3K! Ye boi!

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Me:*scrolling and look at dares*Hm...*checks views*...*sees 3K*...SD GET HERE NOW!
SD:Yeah yeah what
Me:Now for that oneshot?
SD:I hate you*passes paper*
Me:But I created you!*reads oneshot on paper*Good enough!
SD:*uses host power and brings other hosts and Pokespe*
Hosts:It isn't a working day!!
SD:I know I know it sucks
Me:For the Pokespe that is
SD:Well we got 3K views so the author here decided to do a bunch of one shots for each ship
Gold:3K people enjoy seeing us suffer?
Yellow:F-first is S-specialshipping

Title:My many mistakes in a year
Ps. Inspired by may_and_drew

Specialshipping~Red x Yellow~
Who could have thought I could have made so many mistakes in a year? Not me.

-8 years old-
I was walking through Viridian Forest with Pika when I saw a blonde hair girl walk by the bush I was behind. In attempt to see who it was I got up, but the bush shook and scared you away.
Mistake 1-I scared you away

-10 years old-
I was set on my journey but I still had that girl in mind. So when I had left on my journey, I visited the Viridian Forest, hoping she would be there. When I got there, I didn't see her, so I waited. I waited for at least 2 hours, then I saw her. She was by the river and she had a Pikachu with her. She and her pikachu were fishing by the river. I almost went out to greet her, but I didn't.
Mistake 2-I lost my chance

-12 years old-
I returned to Pallet Town, for Prof. Oak had called me there. The blonde haired girl was still at mind, and I found myself in front of the Viridian Forest. Prof. Oak needed me so I walked by.
When I got to the lab I was in shock to see her. The blonde hair girl. "Red, meet Yellow" Prof. Oak said.
Mistake 3-I met you

-13 years old-
Along my travels in Kanto, I met her. We talked for a bit and decided to travel together.
Mistake 4-I travelled with you

-14 years old-
Along our travels you were so nice to me. I had never met anyone as nice as you. We got along well and soon, I felt a spark. What is that feeling?
Mistake 5-I didn't realise what I felt

-16 years old-
You decided that you wanted to travel on your own. That was the day I had realised my feelings and wanted to confess. As we said our goodbyes and were about to part, I was going to confess, but I didn't.
Mistake 6-I didn't confess

-18 years old-
I bumped into you at Hoenn and we decided to have a battle. As expected I won and you lost. I didn't know what I was thinking but when we were going to shake hands, I pulled you in and kissed you. You being as shy as ever started blushing, and I ran off.
Mistake 7-I kissed and ran

-20 years old-
You had been invited to Blue's birthday party just like I had been. You were dressed in a white dress that shaded to green and you looked great. The whole time you tried to talk to me about the kiss, but I avoided you.
Mistake 8-I avoided you

-21 years old-
During my travels in Sinnoh, I saw you. I was going to walk away, till I saw someone else with you. I started walking off, heartbroken but you saw me and called for me. I couldn't bare to look back so I ran off, even when you were calling for me.
Mistake 9-I ran from your calls

-22 years old-
I started going out with a girl called Misty. She had asked me out when I was traveling a bit with her, and I couldn't decline. Along my travels in Kalos, I saw her. She looked at me and waved, but Misty came up to me and pulled me towards the gym, and she got the idea and left.
Mistake 10-I went with another and let her go

-25 years old-
She was engaged. I had left Misty for her, only to find out she was engaged. I was invited to the wedding obviously, but I couldn't bare to show up, but I did. When they asked if anyone objected, I wanted to say "I object" but the words couldn't come out. Instead, Blue stood up and and said it, soon followed by the other Pokespe gang, except me.
Mistake 11-Everyone ruined her day for me

-27 years old-
I was single, and so was she. Along my travels in Kanto again, I passed by the Viridian Forest and I saw her. I wanted to confess, but instead, I walked by and lost that chance again.

Soon after, I heard calls that a fire started in the Viridian Forest. My eyes widened as I ran there as fast asy legs could carry me and ran into the fire, to find her. I saw her, in the fire, crying out for help. I ran to her and scooped her up, before running. The fire however, surrounded us and there was no way out. I look to her and said "sorry I failed you." What she said shocked me. "It's okay. I forgive you Red...I love you." I did the only same thing someone would do in this kind of situation. I kissed her and she kissed back. As we parted and the flames engulfed us I whispered back "I love you...Yellow" and with that, the flames engulfed us.
Mistake 12-I failed to save her

Me:*insert tears*
Red and Yellow:*blushing furiously*
SD:Why did I make this so sad?!
Zuraxy:This is so sad!!!
Fortune:Why'd it end like that?
RR:Please the rest not be sad
Pickle:How come Red isn't dense and has guts in here
Blue:MY SHIP!! *cries*
Green: Tch pesky woman...
SD:I didn't realise how cringe worthy it was
Me:tbh Yellow was OOC
Tundra:My turn?
Me:I asked Tundra to write the Oldrivalshipping fanfic
Tundra:Thats right*passes fanfic*
Me:*reads it* great!

Title:It's either Work or me
Ps. Blue is the girl and Green is the boy

Oldrivalshipping~Blue x Green~
Green POV
I was humbly doing my paper work on legendary Pokémon, when a certain pesky brunette, came to bother me. "Greenie~ watcha doin??~" Blue asked. "Paper work, pesky woman. So, it would be very appreciated if you could leave me alone and go bother someone else." I said, without even looking away from the screen. I can already tell that she was pouting behind me.

