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Has we see are heroes Ash,Iris and Cilan arriving at the entrance of route one

Ash:Home sweet home
Cilan:Feel something nostalgic Ash
Ash:Yeah you could say that I mean this we're my journey begins my origin to become a Pokémon master
Iris:Well are we gonna go our what
Ash:Okay but why are you in such a hurry Iris
Iris:I just want to rest my legs okay
Ash:Okay follow me

Has they continued walking Ash noticed that something what's up with Iris and even Cilan and a Pikachu were looking weird what's even weird is that pikachu was not on his shoulder

Ash:Guys my house is like a few steps a head is a fellow one I'll meet you guys up there I'll just need to leave my Pokémon with Professor Oak
Cilan:Okay will see you there
Ash:Pikachu go with them too so you can guide them
Pikachu:Pika(Okay Ash)

Has they three left the strang feeling was still in Ash normally Pikachu would stay with him to see his other friends

Ash mind:Something's up it's not just those three but Oshawott and Pignite also act weird for some reason mhm I should go to the lab see if they know something

Has he goes to the lab but in the way one of his pokeballs opened

Snivy:Sni(I want to stretch a little)
Ash:Okay if you want you can go on my shoulder

She accepted the offer and got on Ash shoulder has they got to the lab Ash knock on the door has it was opened

???:Oh Ash my boy
Ash:Hello there Professor
P.Oak:Also congrats on making it fare at least in the league
Ash:Thanks Professor but can I talk to you about something inside

Has he got in they site in the coach

P.Oak:So whats the problem
Ash:Well you see Iris,Cilan,Oshawott,Pignite and evening pikachu have been acting very strange recently
P.Oak:What give you that idea
Ash:Well for starters Iris has been very much in hurry to get to my home,Cilan wasn't taking weird, my two Pokémon ignored me like I did something and even pikachu has been ignoring me
P.Oak:That does seem strange
Ash:Maybe I'll discover what's going at home
P.Oak:Yes are you gonna leave Snivy and the others here
Ash:Yeah actually I was gonna do that
Snivy:Sni(Ash can I stay with you please)
Ash:Okay Snivy you can stay with me

Has he put his pokeballs out and put them on the table in that moment Gary came in

Gary:Those bastard how dare they

Has he looks straight and see Ash and Oak looking at him

P.Oak:Gary what was that all about
Gary:Ash your here oh thank arceus
Ash:Ah Gary what's wrong I was gonna go home right now so if you
Gary:Ash no you can't go there

With that both Samual and Adh were shocked at the Gary's actions

P.Oak:Gary what's going on
Gary:Ash I'm sorry to say this but there trying to make you give up
Gary:Your friends Brock,Misty and the others
P.Oak:I did see them and some ice new with a lucario
Ash:That's Cameron but what do you mean
Gary:Ash there going to betray you they tried to convince me to join them but they failed they saying your weak because you never won a league that's you should just give they say those bastards

Those words shock the boy at first he thought Gary was joking but looking at his worried face his not joking

Ash:And my mom and pikachu what do they say
Gary:I wish I was imagining things but yes Delia and Pikachu agree with them
P.Oak:What but how could they
Ash:Wait if they got them hey Professor where were you later back
P.Oak:Well I was still doing my research upstairs
Ash:And were was Tracy
P.Oak:He was in the backyard taking to your oh wait you said Oshawott and Pignite acted weird

After that the three and Snivy went out to see actually all of his Pokémon at first they look happy to see him but Ash knew it was a lie


Has with that all his Pokémon stood confused thinking that there trainer never acts like this then Ash brought out his team Oshawott,Pignite, Krokodile and Charizard at first krokodile and Charizard look confused so they went to Snivy

Pokémon translate
Krokodile:Snivy what's going on why does everyone look confused
Snivy:Well it goes like this

Has she explains what has happened

Pokémon translate end

Has the orange dragon turned to see the Pokémon glaring at them then krokodile snd Snivy look at Pignite and Oshawott they told them to join them so the two went with the other Pokémon

Ash:Good to see you three are still with me

Has he smile at his three Pokémon to then back to glaring at the other group

Ash:I know you don't have to hide it

Has then they all frowned

Ash:So after everything with been through are adventures,the battles and that I took care of you this what I get betrayal not just from my mother,best friends and his starter Pokémon but all his other Pokémon but I know this go to everyone so I want the truth the ones who still believe and are loyal to me come to me now

