Only smiles 😊🤗

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Dev's POV:

I was shattered the minute I heard her speaking on the phone call!!!

I wanted to literally throw everything in front of me... Bash my head into every wall...punch every single person I saw...

I was raging like a bull...

I somehow managed to convince Pragati that I'm leaving...

I rushed into my cabin...

Closed all the curtains...

Switched off all the lights and sat in the dark!!!
.I didn't want anything disturbing me...

I don't know why tears started flowing down my eyes...


She has moved on!!!

She has someone in her life...

But ...

Why am I reacting like this...


I.... Must be happy for her!!!

She has finally found her true love...

She is in a better space now...



I am happy................... for her!!!

Just then I got a call from Lankesh reminding me about the meeting.

I quickly got up washed my face and went to the meeting room.

I couldn't concentrate on anything except the turmoil inside my head!!!

Soon I saw the meeting room door open and she took the seat opposite to me...

She looked so innocent sucking that straw!!!

Behave Dev!!!

She is someone else's... She!!!

I had this turmoil inside me while I kept staring at her...

Suddenly I started feeling sick...

I rushed into washroom and puked!!!

I felt better post that!

While I was sitting inside the cabin...

She came in and asked me to the eat her tiffin...

I looked at her and denied...

But she was adamant and hellbent she literally convinced me!!!

She fed me...

I had tears in my eyes...

I poured my guilt out and apologized for every stupidity I did!!!

She accepted my apology...

She agreed to get rid of that 'Mr Kapoor' subject line...

I was glad...

I don't know if we could ever be friends but atleast we could be like normal colleagues!!!

Soon I finished her tiffin...

While she kept lecturing me on life health but then I was shocked when she said that I must take care of my daughter...

My eyes widened in shock 😳

'Which daughter?' I asked

To which she said...

'Your daughter!!!'

I was shocked 😲

'Which is this daughter of mine that I'm unaware of🤨'

While I saw her pack her tiffin box again saying...

'The other day during engagement ceremony... I saw... She's very cute... exactly like you' she said...

I glared at her in shock 😳

I recalled the engagement ceremony night...

'You ... you mean Maera?' I asked...

She smiled saying... 'I don't know her name... But I saw you feeding her... she's your exact replica' she said...

And I Burst out laughing...

She looked at me like I had gone mad...

'What happened? Why are you laughing? She asked...

'I held my stomach saying...

'Careful ok... If you are with Kisha dont ever say that to her or Rony...

Either one of them would end up breaking my teeth!!!"

I said...

She glared at me like alien saying...


'Because ... Kisha and Rony's daughter must look like them not me!!!

I said in one go...

While she stood there frozen!

I couldn't really stop laughing...

I mean yea lot of people misunderstand thinking Maera is my baby

But this woman literally told she derived her good looks from me 🤣🤣🤣

Kisha could have killed her to death raw right now 😂

She was embarassed as hell!!!

I was laughing....

'Ok fine misunderstandings happens!!!' she said while walking outside...

She had forgotten her phone here...

It started ringing...

It read 'My cutie pie'

I felt a pinch in my chest reading that 💔

But I tried to keep a straight face!!!

While I was about to attend it...

She came back saying...

'My phone'

I handed it to her...

She picked the call...

She took the seat opposite to me...

I thought she would have left....

But she sat there and spoke....

I thought I must not listen to their personal talks...

'Couple talk' and drowned myself in work...



Ya ... definitely don't worry... I'll apply...

You chill...

Ohhhh is it?


I'll check dont worry ...

Ya. I'll ask him to call

Hold on....'

She said and pushed my laptop screen to shut and asked...

'Mr Kapoor.... I...I mean.... Dev...
Where is your phone...' she asked...

I narrowed my eyebrows and took out my phone from pocket and showed her...

She quickly pulled it in her hands and said...

'Switched off'

I looked at her confused!!!

'Sure....bye.... love you baby...see you soon..
Muuuuuuaaaaa' she said and cut the call....

Unknowingly I clenched my fist so hard on the mouse I was holding that literally crushed it!!!

A strong pang of pain in my heart.... that was unbearable....

Everytime she said those words to her man 💔

She got up and saw me...I was still pressing my lips thin and hard!!!

Walking towards door she said...

'Dev...looks like Heli has been trying to call you from morning and your phone is switched off... Even now she tried on your stupid mobile!!! It is switched off...looks like she needs something urgent...

She like..... spoke to me for an hour during lunch break but insisted only to tell you!!!

Stupid idiot!!! I miss her... can't wait to meet her again!!!

Saying she almost opened the cabin door...

While I jumped and stood up like spring and asked her...

'You mean all the while during Lunch break and now... You were talking about Heli???? miss her.... you sure???'

'Ofcourse who else....' she said and walked out of the cabin...

While I literally started jumping...



'She's single.... she's still single...


She's still single.... yesssssss ❤️!!!!!'


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