~The angel's bidding~ (Pt. 1)

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*the next morning*

*poppy's eyes slowly opens and stretches her arms*

Poppy: oh that was a good sleep *sighs and gets out of the hammock*

*poppy walks out of the bedroom and ties her hair up in her scrunchie and then walks into the kitchen and sees boris*

Poppy: *rubs her eye and yawns* morning boris...have you seen my crown anywhere?

*boris holds out her crown and hands it to poppy*

Poppy: ah thanks buddy *puts her crown on* by the way d'you mind if i take a walk around here for a bit?

*boris nods*

Poppy: thanks boris

*then poppy walks around the safehouse for a while and then walks over to the door but the lever was missing*

Poppy (whispering): i'm not getting out of here that easy, i need to open the door but the lever is missing...boris probably has it

*poppy walks over to boris*

Poppy: hey buddy have you seen the lever handle? or are you holding it hostage until i make you something to eat?

Poppy:...*chuckles* I thought so, let's see what we got

*poppy notices a bacon soup can and picks it up*

Poppy: hmm this probably isn't gonna be enough to feed boris...i'm gonna look for some more

*poppy heads to the bedroom and opens a chest and sees another can of bacon soup and picks it up then she heads back to the living room and sees another bacon soup can and picks it up*

Poppy: that should be enough

*poppy walks over to the kitchen and puts the bacon soup into a pot and waits for it to boil*

Poppy: okay boris you are gonna love what i'm making for you

*then poppy pours the soup into a bowl and hands it to boris*

Poppy: here you go boris, one bowl of bacon soup

*then boris grabs a toolbox and places it on the table*

*then poppy opens it revealing it to be the lever handle*

Poppy: perfect *goes over to the door and attaches the handle to the lever and pulls it*

Poppy: okay boris did you finish your bacon soup?

*boris nods*

Poppy: okay but before we go i got something for you let me go get it

*poppy heads to the bedroom and grabs a bone and heads back to boris*

Poppy: here boris *hands boris the bone and he puts it in his mouth* i found it in the bedroom and i hoped you might like it

*poppy and boris step out of the safehouse and close the door*

Poppy: now let's see what's out there but remember don't wander off

*they head out but soon face a really dark corridor*

Poppy: looks like it's really dark up ahead, let's find some light

*poppy notices a flashlight and grabs it and turns it on as she and boris head into the darkness*

*but then boris heads his face with his hands and trembles in fear*

Poppy: don't be scared boris, i'll keep the light near you so you won't get lost

*boris uncovers his face and continues walking close to poppy*

*halfway through footsteps were heard above*

Poppy: did you hear that boris...yeah me either

*they finally make it out of the darkness but they reach a dead end*

Poppy: argh shoot! another dead end! i don't see any other way through, you got any ideas boris?

*then boris motions poppy to give him the flashlight so he could crawl through the vents and open the door*

Poppy: oh good thinking boris, here *hands boris the flashlight* wait boris...

*boris turns to her*

Poppy: please be careful in there...*hugs boris tightly and boris hugs her back*

*they pull out of the hug and boris enters the vent*

*a couple of minutes later*

*the door opens and poppy walks through it and sees the heavenly toys workshop*

Poppy: Wow...i don't remember any of this...

*poppy heads up some stairs and goes to the toy making area then goes to a small space and sees a blob of ink and touches it a couple of times until it forms into a miniature version of the ink machine*

Poppy: why is there always something blocking the door? gotta be a way through...

*poppy goes out and pulls the lever she saw earlier and back to the toy making area and unclogs the gears*

*then she goes over to the lever and pulls it couple of time before the door is unblocked and she heads through the door into a room with a dressing room filled with alice angel merchandise*

*then the lights when out and miniature TVs turn on before a little tune plays*

Alice Angel: I'm the cutest little angel, sent from above, and I know just how to swing

Alice Angel: I got a bright little halo, and I'm filled with love...

Alice Angel: I'm Alice Angel!

Alice Angel: I'm the hit of the party, I'm the belle of the ball, I'm the toast of every town

Alice Angel: Just one little dance, and I know you'll fall...

Alice Angel: I'm Alice Angel!

Alice Angel: I ain't no flapper, I'm a classy dish, and boy, can this girl sing

*then a light turned on in the dressing room and poppy walked towards it*

Alice Angel: This gal can grant your every wish...

*suddenly a twisted version of alice popped up*

Twisted Alice: I'M ALICE ANGEL!!!!!!!!

*poppy screamed in fear and then alice broke the glass separating the dressing room from the alice angel merchandise filled room when the lights including the TVs turned off leaving poppy in complete darkness*

Twisted Alice: i see you there...A new fly in my endless web...come along now, let's see if you're worthy to walk with angels

*when the lights turned back on the corrupted alice was nowhere to be seen but poppy continued on coming across two paths; The demon and the angel*

*she decides to go down the demon path and she continues on forward until getting jumpscared by a bendy cutout and given that she was just jump-scared by a twisted angel, she screamed loudly, when she got up, she shakily went around the corner and she sees boris*

Poppy: Boris! *hugs him tightly*...oh i'm so happy to see you *pulls out of the hug* but you scared me to death! don't ever do that with the cutout again...But don't suppose you found anything we can protect ourselves with?

*boris hands poppy a GENT pipe weapon*

Poppy: Well it isn't the best weapon but it'll do for now, thanks boris

*then boris and poppy go through the door and head to a corridor with a locked door and a lever*

Poppy: Hmm looks like to open this we'll need to pull two levers at once, you get this one i'll find the other

*poppy goes down a corridor and sees the lever as well as a poster featuring a trio called 'the butcher gang' but as she drew close to the lever suddenly the pip burst from the post causing her to scream in fear whack it several times with the GENT pipe boris gave her*

Poppy: Oh my troll why?!

*poppy and boris pull the levers and the door opens*

Poppy: Okay here we go

*poppy and boris head through the door and towards the elevator but when they step in it the doors automatically close and slowly go down*

Twisted Alice (speaker): You're so interesting...so different

Twisted Alice (speaker): i have to say...i'm an instant fan

Twisted Alice (speaker): Looks like you've got a date with an angel

Twisted Alice (speaker): come to me now...level nine...just follow the screams

*when poppy and boris reached level nine they exited the elevator and headed to alice's lair*

Twisted Alice (speaker): Come on step out of your cage, there's a whole twisted world out here *chuckles*

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