyone was shocked to hear the story, and started weeping as well and no one talked, even when the teacher called on them, for the rest of the day.(which they got in trouble for) when suddenly in the last class
Professor oak: Cilan, Gary, Serena, May, Drew, Berry, Dawn, and Paul. Im sorry but if you keep being seilnt for the rest of class you will have to go to detention, you have been doing it all day

But they remained silent.

When suddenly some blurted out


Professor oak: now that wouldnt be very a-



TV: This is just in, kalos university student, Ash Ketchum was shot in the head in his dorm by police, trying to save his best friend gary from the bullet! We will now play some prerecorded tapes from interviews with his two dormmates Drew Harrison and Gary Oak along with his Girlfriend Serena Yevvone

Drews Interview;

I may not have knew ash for very long, but i knew from the start he was a true trustwothy friend! He shared many laughs and went through hard times togeather, and he proved just how much of a friend he was when he gave his life for me and his best friend Gary

Garys interview:
Me and Ash have always been best friends, we have been friends since the small age of 2. And we went 8 years without seeing each other, and we were so glad to see each other again! We never kept any secrets from each othet, even our deepest darkest ones... And even when he told me he was a vampire, that didnt ruin our friendship! And he proved that when he gave his life to save me...
And ash if your listening, i would have done the same for you any day...

Serenas interview: Me and Ash had a very deep bond with each other, we may have not even have been in a relationship for a year but back 8 years ago, when we travled togeather, we were attacked by a vampire, and he sacrificed himself to save me from the vampire, and the next day i was destroyed on inside after what happened, then i saw him, standing in the doorway. I wondered how he survived but i didnt care! I was just glad he was back! Then when i rushed to give him a big bear hug, he collapsed, and didnt wake up until 20 minutes later and when he woke up he told me everything that happened.
And to be honest, i was terrified of him at first. Until i realized it was the same ash that i had always knowed and loved, and from that day onward, my feelings for him only grew stronger. And in collage one day at my dorm i was attacked, someone tried to mug me, and i refused to give them my money, so he shot me 3 times in the stomach and he took the money and right before everything faded to black, which i thought for good, i saw ash completely onbliterate the guy who mugged me.
Then i woke up in my dorm, but i felt different, i saw ash and was happy but after rembering what happened, i was confused how i was alive, when ash said, you do know what i had to do to you to bring you back right?
Then at that moment i realized i wasnt human anymore... I was a vampire, but then ash said something i nevet thought i would hear that dense rock say in my life, which was, "i love you serena" and after that we were a and ash faced many things togeather, good and bad, heck we saved the school from a vampire infront of everyone in the cafiteria! Until we realized we needed to lay low so we whiped there memories. And when i found out what happened to ash not only was i devistated, but i knew, thats ash for you...

Back to the news report

TV: what happened to mr. Ketchum was really a tragedy to say the least...

But by now no one could take it anymore. Excpecially his friends but the ones who couldnt bare it the most were: Serena, Gary, Drew, and Profesor Oak.

Oak: Why.... why ash?! Ash was always the sweetest boy i knew, he really cared for his pokemon, and was a great friend. I knew he would be a great trainer, when i gave him his pikachu...

Later that night at the funeral

Serena came to the place an hour early to see one and only one other person in there.

Serena: hello? Is this where Ash Ketchums funeral is at?

???: Yes... Its just so unfair that hes gone!

Serena starts to weep as well and hugs the woman...

???: by the way if your wondering im Delia, ashs mom... may i ask your name?

Serena: im serena, ashs girlfriend...

Delia: oh! Well i wasnt aware my little ash had a girlfriend at the time!

Serena: Wait! Speaking of Ash! Wheres his body?!

Delia: i dont know, it wasnt here when i came...

Delia: and since your his girlfriend you are aware of him being a vampire, right?

Serena: yes ma'm infact i was there when he was bitten...

Delia: Wait?! Your-

Serena: the serena that went to camp and travled with through the kalos region? Yes.

Delia: he didnt accidenly bite you did he?!

Serena: of course not! But he did once though...

Delia: Oh my gosh im sorry!

Serena: oh dont worry im glad he did, and you should be too, because it actually saved my life!

Delia: wait! what?!

Serena: well i was being mugged and ash heard me scream, and i refused to gibe the mugger my money so the mugger shot me 3 times in the stomach, then ash arrived on the scene, and he completly obliterated the mugger, then everything went black, so he brought me back to my dorm. And when i woke up i felt different and then i saw ash which made me very happy then i relized, how was i alive?! Then as walked over to me and said, you know what i had to do, right? I was confused then ash told me to feel my mouth, and i felt two fangs, i then tackled him laughing, then he told me something i neverthought i would hear that dense rock say in my life, (delia laughed her but off when serena called him that dense rock) He said i love you. I then kissed him and said that we can be the perfect vampire couple!

1 hour later

Preacher: i am sorry we do not have the body of ash ketchum, but somehow this evening it disapeared. Because i had securrity check on his body 3 hours ago and when the two people that got here 1 hour early they said it was already gone when they arrived.

Everyone sighs in sadness, not getting to look at him one last time.

20 minutes later
Suddenly, a voice was heard just outside the doorway

???;Well, i know why the body isnt there... because im in possesion of it.

Serena in a fit of rage storms outside to see just who had the nerve to steal ashs body.

When she saw who it was she gasped.

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