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IT WAS SUMMER BREAK, Elle was already done with her cheer championships and gymnastics meets. Meaning, she was ready to go back to the place she's been longing for for 3 whole years. Cousins. Cousins was a beautiful place. It had a beach that stretched for miles, a beach house that the Dubois called home, and amazing little shops that felt like a gold mine. It was Serena's happy place.

Grabbing her suitcase and throwing it onto the bed, she'd grab the essentials. Dresses, shorts, crops, bikinis. And then the not so essentials. Makeup, high heels, shoes, accessories. This year was going to be a good year for Elle. She'd finally get her social standing back as a Dubois, and finally get back out there in the party life.


Fiddling with the stray hair of my ponytail, I'd sit in the car waiting for my siblings. Rae and Chris. Chris was 16, and Rae was my twin, we were both 17. Chris would open the trunk throwing his and Rae's bags into the back before closing it.

"All set?"

He'd nod, putting a thumbs up, his cat eye shades on the bridge of his nose. "Yep."

It was a long ride to Cousins already, but we had to go pick up Steven and Belly, which wasn't too far out of the way. Only an hour off our time towards cousins. I'd start the g wagons engine, Chris and Rae would climb in shutting their doors behind them.

"So, Steven's coming right?" I'd look at my brother through the mirror and give him the, 'really' look.

"Yes, Chris. Belly and Steven are riding with us because their mom won't be able to meet us in Cousins until later this week. She has a book signing." He'd let out a sigh looking out the window. Recently he and Steven got into it because of Belly's ex best friend, Taylor. She said she loved my brother and chose someone else. And not gonna lie, since then he hasn't been the same. But what's most important is the relationship she ruined between Steven and his best friend, MY brother, Chris.

The car ride was quiet for the most part, Chris kept his headphones on, and Rae sat in the back texting away to god knows who. I felt like a mom driving her kids to soccer practice.

I'd pull into Belly's driveway before laying on the horn. She'd come running outside with a giant grin plastered on her face. I'd hop out of the car,  opening the trunk. "Belly!" I'd run and hug her, she'd do the same. "Excited for the beach?"

"Is that even a question? I can't wait to feel the sand between my toes." I'd laugh picking up her bags and putting them neatly in the back. Steven would come lugging his four bags out to the car.

"You can't be serious." Steven would look through the windows, spotting the very person he didn't want to see. I'd clear my throat putting a hand on my hip.

"Again, that's my brother." He'd roll his eyes, setting his bags in the trunk, closing it behind him.

"Well your brothers' a dick." I'd roll my eyes letting out a giant sigh before walking back to the driver seat, belly climbing into the passenger's seat. He'd throw his hands up in the air as the classic steven would.
"So I have to sit in the back with him?" I'd shrug.

"I mean Renae's back there in the middle, unless you wanna get squashed between everyone's luggage." He'd groan, swinging the door open and slamming it behind him.

On the road again.

The drive from Belly's to Cousins wasn't unbearable, but it was when everyone kept asking how far we were. I couldn't tell if it was the tension or the fact Chris had his shoes off and the whole car smelt like gym socks. Once we reached cousins we all needed a break, so we'd make a pit stop at the gas station.

"Want me to come in with you?" Belly would ask, her pleading eyes begging for a slushie. I'd sigh and smile.

"Why not!" I'd hop out the car closing it behind me, taking the keys to my finger and swinging them around as I'd walk into the gas station, Belly would look around before settling on the bag of Cheetos in front of her. I'd grab her a half coke half cherry slush before walking to the cashier.

He was probably around, his early to mid 20s. He had blonde hair and a hideous smirk plastered on his face. "Is that all?" I'd shrug, looking back.

"Oh and the cheetos." He'd nod.

"That'll be 12.22." I'd hand him my card as he'd scan and pay for the items he'd then lean against the counter with his hands boosting him. "You know, there's this party tomorrow night at the look out, you should come."

Maybe he's not so bad after all.

I'd nod, grabbing the bag full of snacks, sliding it down my arm, grabbing the other slushies and heading to the car. I could feel his gaze linger — I mean whose wouldn't? I was wearing my favorite cherry dress that made everything pop. Belly would skip out of the gas station with cheeto dust all over her face and fingers.

"Did you get me a slushie?" Steven would ask. I'd look back at him with an annoyed expression.

"Did you ask?" He'd huff.

God he's like a child today.

Finally after four hours of nonstop driving — we made it to cousins, Susanna's beach house. Pulling into the driveway everyone would hurridly hop out of the car running towards the small crowd of people waiting on our arrival.

Susanna stood in front of the boys, Connie on her right and Jeremiah on her left. Id run to Susanna with open arms. The warmth of her hug took me over completely.

"Oh my goodness! My girls!!!" She'd smile pinching my cheeks, then Belly's, then Rae's. She'd then look at Chris and Steven who were actually getting along for once. Belly and Susanna would head inside, chattering off about Laurels book signing event.

I'd look over at Conrad and Jeremy. Rae was busy talking to Connie — the boy she's been in love with since kindergarten, and Chris and Steven were off to the side showing each other stuff on their phones. I'd sigh walking over to the very person I dreaded speaking to.

Jeremiah Fisher.

Me and Conrad were friends, sure. But me and Jeremiah — it was a friendship very difficult to describe. We'd go to the boardwalk just us two, grabbing ice cream with our chore money — talking about our moms and other stuff.

We'd sit there for a few moments to an hour, and it felt good. For all that time to go flooding by. Sitting by the bay eating mint chocolate chip ice cream — and him bubblegum. Yes. He was strange.

Jeremiah would smile softly at the presence of my glance. Id return the smile before waving. "Hey, you.."

Great. I've done it. YOU? What is he a stranger?

Mentally, I was 100% face palming. Physically I stood my ground, showing no wavering fear. "Ice cream buddy, is that you?" He'd chuckle before hugging me tight. There it was.

The feeling I always got when hugging him or watching his goofy face smile after doing something devious. It felt more and more like home.

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