Has with that Boizel,Infernape and Sceptile walk to there trainers side has they meet with the other Pokémon that are still loyal

Ash:Really only three you all lost faith in me

Has the Pokémon don't say anything Ash just points at the forest the Pokémon that betrayed understand what he was trying to say to just go back to the forest has with that all his Pokémon left has he noticed only Bayleef stayed behind but he didn't show a smile to her only anger tears went down the grass type has she ran to the forest

Gary:I'm so sorry Ash this at times happen to you
Ash:Well what do I do now where can I go where those traitors can't find me
P.Oak:I know a place and something that could help you I'll be right back

Has the two boys waited for the old man he returns

P.Oak:Here Ash

Has he gives him a Pokedex

Ash:Ah Pokedex?
P.Oak:This more than just any Pokedex this is the nanodex this device can allow you to keep unlimited Pokémon and they won't come here
Ash:WOW science is so amazing
P.Oak:And has all information on Pokémon from every region specially the one I'm telling you to go
Ash:Which is
P.Oak:Kalos is a region close to Unova and has and interesting thing called Mega evolution
Ash:Well then I better get set before those traitors figure out that I'm gone

Has he grabs his bag pack and returns his loyal Pokémon except charizard has he hops on his orange dragon

Ash:All call you guys ones I reach the region
P.Oak:Be safe out there Ash
Gary:You better call Ashy-boy
Ash:I will Gaer-bear

Has the three look outside the white barrier all the traitors,his mom and pikachu

Delia:Sweet heart where are you going
Ash:Nowhere you should know
Misty:Ash how dare you speak to your mother like that
Ash:She's not my mother anymore
Delia:Ash what are you
Ash:I know the truth I know that if I were to step in the house you were gonna tell me to give on my dream well newsflash assholes I'm not giving up and surely not gonna tell you where I'm going

Pikachu was about to head to his side but then gets interrupted by a flamethrower from and angry charizard has Pikachu look at ash that gave him a glare

Ash:I'm mostly disappointed in you pathetic rat I always wondered why you never enter red the ball I now I know why you waited for this

With that pikachu back of and hop on max shoulder

Ash:I hope we never get to see each other ever again oh don't even try looking for me because you won't find me

And with that he flies away has the traitors look at him

(Za Warudo)

After hours of flying they finally arrive to Kalos landing in the nearest city being luminous city has he landed

Ash:This place looks nice don't you think buddy

Has the dragon agreed he returned him

Ash:Okay first things first I got to find Professor Sycamore lab maybe someone can help me

Has he walk around he then spotted two yellow hair people

Ash:Hey there
???:Are you talking to us
Ash:Yeah you see I'm new here I'm trying to find Professor Sycamore lab
???:Oh that we can help follow me
Bonnie:What I'm just trying help him Clemont
Clemont:But we don't even know him
Ash:Oh yeah sorry about that forgot to introduce myself my name is Ash Ketchum from the Kanto region
Bonnie:See his a nice guy well Ash my name is Bonnie and this my big brother
Clemont:Okay hello I'm Clemont so you want to go to Professor Sycamore
Ash:Yeah I was sent here for two reason to give him something and the other one I rather not talk about that much
Clemont:Okay follow us

Has they continue they arrive at the lab has the three step in

Bonnie:Hello Professor Sycamore!
???:I'm here

Has adult man comes down the stairs

Clemont:Ash this is Professor Sycamore
P.Sycamore:So your Ash right the one Professor Oak send you right
Ash:Yeah I'm task to give you this

Has takes a documents of his bag pack and gives them to the Professor

P.Sycamore:Thank you also I'm sorry for what they did to you
Ash:No prob but I rather not talk about it is still hurting my head

Has the brother and sister look confused later they were in the coach

Clemont:Ash if it's okay with you can you tell me what happened to you
Ash:Knew your gonna ask but to keep it short I got betrayed by the ones I called family and friends
Clemont:Oh sorry
Ash:It's okay
Clemont:Want to talk about
Ash:No I rather not

Has then a Garchomp came in

P.Sycamore:Oh Garchomp good to see you
Bonnie:Oh wow a Gachomp
P.Sycamore:Want to pet him
Bonnie:Do I

Has he pulled Bonnie up to pett the dragon has then Ash noticed a frog like Pokémon in the corner staring at Ash

