[010] presents

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[010] presents

                              Gwen's love for Iris came back in full force. Honestly, her obsession and desire towards Iris had never left. And it felt as though things between the two girls had gone back to normal right after their brief time apart. Gwen didn't see much of Zoey anymore, although it wasn't entirely by her own choice.

                               Iris seemed to have a hatred for Zoey despite not knowing her at all. She didn't like the idea of anyone else taking Gwen's attention away from Iris. So she was more than willing to do whatever it took to keep Gwen wrapped around her finger. She just loved her that much. Iris had never felt so much love for a person like she did for Gwen, and that's why she knew that the love she felt towards her real. Iris had never needed anyone like she needed Gwen and while it drove her crazy, she didn't want the feeling to ever go away.

                              The emotions reminded her that she was human.

                             As Gwen was studying in the library, she was totally zoned in and focusing on her work. So much so that she didn't even notice someone approaching her. At least, not until she felt a subtle tapping on her shoulder. It's then that Gwen finally snaps out of it, glancing up to see Zoey smiling down at her.

                             "Hey, stranger. It feels like I haven't seen you in forever," Zoey chuckles, sitting right next to Gwen.

                            In a way, it had felt like a while since the two had seen each other. But honestly, it had been nearly a week. A part of Gwen had been trying to avoid Zoey on purpose. However, it was more so due to the fact that Iris had gone back to eating up her time. When she wasn't in her classes, she'd be spending the remainder of her time with Iris. It had gotten to the point where they were sleeping together every night. Gwen would always be holding onto her, snuggling close to Iris as she fell asleep. Gwen usually followed after her, although she was more so focused on how close she and Iris were. Sometimes she'd brush her hair with her fingers or trace her scars, knowing Iris wouldn't allow her to do such a thing when she were awake.

                            Iris often returned the favor, staring at Gwen while she slept. They both chose to get closer to each other when the other was unaware of it, scared of what they might think if they were awake. It's w

                            "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I've just been busy with... things," Gwen responds softly.

                            Zoey raised a brow. "Do those things happen to be Iris Catton?"

                            Gwen pauses which gives Zoey the answer completely.

                            "It's alright, Gwen. I get it. Iris Catton's perfect. Anyone would kill to be her best friend," Zoey remarked. "But... you should be careful."

                            "Careful?" Gwen repeats.

                            "The Catton's, they're pretty on the outside but they're all super fucked up. You're a nice girl, Gwen, and I just don't want to see you getting hurt," Zoey warns with a shake of her head.

                          "Iris has her flaws... but she's been there for me a lot more than anyone else at this school has. She has my back and I have hers. There's no reason for her to turn on me. Besides, I can't help but wonder if you're a little jealous," Gwen declares, closing her book so she could focus her full attention on Zoey.

                          As expected, Gwen was back to defending Iris. Now that she had known of Iris's secret which was hidden underneath her sleeves and expensive bracelets, Gwen felt a burning need to protect Iris. Did Iris need her protection? Probably not. But she wanted to make sure that no one got the chance to hurt her. Or talk shit about her behind her back.

                          "Jealous? The last person I'd ever be jealous of is Iris. The only good thing she has is... it's you," Zoey admits. If there was one thing Zoey hated Iris for, it was that she had Gwen so close to her.

                           Gwen falters at that. While she did like Zoey, she certainly never expected Zoey to like her so much. It makes Gwen feel guilty for some reason. Although she knows that she never led Zoey on or made her feel anything more than usual, Gwen felt that familiar guilt. perhaps it was because she knew that her heart belonged to someone else.

                           "And okay, maybe I am a little jealous of how close the two of you are. I wish that we were that close. I'm sorry that I didn't meet you sooner and got to know you back then the way that I do now. Maybe then Iris wouldn't have you so wrapped around her finger and she'd find some other victim," Zoey states. She was absolutely rambling at this point but she couldn't help herself.

                           "You think that I'm a victim?" Gwen scoffs.

                           "All I'm saying is that you should be careful. Is that too much to ask for?" Zoey continued.

                            "No," Gwen sighs, "It's not too much to ask for. I'm sorry and I appreciate you looking out for me. And I promise that I'll be fine," Gwen assures her, placing her hand on top of Zoey's. Besides, Gwen was more likely to be the danger than be in danger. 

                          Zoey nods, a small smile on her lips as she holds onto Gwen's hand. It hurts though. Maybe it was idiotic of her to fall so quickly for her newfound friend. But she liked Gwen. She liked how quiet and awkward and weird she could be at times. She liked the thoughtful look in her eyes whenever she was focused on something. And she liked how genuine Gwen was. Out of every fake and snobby motherfucker in Oxford, Zoey and Gwen were probably the only real ones there.

                        But that wouldn't mean much if Iris was working to take her away.

