More dares!!

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Red:what's up with her?
Yellow:SD are y-you o-okay
SD:I'm better than okay!!!!
Pickle:we got three dares!
Blue:also where are we now?
Pickle:oh we moved so now we live on the truth or dare planet!
SD:this whole planet is ours!
Green:so the annoying rulers are you two....?
Pickle:we aren't annoying!
SD:yeah!were mad with power!
Pickle:now these dares we are doing first are from @XxDragonTwinsXxl
I dare all of them to play one round of the bean boozled challenge exce-*gets cut of my SD*
Gold:wait except what?
SD:*reads paper*uh....nothing!
Pickle:yeah yeah it was nothing
Y:does all mean you guys
Author:oh dang it!
Sapphire:can't ye start already!
Ruby:quiet down bar-*cut of by emerald*
Emerald:don't even get started
SD:Red first!
Red:first to what?
Everyone but red:*facepalms*red you're so dense
Red:am not!*spins wheel**lands on rotten egg or buttered popcorn*ah neat I hope I get popcorn!
Pickle:here!*hands red the bean*
Red:*eats it**spits it out and gulps down water*bleh..!thats horrible!
Yellow:a-are your o-okay?
SD:yellow and blue I am letting you both go together
Blue:okay*spins and it land on spoiled milk or coconut*
Yellow:oh please be coconut
Blue and yellow:*eats it**immediately spits it out a vomits*GROSS!
SD:To hurry this, silver and green spin now!
Gold:*spins and land on canned dog food or chocolate pudding*
Green, gold and silver:*eats it**spits it out and make weird faces*
~le time skip~
Crystal:does everyone agree never ever to do that again...
Pickle:*heals everyone*now time for the dares by me Pickletoad !
I dare blue and yellow to swap personalities and Ruby and sapphire to swap personalities for 3 chapters!
B&Y&R&S:*runs away*
SD:*poofs them back and swaps personalities*
Pickle:hey blue go to green
Blue:o-okay*goes to green*H-hi green...
Green:I think I like this blue more than the pesky one...
SD:cause she is more quiet
Yellow:hi Red-San~
Everyone but red:yeah you are!
Ruby:anyone want to battle me?*is muddy*
Sapphire:eeeeek!Ruby your clothes is dirty!
Ruby:get over it fashion maniac!
Sapphire:well at least I don't look like Tarzan!
Ruby:prissy girl!
Pickle:you do know that now your personalities suit your gender now right?
S&R:Go away!
Blue:S-sirdiamond2417 and P-Pickletoad do not own Pokemon
Yellow:be sure to leave a dare or question in the comments~

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