As I was about to save the file, Blue turned my chair around for me to face her. For once, she actually had a serious angry look on her face, one that I had not seen in a Long time. "Green." She called me Green?! Not Greenie?! It may be a good thing but it was unusual of her. "We've been together for 5 years. We're 26 for goodness sake! And during these 5 years, all you have cared about is your work. Every year on our anniversary, you forget and turn me down for your work! Do you know how many people think we say we are dating as an act?! We hardly go out and every time I got out I get asked out and I turn them down! You know how many girls would have left or even cheated on someone who treats them like trash?! Well I didn't. I stuck with you and stayed loyal to you. So I'm sick and tired of you always being busy with work. It's time you choose." Blue said all of that without even joking around. That just proves she is dead serious. "Time to choose what exactly?" I asked with a straight face, despite me being scared out of my mind.

"It's either work or me." She said. I could really tell this wasn't one of her jokes and that she was really serious this time. I mean, my work was very important to me, but I hate to say this out loud but, Blue is also very important to me. She is one of the few people I really care about. Everyday she comes to my work place to bother me when I actually got used to it and considered it company. It would just be odd to have work without her coming over to bug me. To be honest, Blue was right. Others would have left someone like me, but not Blue. She stuck by me this past 5 years while I have been a jerk to her.

I sighed as I looked at Blue with a straight face. "Blue." First time not using pesky woman to refer to her. "I know it may seem that I work nonstop and that I'm peeved by your presence, but honestly...I had gotten used to it. So used to it that I considered it company. I'd feel out of place if you didn't come everyday just to bother me. So if I had to choose between you and work, I'd choose you." I looked at Blue and saw her covering her mouth as she started tearing up. She came over as I pulled her into a hug. "I love you, Greenie."

"I love you too...Pesky woman."

Me:how touching!
Blue:Awww Greenie so sweet!!
Green:Ugh *rolls eyes*
SD:I wrote a sad fanfic and Tundra wrote a touching one...unique!
Me:Yeah...Nana may kill you...later
Nana:*sharpens knife*
Me:Pickle's turn
Crystal: Please it not be-*gets cut off by Blue*
Pickle:*passes fanfic*

Title:One in a million

MangaQuestShipping~Gold x Crystal~
Crystal POV
I sighed as I watched Gold flirt with the girls at the beach as I sat in the shade and read my novel. Silver, Lyra and I were dragged here by Gold, only to be left in the dust as he flirted nonstop with almost EVERY girl on this beach. "How long more will he keep this up? We've been here for almost two hours and he said he had everything planned and now he leaves us to flirt with girls? What a jerk!" Lyra huffed as she sat next to me on the sand, under the shade.

"Tell me about it. I was in the lab doing research when he cane crashing in and basically threw me over his shoulder and ran out the door!" I complained as I recalled it. Lyra bursted our laughing and I turned my attention to the direction she was looking at to see the usual Gold, lying facedown on the sand. He was probably hit in someway for being a pervert. He then got up and ran this way. "Okay Guys! Let's start our games!" He cheered and we gave him the 'are you kidding me' look. But we agreed anyway. We all were then confused when Gold said we were to play 'hide and seek'. "Isn't that a kids game?" Silver asked. But by then, Gold was already dragging me off and shouting to Silver and Lyra. "YOU COUNT!". They shouted something in response but we were too far for me to hear what they said.

"Oi where are you dragging me off to?" I grumbled as we had been walking a lot and i'm pretty sure we are very far away from the pair. "Oh nothing~ Just a GREAT hiding spot I found," Gold smirked at his greatness. I rolled my eyes and just continued to walk. Eventually we arrived at Gold's so called 'great hiding spot', which was nothing but a plain old cave. We walked inside and took a seat deep in before just waiting. Gold being Gold started flirting on me, using all his pickup lines and compliments. Honestly, I sort of hated it. It reminded me that I was just another one of those many girls he had flirted with and that I was nothing special to him.

Unknown to myself, tears pricked in my eyes and started falling. I heard a gasp, which broke me out of my trance and instantly pulled my hand up to feel the tears already falling. Gold ran to my side and pulled me into his warm embrace. "Shhhh. SSG what's wrong?" He asked in a calming tone, for once not his teasing idiotic one. I felt like the walls I built up were instantly knocked down as I admitted everything about how I felt to him. Even my love for him.

Gold looked shock. Maybe he didn't feel the same? I was about to get up when he suddenly pulled me in a kissed me. I wanted to pull away but instead I kissed back. After what felt like years, he pulled away and gave a genuine smile as my face broke out in a bright red blush. "Crystal I want you to know. I may flirt with all hose girls but the only one I like is you. You're one in a million and you're the only one I like." Was what he said, before we got found.

Crystal:Hate you all
Gold:*sends wiggly eyes to Crystal*
Audience: *claps and wolf-whistles*
Pickle: *bows* Thank you!
SD:So... who's next?
Tundra:next should be............ soulsilver right?
Lyra: umm
Me:Well i'm too lazy for that so... sorry!!
Silver and Lyra:*silently cheering*
Fortune:Sup homies!
Hosts:Ayeeeee Fortune!
Fortune:Here is the Franticshipping oneshot *passes it to me*
Tundra and SD:OI NO FAIR!
Fortune: deal with it hehe

Hi so I was making this when this book had reached 3k and now it has reached 4k. Hence i'm splitting this into two. Frantic, Commoner and Agency one shots will be in the up coming chapter. I apologize for the very long hold up with no chapter seeing that the last official chapter was in May 2018.

In case you're wondering why I haven't been publishing, here's why.

2018 was really busy for me. Keeping my grades up and keeping up with golf. Then came 2019 which is now much busier and harder. Busier as everyday  I either have classes or golf taken up by it. Hence, I hardly have time to write. At the same time I lost the interest in writing for now but i'll get to it soon and may find help in writing the next chapter. Sorry if y'all are mad, expecting another chapter only to get this.

Do submit questions and dares so that I may use them for the next chapter. Thank you.


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