Birthday Blunder

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Flower awoke to a distant, but sweet smell coming from another room in the house. She wondered what it could possibly be when suddenly...

Three cheers on your birthday, Flower

Three cheers for you!

Poppy bursted through the door, with glitter and confetti flying through the air as she sang the birthday song. But suddenly, Flower started crying and covered her ears.

“Oh, did I go overboard again?" Poppy asked, concerned. “Sorry, sweetie. Mommy just doesn't usually throw parties for babies' first birthdays and she's not sure how they work. But if you don't like loud singing, then there won't be."

Poppy stuck her head out the window and shouted, “Sorry, DJ!"

Poppy then picked Flower up from her crib and held her close.

“What there will be, though, is cake and ice cream and presents from Mommy, Daddy, and all your uncles and aunties," Poppy said. “I promise this'll be the greatest day of your young life."

Suddenly, Poppy smelled something burning and ran to the kitchen to find smoke seeping out of the oven!

“Oh, my goodness!" she exclaimed, opening it. Then, flames bursted out! Poppy placed Flower down on the table, pulled out a rag, and whacked it on the flames, only for the rag to catch fire.

Then, without warning, grey, cloudy stuff flew in without warning and killed the flames! Poppy turned her head to see where it was coming from, and saw Branch armed with a fire extinguisher. He then placed it on the counter, put on a pair of oven mitts, and pulled out the ruined cake. Flower cried at the sight and smell of it.

“Baby, I'm sorry!" Poppy said, trying to comfort her. “I didn't know the oven was broken."

Branch threw the cake away and said, “Alright. Get dressed. We're going out to eat."


Branch took Poppy, Flower, and the rest of the Snack Pack to a diner. Yes, it's cliché, but it wasn't like they had a lot of options.

“Well, this may not be what I had in mind," Poppy began, “but, this is..."

“Poppy, I don't think Flower's gonna care where we celebrate her birthday," Branch assured his girlfriend.

Suddenly, some of the servers and cooks came to the table and began singing loudly.

One, two, three, four!

Happy, happy birthday

From all of us to you!

We wish it was our birthday

So we could party, too!

Happy, happy birthday

May all your dreams come true!

We hope you're feeling happy

'Cause we don't want you blue!

One of the waitresses placed a large sombrero over Flower's entire body and another placed a chocolate cake with pink icing in the center of the table. And then, it exploded as confetti burst out of it and into the air.

“Whoa, that's quite a cake!" DJ Suki said as the servers and cooks left. Branch lifted the sombrero to see Flower sobbing. Poppy picked her up and tried to comfort her.

“Okay, so I was wrong," Branch grumbled.


Poppy decided that she and Flower would spend the night with Branch in the bunker.

“Branch, you're good at remembering these things," she began. “How many of my parties have turned out to be disasters?"

“If you include this one... 164," he answered. “But the diner was my idea, so you can hate me all you want."

“Branch, I could never hate you," Poppy assured. “Besides, if the oven hadn't exploded, none of this would've happened."

“You know, Poppy?" Branch said. “I don't think any of that matters. What matters is that we're celebrating the most amazing thing to have ever happened to us. Exactly one year ago, on a night like tonight, you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She had your kind eyes, your sweet face..."

“Your beautiful colors," Poppy added.

“Well, I don't know about that," Branch doubted. “But, yeah. Flower is a gift, and she's all that matters."

Poppy looked down at her daughter as she lied in her crib and smiled.

“Let's leave her to sleep in peace," Branch whispered into the Troll queen's ear. Poppy smirked and followed her boyfriend out of the room, but not without blowing a sweet kiss to Flower.

I did it. I know it's short and lame, but I finished it before January could officially end in the Western Hemisphere. And don't forget it!

Until next time. Whenever that is.

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