                       Speak of the devil, Iris was approaching their table with a frown. She had already been pretty upset when she noticed Zoey and Gwen talking from a distance. But when Iris came closer and saw the two girls holding hands, that had truly sent Iris right over the edge.

                        "Aren't you two adorable?" Iris commented.

                       Gwen instantly pulls her hand away from Zoey, the two girls looking over at Iris who joined the table. Even though she was now sporting long sleeves, Iris still managed to look both intimidating and fashionable. "I thought you had another class."

                      "I skipped. Besides, it's not like anyone would care," Iris shrugs. Thanks to her last name, she had the luxury of skipping lectures and classes. She could easily pay someone to just give her all of the answers later. "What were you two talking about?"

                      "Why do you care?" Zoey answers before Gwen could.

                      Iris chuckles. "Honestly, I don't. I was actually hoping that whatever you two talked about would be wrapped up now. I need to talk to Gwen. Alone."

                       Before Zoey could say something, Gwen rests a hand on her shoulder. Zoey turns to look at her and just like that, her features soften. Iris glances between the two of them and just like that, the little green monster of envy inside of her grew a lot bigger.

                       "Fine. I'll see you later, Gwen?" Zoey replies, quickly getting up from her seat.

                       "Yeah, see you later," Gwen nods, sending her a small smile.

                      Zoey smiles back at her, only for her to frown when she locked eyes with Iris. Although Zoey didn't want to leave the two girls alone, she didn't have much of a choice. Gwen watched until Iris was gone before she turned to look at Iris, brows raised.

                      "You're being a bitch," Gwen commented.

                      "Me? Maybe you should control your new friend. She's the one being super aggressive," Iris countered. "Why are you even friends with her in the first place? I thought you were dropping her."

                      "Actually, you wanted me to drop her. I like her. She's really nice," Gwen reasoned. And being around Zoey helped Gwen to feel... kind of normal. A part of Gwen craved the normalcy since her upbringing had been anything but.

                      "People like us aren't built for nice," Iris shook her head.

                      "Maybe not but what do you want?" Gwen questioned, brows raised.

                      Iris smiles before she digs a small box out of her pocket. "Here. I'll give it to you but only if you say please."

                      "Please," Gwen says, soft chuckles falling past her lips. "Now give it here."

                      Iris grins before she hands the box over to her, eagerly watching as Gwen opened it up. Inside was a necklace and although it was simple, it looked incredibly expensive. Gwen glances up at Iris before she takes the necklace out and holds it up to examine in the light. 

                     "Wow," Gwen gasps, "Did you seriously get this for me?"

                     "No, this is an elaborate prank. Yes, I got it for you. Could Zoey be able to do things like this for you? No, I thought not," Iris remarked, feeling the need to throw such a fact in Gwen's face. "Now do you need my help putting it on or what?"

                      "Please," is all Gwen says with a nod.

                      Iris takes the necklace from Gwen and places the necklace around her neck, clasping it on with ease. Every time Iris's fingers would brush against her skin, Gwen felt an electric tingle go throughout her body. As hard as she tried, it was impossible for her to stay still for very long. Gwen could hardly stop smiling. She had never gotten a gift from someone before. And the fact that it was from Iris made it even better for her. She couldn't stop touching it either, a part of her feeling as though this was one big dream. But when she turns around to look at Iris and sees her beautiful dark eyes, Gwen knew that this was all real.

                        And she truly had to be the luckiest girl in the world.

                       "What do you think?" Iris questioned.

                       "I love it. No one's ever gotten me anything this nice before. In fact, no one's ever gotten me anything before. Uh, thank you so much," Gwen responds, pulling Iris in for a hug.

                       Iris hugs Gwen back, briefly resting her head on her best friend's shoulder before she forces herself to pull away. Iris would stay there forever if she could. But she also had another question to ask her. "Good, because I was thinking you could wear it to the party tonight."

                      "Party?" Gwen repeats. She didn't know that there was a party going on. Regardless, she just knew that Iris was going to be dragging her to this one anyway.

                      "Yeah, my brother's throwing yet another party. I'm going and I think you should too. We could even match like a couple. Nearly everyone on campus assumes we're screwing anyway so we might as well play up on the rumors," Iris remarked.

                      "Yeah, that's a good idea," Gwen smiles. Maybe it wasn't such a great idea but hey, Iris Catton loved to cause controversy. And if Gwen could help her in any way, she was happy with it. Plus, Gwen was a little too eager to pretend to be dating Iris.

                      "I'll swing by your dorm to pick you back up later on tonight? Nine or so?" Iris offered.

                      "Yeah," Gwen nods. "I'll be ready by then."

                     Once again, she glances down to look at her necklace. Gwen was never going to be taking it off - starting tonight at the big party.

( 🍇🖤🔪 )

word count: 2019
notes: sorry you guys waited about a month but here's chapter ten!! hope you all still love these fucked up lesbians as much as i do!

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