Im his strength ❤️ he's my inspiration 💕

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Ishaani's POV:

It was a week almost that Daadu was admitted in the hospital...

He was still in ICU. Dev was broken...
Dhruv jiju was managing office while Dev's complete concentration was on his Daadi and Daadu...But he still juggled personal and professional front very well.

In between all this we had Gaya's Fashion week fast emerging in mere two weeks and I knew that Dev had immense expectations from me...

Specially after his showdown that he had with his father recently. He wanted Gaya's to be super succesful. He was working like a maniac from the hospital.

Daytime he would take care of his grandparents and at night he would work like an owl. We had video calls to discuss plans, fabrics and arrangements at 3 am in night. But no one complained.

Everyone could see the fiery devil looking low and tired on the calls. Everyone felt bad to see him like that. Everyone liked the Demonic Dev and not the sad and tired Dev!!! It somehow wasn't the DK style you see😔

I was getting worried for his health...😟 We were only collaborating for work on video calls...I couldn't talk to him personally...there was no time...he was taking Daadu for physio...staying at hospital turn wise with Daadi.. taking care of Daadi's health...

Although I didn't get a minute from him personally these 15 days...I knew I had more rooted feelings for him...I always wanted a man who could love and take care of his dear ones!!! A family man!!! But when I met him...I hated him because he was this rude... arrogant...self obsessed Casanova....
But seeing this side of him...
Was making me fall more and more for him...
I was ...
Falling deeply in love with him❤️

Such that he was turning me as well into a workoholic!!! I ended up working 16-18 hours a day...

I wanted Gaya's to have it's best Fashion week ever. I wanted to make sure that award in Paris Fashion week...goes to Gaya's!!!

I worked really hard to churn out global designs with Indian touch and feel!
I wanted my man to be the happiest when he hit back his CEO chair...
I wanted him to smile again ❤️
I craved that smile on his lips!!!
He was not just my love...
He turned my inspiration and passion too ❤️🔥

Finally we were told that Daadu is finally getting a discharge. He was stable.

We just had 10 days left for Gaya's Fashion week...

I worked round the clock now. I was hardly going home...The team I had was extremely talented and well equipped.

Tomorrow was the day we were going to try the clothes and fittings on our models. Most of them were done by now just the show stoppers were coming tomorrow to try their clothes.

One was a super model flying from London and the other guy was a bollywood actor.

I was told the super model was one of permanent models who worked for Gaya's for years...some even gossiped her to be Dev's on of ex flings!!! The bollywood actor however was a newbie.

Next day morning while Lankesh, Akshaya, Akhil and me were sitting and having discussions about the clothes and event sponsors in my cabin.... is when suddenly the cabin door opened. I looked upto see who it was ...
It was none other than My Devil❤️

I had a sudden glow and a big grin on my face🙈

His affect already on me🙈❤️

I was literally seeing him after 15 days... His beard had grown thicker...his eyes were red and tired...he looked weak..but the fire in his eyes was intact. He hasn't slept for days... and probably didn't eat well too...

Although I was so happy seeing him it pained me to see him like this😢. He loved his grandparents so much... He treasures them... probably because they were the only mom dad he had❤️

If Lankesh,Akshaya and Akhil weren't here I would have hugged him tightly and showered kisses on his face ❤️😘

But then I just kept my calm and smiled at him. He returned me a warm smile back... My sun shined brighter today seeing that smile🙈 he made my day ❤️🥰

Was I going crazy about this man 😂🙈

'So all set for next week Ms Sharma?' he asked looking deeply into my eyes ...

My heart skipped a beat❤️💕

I nodded my head...

'I would like to see them Miss Sharma......personally' he said...

While I saw Lankesh and Akshaya smile... They dragged Akhil out of the cabin giving us some private space...

We needed it ...


Probably it was now seen on our faces 🙈

I didn't care anymore...

The minute they left...

I quickly pulled him into a bone crashing hug...

He wrapped his arms around my waist and digged more into crook of my neck...

I gasped at that feeling...

My voice came out almost as a whisper...

'I missed you baby' I said with every emotion in my heart ❤️❤️❤️ which was now beating fast...

'Missed you too my angel...' he said and tightened his arms around my waist such that I was a little lifted above the ground and was tightly pressed against his body...

I don't know for how long we sticked to each other like that....💕💕💕

That warmth was something that now I wanted to be in forever...

For a lifetime...❤️

I smiled at that thought 🙈😊

He released the hug and asked me...

'So Ms Sharma... designs???'

'Sure Mr Kapoor❤️...' I said while correcting the crease around his shirt collar 💕❤️

I took him to our workspace and showed him our hardwork...

He was highly impressed but kept a calm face and looked at me saying...
'You are unmatchable' and smiled...

I blushed at his comment.🙈❤️

I wanted to hug him again but I noticed everyone was around us so I controlled my urge ❤️❤️❤️

But next minute something shocking happened...

Soon I saw a woman come and hug him 😟 she was holding him tightly in his arms!!!

I froze!

She kissed him on his cheek saying...
'How are you baby...long time no see... You never called' she said in a sexy voice...

I was boiling!!!😠

Soon he took her hands off his arms and said...

'Im good Ms Khanna.. how are you'...

She was now playing on his suit pocket...

I wanted to cut her fingers off and feed them to dogs 😠😠😠

'Meet her Daisy...this is your designer Miss Ishaani Sharma and Ms Sharma meet her, she's our show stopper supermodel Daisy Khanna...'

She looked at me passing a judgemental look and asked...

'Baby you sure she's a designer..I mean look at her clothes!' She said hugging Dev again

While I quickly replied her...

'Not just his designer I'm his one and only fiance...'

She was shooting daggers at me while Dev was shocked at my announcement😳

While Dev looked at me with eyes wide open I said to her...

'And please let me know if you don't like my clothes...I'm ok to let you go...we have other models too in India!!! We don't need NRI models... and I'm confident about my work that anyone can carry it out please tell me if you are having any doubts!!! Also talk to me with your mouth and not by moving your fingers on my fiance's chest 😠' I said firmly folding my hands...

While I suddenly got a reply from him...

'Enough Ms Sharma... She's your senior and behave a certain way... Here sorry Daisy... Please take some rest...we can test your dresses in evening' he said and side hugged her.

I left from there...

I went to my cabin and I wanted to literally throw everything...I threw a few files and pen stands...sketch pens....and tears flowed from my eyes non stop!!!

Entire morning I spent in my cabin...

I didn't want to see that Daisy or her Dodo outside😠

He tried to call me for coffee...I denied saying I have work!!!

During lunch time I felt him come to my Cabin saying...

'Ms Sharma... Can we talk?'

I just got up from my seat and said...
'Sorry I have to look into your Miss Delicate Daisy's fittings' and was about to walk out of my cabin...

While he pulled me tightly and pinned me on to the wall!

My breath hitched 😳

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