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I apologize for my bad grammar and vocab mistakes, but english is not my native language.

I hope you guys enjoy it ;)

-part 1-

It was dark and cold, while I covered myself with the blanket too keep the warm temperature.

I couldn't sleep, like always. No matter how long I closed my eyes, my brain was just too full of thoughts to stop working and let me fall asleep.

It was a Friday night and Christmas was just a few days away, but the stress of the new album was too big to think about it.

So I opened my eyes again and started to stretch my arms and fingers. My eyes got used to the darkness.

I formed a heart out of my fingers. Then an eagle. It looked more like a dying butterfly.

I smiled and turned to the other side to observe the clock which was still ticking.


I groaned and breathed out heavily. My eyes focused on the closet where all my stuff was in.

Yesterday, I hit the presents for my members in the corner right behind my shoes because Yeri was to curious and found one behind my desk.

I bought a pretty (and save) phone case for Joy, because she was the one who always drops her phone and destroys it.

For Yeri I prepared a lot of candy, and for Wendy a nice shirt with a weird painting on it.

And there was my second big problem. Irene. I hadn't something for Irene.

I groaned again and closed my eyes for a while, just to realize that it won't help. But it's not my fault. She was just... different. Everything I thought about giving her was not perfect.

I grabbed my blanket and hit myself under it. Three days aren't enough time to take a walk through the city of Seoul. And appearing without any present was just embarrassing!


I woke up by a loud noise. I opened my eyes and looked straight into Yeri's face.

„Hey unnie", she said and grinned.

„Why the fuck are you in my room?", I muttered.

„I was just curious if you were still sleeping." My eyes switched to the clock. 10am. Fuck!

„Why haven't you waken me up earlier", I ask out of frustration.

At first, I just noticed her smile of relief, but after a second, I discovered the small colorful thing in her right hand.

„YERI, YOU SHOULD STOP TO BE SO CURIOUS ABOUT YOUR PRESENTS!", I yelled and jumped out of the bed.

„Unnie I only wanted to take a look!", she replied with an innocent voice.

„Give me your fucking present!", I continued. But she turned around and ran out of my room.

„Park Yerim!", I screamed and followed her the hall down to the living room. A door opened right in front of me and I bombed into Irene. She just screamed out of shook, while I could only apologize.

„Sorry but Yeri found my Christmas present!"

The next one who appeared was Wendy. „WHAT HAS HAPPENED? DO WE NEED AN AMBULANCE?", she screamed with big eyes and red skin.

I just ignored her and started to search after Yeri who still had this fucking present. Then I saw her, behind the table with a big grin.


Someone pushed me to the flour. I tried to defend myself, but somehow the person above me was stronger.

„Joy, stop that", I heard the voice of Irene. She jumped on top of Joy and started to tickle her. Unfortunately, I was the one who laid under a weight of 100kg now.

„I can't breathe!" In this moment, Irene managed to push Joy away from me.

„Omg, candy!" Everybody turned around to look at Yeri who was holding a pack of sour bonbons in her hand.

„Jeez, you are so exhausting!", I muttered and rolled my eyes.

„So, give me my reward!", Joy said and pointed at the candy.

„NO WAY!", Yeri answered and showed her tongue to her. Joy started to attack her, which ended with Irene's loud voice.


Jep, the day just started perfect... But it was kind of normal. For Yeri  was it banned to enter our rooms, and Joy had to give me a massage for the weight of fucking 100kg.

And Irene... she visited me around 4pm at my room. Why? I didn't know. But I think it doesn't matter at all.

„Does your bag still hurt?", she ask with a worried facial expression and tapped my shoulder. „A little", I replied honestly and smiled.

„It wasn't the best idea to jump onto Joy while she was still above you... I'm sooo sorry" Now I was the one who touched her. Silence was in the air while she just stared at me.

And to be honest: This was the first time as I recognized how pretty she was.

-part 2-

Christmas eve came and I still hadn't got a present for Irene. I thought about buying some make-up for her, but only uncreative idiots buy that as a present.

I wanted to have something special.


Because she was special to me too. I know her longer than anyone. She was like a real sister for me. A real sister who was so damn pretty and se-. I should stop thinking about that.

Wendy and Yeri were decorating the Christmas tree as I entered the room.

„Pretty", I mumbled and walked into the kitchen to get some cookies. The smell of hot chocolate made its way to my nose.

„Aish, who has made hot chocolate" I felt two arms around my waist and turned around. „Me", Irene laughed. I could feel my cheeks blushing while I stared at her.

„Want some?" I nodded and watched her looking for a cup. How should I survive the day then she would be around me the whole time?! I didn't know.


„Don't cheat Yeri!", Joy said and placed her presents under the christmas tree. „I won't. Promise!"

I just laughed and placed mine under the tree too. Now I just had a stupid letter for my unnie. Embarrassing...

We ate dinner (or to be honest: we ordered dinner) and drank some of Irene's hot chocolate.

The mood was so nice, and when it got dark, we cuddled together on the couch and talked about random stuff.

Later, it was time for the presents. And for my sinking.

