The life of a princess (chapter 1)

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  This happens at the same time as the chapter in Broppy called "Two years later" after the great escape. I don't know if you need that information but yeah... Here you go anyway. Also if you wanted to know at this moment Poppy is about 3 years old.

My eyes flickered open as the sunlight made its way inside of my pod.
(Just like the other book lol. )
It was morning in Trollvillage and I got ready for a new day.

" Good morning, Sweetie!"

I looked up to see my dad standing at the door.

" Good morning, Dad!"
I searched around for my headband, but only to figure out that I couldn't reach for it since I was too small.

" Dad, can you please help me?"

" Of course, Poppy."
My dad came into my room. He got my hairband and placed it on my head.

" There you go."

" Thanks, Dad!"
I hugged him tightly.

He hugged me back.

" you're welcome."

He smiled

" Why don't we go and eat some breakfast?"

I nodded.

" Let's go!"

After we had some breakfast I began heading towards the door.

" Sweetie, where are you going?"

I turned around.

" I just want to walk a little around the village."

" Let me come with you, Poppy"
My dad smiled at me and rose from his chair.

I, of course, couldn't say no. My dad is the best, so why even?

" Sure! Let's go!"

I took my dad by the hand and rushed out into the fresh air.

" H- hey sweetie. calm down"
My father laughed.

Not too afar I spotted two trolls playing with each other.

" Dad, Dad, can I go over there? I wanna say hi!"

My dad nodded.

" Sure, Poppy:"

" Yay!!"

The two of us headed toward the two trolls. They were about my age which only made it even better.

" Hi!" 

The two trolls looked at me.

" it's the king and princess"
one of them whispered to the other.

They were troubling about how they should greet me back since they probably haven't talked to a royal before.

" Hi, Princess Poppy"
One of them said.

I giggled

" Just call me Poppy. Can I play with you two?"

They looked at each other and smiled.

" Sure!"

I quickly got to know them. One of them who also looked a little like a giraffe was Cooper. The other was Dj Suki she was red with orange hair. She also wore a pair of headphones around her neck.

We began playing tag. It was so much fun! 

Suddenly I spotted a troll standing a little further into the forest. He was looking at us, maybe he wanted to join our little game. Something didn't seem right about him. His skin was gray. But that didn't really matter to me. I wanted to ask if he wanted to tag along but when I stopped at turned around again he was gone. oh, what a shame I thought. Well, at least I could still play with Cooper and Dj Suki.

After we played for a while the sun was ready beginning to set. Well, time passes by quickly when you have fun.

My dad came by and told me it was time to go home. 

" Goodbye, guys! see you soon!"

I waved as I followed my father back to our pod.

The next day I met my friends again and we hung out in of their pods. It was, of course, a lot of fun. We also met three other trolls whom we began playing with as well. They were a glittery troll named Guy Diamond and two girls combined by their hair named Satin and Chenille. 

Later my father came and picked me up. When we came home he asked me to sit down.

" what's up, dad?"

I sat down on the couch beside my father.

" Sweetie,"
He began.

" I have some King duties out of the village tomorrow."

" oooooh, can I come with you?"

" No,"

He told me.

" You're too young to understand those things, but I have found someone who will be with you while I'm gone. Maybe you two will even become friends."

" Oooooh, " I exclaimed.

" His name is Branch. He babysat you when you were younger. You probably don't remember him. He's a little older than you. He's not the most joyful troll in the village, but I'm sure you'll like him anyway."

When he said that it quickly reminded me of that gray troll I saw yesterday.

" Dad?"

I asked.

" yes, sweetie."

" While I was playing with my friends yesterday I saw a troll. He seemed a little sad. He was gray too. But he left before I could invite him to play with us."

My dad let out a soft laugh.

" That's him."

I looked at him questioningly. 

" It is?"

" Yes, it is."

I smiled. I could finally get to know that troll more. I have been thinking a lot about him lately. 

" It's getting late."
My dad said.

" Let's get some sleep."

He picked me up and carried me to my bed where I immediately fell asleep. 

So here you have it. the first chapter. yay!... lol. see y'all in the next chapter. :)

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