~Through the corridors~

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*Poppy was beginning to regain consciousness*

Poppy: Ugh...oh my head...what happened?

*Poppy got up and dusted off her dress*

Poppy: Oh man...it wasn't a dream...well looks like i need to do one thing...press on and see if i can find a way out

*Poppy looked around and saw the axe she used earlier*

Poppy: Aha the axe! i nearly forgot about that

*Poppy picked up the axe and broke through the boards and walked to the Utility shaft 9 entrance*

poppy: Hmm...'Utility shaft 9'

*Poppy walks through the enterance and saw words written in ink on the wall*

Poppy: 'He will set us free' ookay that's weird

*Poppy sees a can of bacon soup on the shelf*

Poppy: ooh this looks Delicious 

*poppy eat the soup and notices an audio log and presses a button*

??? (audio log): he appears from the shadows to rain his sweet blessings upon me. the figure of ink that shines in the darkness. i see you, my saviour i pray you hear me...those old songs...yes...i still sing them for i know that you are coming to save me and i will be swept into your final loving embrace...but...love requires sacrifice...can i get an amen?

*the audio log turns off*

Poppy: creepy

???: I said...can i get an amen?

*poppy ignored the voice and continued walking and trudged through an ink-flooded hallway*

*then poppy saw someone holding a bendy cutout walking past the doorway*

Poppy: Oh my troll! Hey! who are you? Can you help...

*Poppy left the ink corridor but the person was nowhere to be seen*

Poppy:...me? *sighs* Oh more bacon soup

*Poppy eats the bacon soup cans and noticed a button but she shrugged and walked to a giant door*

Poppy: Hmm looks like i need to find...three buttons...okay sounds easy

*Poppy walked to the button she saw earlier and presses it*

~Fast forward ('cause i'm lazy)~

*Poppy had pressed every single button and she pulled a lever which made the door go up*

Poppy: Easy breezy!

*then poppy chops down the boards blocking the doorway entry*

Poppy: Hmm i wonder where another way out is...

*Poppy goes to the stairwell and sees it's flooded with ink*

Poppy: Oh boy if i'm gonna get out of here i need to find a way to drain this

*poppy walks back up and flips the power lever when suddenly a drop of ink falls from the ceiling and then an ink searcher pops up and soon more surround poppy*

Poppy: AH! *chops up the ink searchers* oh thank goodness

*poppy walks to another audio log and plays it*

??? (audio-log): so first, joey installs this ink machine over our heads. Then it begins to leak. three times last month, we couldn't even get out of our department because the ink had flooded the stairwell. Joey's solution? An ink pump to drain it periodically. Now i have this ugly ink pump switch right in my office. People in and out all day. Thanks, joey. just what i needed. More distractions. These stupid cartoon songs don't write themselves, you know

*the audio-log turns off*

Poppy: hmm an ink pump switch in an office...very interesting

*poppy walks through a corridor and sees the office where the ink pump switch was but ink was flooding it*

Poppy: oh no now how do i get in there?

*poppy spots an audio-log and presses play*

??? (2) (audio-log): So I go to get my dust pan from the hall closet the other day and guess what? I can't find my stupid keys. It's like they disappeared into thin air or something. All I can think of is that they must have fallen in one of the garbage cans as I was making my rounds last week. I just hope nobody tells Sammy. Because if he finds out I lost my keys again, I'm outta here.

*the audio-log turns off*

Poppy: So this is sammy's office, now i need to find the other guy's keys somewhere in a trashcan and unlock the closet

*several minutes of looking in trashcans later ('cause i'm lazy)*

*poppy finally found the keys*

Poppy: Yes! haha! i found them! now to unlock the closet

*poppy goes to the hall closet and unlocks it revealing cans of bacon soup, some instruments and an audio log and presses play*

Sammy (audio-log): Every artistic person needs a sanctuary. Joey Drew has his and I've got mine. To enter, you need only know my favorite song; The banjo playfully clucks, The bass fiddle sings with deep articulation, The drum thunders in triumph, The violin shudders with a piercing voice, The piano delicately calls. Sing my song and my sanctuary will open to you

Poppy: hmm okay i think i get the pattern; banjo, bass fiddle, drum, violin and piano

*poppy heads to the projection booth and turns on the projector and goes down and plays the instruments in the specific order then the projector shuts off and the door to Sammy's sanctuary opens*

Poppy: bingo!

*poppy goes to sammy's sanctuary and turns a valve and heads back out only to be jumpscared by a bendy cutout*

Poppy: AH! again?! seriously?

*then searchers pop up and crawl toward her but poppy slices them up with her axe*

Poppy; okay The searchers are starting to get old

*then poppy goes to the infirmary but the valve wheel is missing*

Poppy: Oh no there's no valve! where did it go?

*poppy notices a lever and pulls it and goes down to the flooded sewers and spots a blobby searcher and sees it holding the valve wheel*

Poppy: uh hey there! sir? uh hi i'm poppy and do you think you can hand me that valve wheel it's kind of important

*the blobby searcher goes into the ink and goes to under a lift holding a crate*

Poppy: well it looks like asking isn't gonna work

*then poppy notices a down switch and pulls it causing the lift holding the crate to come down and smash the blobby searcher*

Poppy: O_O uh...S- Sorry about that...although i do like that hat

*poppy grabs the valve wheel and heads to the infirmary and attaches it to the pipe and turns it*

Poppy: there we go! that should do it!

*then poppy heads into sammy's office and pulls the pump control switch*

Poppy: and now if you all excuse me i will be on my- *gets knocked in the head by a dust pan* ACK!

*poppy falls onto the ground but before she passed out, she could see a tall inky man wearing a bendy mask and overalls holding a dust pan*

Sammy: rest your head, it's time for bed

*then poppy passes out completely*

*meanwhile back in branch's bunker*

Molly: A- and then an ink portal showed up and then it sucked mama up! and now i don't know where she went!

Branch: wait so you're saying that a letter caused your mom to go into a whole other dimension?

Molly: YES! which is why i came to ask you this; can i go alone and save my momma?

Branch: what? no way kid

Molly: Branch you can't say no! she's my mama

Branch: ah-ah-ah she may be your mama but she's my girlfriend so if your going after her, you gonna have to count me in

molly: no no no no you have NO experience going into different dimensions

Branch: what about when we escaped from a tropical hurricane and ended up going through different wormholes?

Molly:...okay that counts but branch what do we do if we find her?

Branch: well it's not gonna be that hard to find her, she probably got sucked into an ink world and if she did, she's brightly coloured it would be easy to spot her

Molly: true now branch you know what this means? WE'RE GOIN' ON A QUEST TO SAVE MAMA!

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