„I think the youngest should go first", Yeri said and grinned. „Haha, never!", Joy replied. „Shut the fuck up now! Wendy starts. "

Due to the fact that Irene was their unnie, everybody turned silent.

Wendy got only weird things.

My (wonderful and original) shirt, a very funny cup, some socks and a lipstick which changes color ( hmm, who's present could be this...).

In contrast to this, everybody had the same idea like me and gave Yeri candy. Now she had a 2 pound pack of jellies and a bunch of chocolate. But she was happier than never.

After Joy's round, I received of each member a letter and their present. Yeri got me a toothbrush, which was in her opinion the best thing one could get.

Wendy was pretty creative with her photobook, on the other hand, Joy gave me the toothpaste. Yeah, I love my members too...

„I just have a letter for you. Read it later" I felt a pleasant feeling of relief when I heard that words coming from Irene.

So she hadn't something big for me too. With a better feeling I placed my (sad) letter right in front of her while the others put their presents there too. Now I had one problem less...

-part 3-

It was 11pm and we were playing weird games. Luckily I built a team with Wendy, that's why we won the most.

„Yeri, stop cheating the whole time!", Joy yelled. „Shut the fuck up Joy, we are in the same team!", she replied. I giggled and watched Yeri and Joy bickering again. Their relationship was kinda sad...

„I'll jump into my pajama ", I said after a while and left the room. I put Irene's letter lowkey in my pocket and ran to my room.

My excitement was on the highest level. What could she have written? Something cute? Or just normal stuff? My heart was beating faster than the alarm of my phone. Why was I so nervous?

Dear Seulgi,

At first: Merry Christmas! I hope it will be an unforgettable fest for you. And many presents!

I know this here isn't enough, but I just thought a letter could show everything I wanted to show you. That you are perfect through your imperfection. That you are so talented and I am sometimes so jealous... hehe.

I put some pictures in the envelope with us (we look there pretty hot ^^). Furthermore, there is a picture frame in it. So maybe you will have a very special moment we share one time.

With love, Irene

I took the pictures and eyed every little detail. Irene was right. She looked damn pretty there...

„Seulgi!", a voice threw me back to reality. „Johnny is here".

I left my room and walked back to the others.

„Who is here?", I ask confused.

„JOHNNY!", Yeri and Joy said simultaneously. „The ice cream man", Wendy added.

The ice cream man always arrives at Christmas night in our street to sell the delicious food. Last year, Yeri called him Johnny, but to be honest I have never understood why.

„I take some ice cream!", Wendy grinned and stood up to take her money. „I accompany you" Yeri follow Wendy, the same as Joy. „Ice cream, I am right on my way!"

Now we were alone. And this damn awkward silence appeared immediately.

„The tree looks pretty", I tried to break it. Weird try.

„Hmm...", she replied, but I saw that her thought were at another place.

„Look!", Irene suddenly screamed. I flinched and stared at her, but she was pointing at the window. „It's snowing!"

We both jumped up and ran to the window to watch the white balls rising down to the ground.

„Let's go outside!"

-part 4-

I wasn't sure about the idea, because the temperature told me that I would be sick the next days. But Irene's cute, wonderful and just beautiful eyes persuaded me.

Besides I should maybe shut up. I was even too dumb to buy her a present.

My jacket immediately got wet as I entered the balcony. Besides I trembled and my cheeks frozed.

„Haha, Seulgi!" I turned around and looked at Irene laughing at me. „You look like a melting snowman with the nose of Rudolph"

She touched my nose and smiled. „Unnie, it is so cold!", I whined and stepped for- and backward.

Suddenly Irene hugged me tightly and flustered: „Thanks for your letter" I swear I was blushing at that moment.

She removed a bit and faced me.

And at this moment, I could just say that i felt in love with her. Or to be honest I realized that I had a crush on her for months now.

„I felt so embarrassed because I haven't found the right present for you", I replied and looked down.

Without even seeing her I could feel Irene's soft smile. Suddenly a feeling of courage spread in my body.

„The letter wasn't all", I said without knowing what I was doing.

„Huh?" She looked confused. I inhaled the cold air and stepped forward. I heard her breath getting faster. „You said we can make new moments...", I continued.

Irene opened her mouth to reply, but I was faster. I took her cheeks and connected my lips with hers. I was more a peek, but enough for me.

She stared at me, which made me very nervous. It was like her dark brown eyes could see my soul.

And then she kissed me back. I felt a firework exploding in my body.

Bae Joohyun was kissing me?! At Christmas? While it was snowing? I couldn't believe myself.

I slowly started to move my lips, just to let my emotions free which I had to hold back for months now.

„New moments sounds always good", she smiled through the kiss. I just closed my eyes again and focused on her.

* Click *

I opened my eyes out of confusion and broke the kiss.

„Omg!", Joy screamed and jumped up and down while Wendy was holding a polaroid cam in her hands.

"You guys are a couple?", Yeri asked with her ice cream in her hand.

I turned around to look at Irene, but she just shrugged her shoulders and kissed me again.

It was the best night of my life. It was Christmas, Joy, Yeri and Wendy were us  and I got a polaroid pic of my first kiss.

And of my girlfriend.

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