Pigeon by the Window

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Type of poem: Epistle

Topic: Friendship


Dear Pigeon by the Window,

I appreciate your little coos,
the tiny taps on the glass panes
and those miniscule beads of eyes you possess.
The cocking of your head
when I tap my sorry excuse
of a finger
on the glass pane,
as if you were truly there to
and you understood what I tried to "say".
Every time I gaze out
at the world I'll never get to explore,
you are there to tell me the stories
I never would have known
if it wasn't for you.
And for that I express my gratitude.
I may not be like the normal kids,
I may not be able to feed you
but yet you are there for me
each day.
The words I am unable to express,
yet you seem to understand.
You may not seem a
common candidate
for a friend,
but I assure you that it does not matter.
I don't know if you'll be able to
what I am writing,
but this is for you.
Thank you for being my friend.

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