Ash:You okay there

Has the Pokémon turned around and left

P.Sycamore:I see you met one of the staters
Ash:What Pokémon was that
P.Sycamore:It Froakie a water type Pokémon and the other starters are Fennekin which is a fire type and Chespin who is a grass type
Ash:They sound nice can I meet the other two
P.Sycamore:Sure follow me

Has Ash went with Sycamore in the entrance three figures appear

???:Hello there fellow researcher we researcher are here to check out Professor Sycamore information on mega evolution
Assistant:But we never got anything that you would come
???:Ah screwed Jess this getting old

Has then Garchomp and Froakie appeared

???:And there is are target
Assistant:Your what

Has they quickly put something on Garchomp that makes him go crazy


Back with Ash who was petting Fennekin

Ash:Your are cute one aren't you
Fennekin blush:Fenn(Thank you)
P.Sycamore:Grew and attraction to Fennekin I see
Ash:Let's just say I have a thing for fire types

Has then both of them heard a scream has they ran to were came and Clemont and Bonnie were close behind has the four see garchomp in pain

Ash:Wait that hair you are
The three ???:Its the twerp
Ash:Team Rocket

Has then they do there intro(But I'm not gonna show it) but has they finish they were shot by garchomp hyper beam

Team Rocket:We are blasting off Again

Has silent went down the room

Clemont:What just happened

Has they are now looking at garchomp who was in pain has he used hyper beam everywhere and then flew away

Ash:Dang it those guys always bring this sort of thing
Bonnie:But who were they
Ash:Not now Charizard!

Has he brings out his Pokémon

P.Sycamore:Ash where are you going
Ash:Where else I'm going after Garchomp
Froakie:Fro(Not without me)
Ash:Then hop on Froakie and hold on tight
Fennekin;Fenne(I want to come too)
Ash:The more the merrier

Has has he and Froakie and Fennekin go get him after that(The events of what happened in the series happen here with change being that that the one falling was Fennekin and the one catching them was charizard)After that hole craziness we find are hero in the front of the lab

Ash:Well I'm off
Clemont:Ash can I ask you something
Clemont:Is it possible for me and Bonnie to come with you
Ash:You know at first I would accept but not yet I have to do this alone
Bonnie:But why
Ash:When you get older you'll understand Bonnie but don't worry I'm sure will meet again just have faith
Ash:Well I'm.!

Has he gets hit by something has he looks in front of him to see Froakie and Fennekin with pokeballs in front both

Ash:You guys want to come with me

Has both Pokémon nod happily Ash accepted it and grab both pokeballs to then catching them

P.Sycamore:Good luck Ash
Ash:Thanks well good bye

Has he hops on Charizard and flies away

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(this a montage with the opening)

Has Ash traveled around the region of Kalis meeting new people and Pokémon he always stop for some training along the way Ash captured a Flechling with Froakie and Fennekin help together with the training Infernape and Boizel they evolve into there second forms and along the way Flechling does the same then after in encounter with a Machamp they were able to capture a Hawlucha he got along with everyone but was in a competition with Frogadeir has there adventure continued they made a new friend Goomy that with Ash and his Pokémon help evolve into a mighty Goodra after some relaxing Hawlucha found and egg with Flechingder help the hatched revealing a noibathas with training Frogadeir became Greninja,Flechingder was a Talonflame and Noibat was a Noivern has they continued there adventure Ash and Greninja bond grew stronger to then unlocking a new form and after meeting the champion of the region and having a battle with her the form was revealed he fell unconscious in the battle but he recovered after that he maded his goal to unlock the form after then he got two new ones Auroras and Aegislash in his loyal ones Snivy decided to stay has Snivy saying she wants to get stronger has a Snivy and boizel knows he's going to evolve only he doesn't know when after we visited a cave we found three stones two of which had attracted Charizard and Sceptile and in time Ash and greninja mastered Ash-Greninja has they call it after that Ash wondered around until he came across and Eevee at first she was shy of him but after saving her from a tyranitar she accepted him has there bond grew stronger so did there love has Eevee evolve into a Sylveon.Two years Later we find are hero on a cliff looking at the sun rise with Sylveon by his side

Ash:Are journey begins today Sylveon
Ash:Return for now okay I'll bring you back out don't worry

Has he returned her he then grab his phone and made a call

???:Hello who is this
Ash:Hey Alexa

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