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*Blind Date*

Your pov

I'm here at kanto region at my home pallet town with my partner (f/p), I was sitting at the couch with my usual calm and mellow face enjoying the warm breeze blowing at an open window near the couch my (h/c) hair swaying along with the wind as (f/p) sleeping on my stomach as I smile at his sleeping form then I heard a loud and aggressive knock on my door


So I got up waking up my partner as he yawn then made him self comfortable on the couch once again.

I was in front of the black wooden door the loud knock starting to get louder by the minute as I reach for the shiny golden colored doorknob twisting it in the process as the door fully opens reviling leaf in front of my door looking very tried as I let her in.

She sat on the sofa near my couch we're (f/p) is sleeping. I got a glass of cold water in the kitchen then gave it to her

"t-thank you......"

She said between breaths as she drinks the cold glass of water in her hand

"are you alright leaf?, you look like you run into a mountain to get here?"

I asked worried heard in my voice as I keep my calm and mellow face on


She said getting her energetic self back

"(y/n) I've got something to show you!"

She said shouting waking up (f/p) in the process as I gave her a glare


She said making a peace sign

"it's fine"

I said slowly but in a calm way

"so what we're you going to show me?"

I asked as her eyes sparkle then she grabbed my hand dragging me out of my own house as (f/p) run after us to catch up

~time skip~

We we're in front of a snowy mountain leaf beside me and my partner (f/p) on my left

"what are we doing here leaf?"

I asked keeping my calm personality to not get aggressive with my best friend

"we're here because I found someone to date you"

She said pointing at me with a smirk that made me shiver. She always do this date thing, whatever she calls it, it's been going on since she left and traveled to jotho region, she said that for leaving me she'll find me a good date which I decline in the first place but she was so insisted that all she's doing is making me pissed but I can't tell her that she'll be heart broken

"*sigh* who is it now?"

I said sighing like it's going to be a bad thing which it will then she grab me again as I follow her up the snowy mountain

~time skip~

We we're still halfway up the mountain. The cold and freezing wind making it harder to get farther

"leaf, this better be something good or I don't know what I might do!"

I said my eyebrow twitching with anger at the cold mountain and at leaf dragging me all the way here with (f/p) who is already very cold as he warm himself up

"c-calm down (y/n) this will be worth it...............I hope"

She said whispering the last part which I still heard but choose to ignore

~time skip~

We're now on the top of the mountain as I look at the amazing view in front of my eyes it was breath taking as the cold wind blows my (h/c) hair making it dance with the freezing breeze as (f/p) was by my side

"(y/n) he's over here!"

Leaf yelled making me and (f/p) flinch

"I'm coming!"

I semi-yelled walking we're leaf was as (f/p) follows behind me there I saw a guy with a red hat with dirty white pants, black t-shirt, black and white gloves, red shoes and a red zip-up jacket. The sleeves of the jacket are black, and a white stripe highlights the front of it. He is taller then me since I am 5'3 and I'm guessing he's 5'10. He has black raven hair and red warm eyes and he also has a pikachu on his shoulder

"(y/n), this is red and red this is (y/n)"

Leaf said pointing at red then me as the person called red looked at me with his red orbs making me sink we're I'm standing.

He's stair feels like he wants to melt you, I brush the thought of that then looked up at his piercing eyes like he was reading me so I did the same he's eyes felt so warm that I can feel the heat not the bad kind but the good kind.

"ehem.... Ehem!"

Leaf cough getting are attention and I didn't notice that I was staring to long that made a dust of pink blush crawl up on my cheek

"well (y/n) I'll leave you with red for now I'll come back tomorrow okay?, see ya!"

She said running down the freezing mountain leaving me alone with a total stranger

"*gulp* u-um?"

I started to stutter as I feel my nervousness kicking in

"do you wanna get in my cave?, you look cold already"

He said pointing at a cave not far from we're we are so he lend me his hand as I gladly accept it, his hand felt so warm even thought he's been here like an hour or so

~time skip~

We're now inside the cave I was sitting on a log across from red with a warm fire in the middle of us, he was petting his pikachu as it sleeps on his lap while my (f/p) was sitting next to me sleeping as I put a blanket over him as I smile at my partner (f/p) then I notice in the corner of my eyes that red was looking at me so I started to tense up as my blood go up at my cheek

"you really don't need to be scared of me"

Red said braking the silence between us

"to be honest I'm not really scared of you, it's just that I'm not use being with strangers"

He set his pikachu near a blanket as he got up then sit next to me

"then don't just think of me as a stranger?"

He said-asked me making me confused

"what do you mean?"

I asked tilting my head to the left

"like this"

He got closer to me kissing me in the process, when I felt his warm lip's on mine at first my mind was blank then all of it sink in making me snap back to reality making me melt into the kiss.

I didn't realize I was already kissing him back then he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance that I gladly opened for him to explore all the corners of my mouth claiming it his own making me moan in the process are make out session was like a flaming fire of love as are kiss lasted we had to stop and breath as we parted are lips a little string of saliva was shown still connected to are lips as we breath heavily

"(y/n), I love you"

He said inbetween breaths

"I love you too red"

I said resting my head on his chest as he hugged me closer to him as we drifted off to sleep

(1280 words and if you want to request a story just comment down and I'll do it)

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