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That evening, Poppy and Branch arrived at Silver Lake. They had a wonderful, romantic night together. One they hadn't had in almost three years. The following morning, Poppy woke up in the warm embrace of her husband.

“I can't believe I'm married," she thought to herself. “Especially to Branch, of all Trolls. But I'm happy to be."

The pink Troll quietly crawled out of bed, careful not to wake Branch up, put on a silk robe, and left the bedroom.

“No one can stay asleep to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes," Poppy claimed as she made some. Despite the heavenly aroma, however, Branch stayed asleep.

“Really? Nothing?" she asked herself in disbelief. Poppy thought carefully for a moment and had another idea.

“Branch..." she whispered in his ear. “Your bunker is flooded!"

“Huh... Wha...?!" he exclaimed, falling out of bed. He suddenly jumped back up and shouted, “Where's the leak?!"

“Tricked ya!" Poppy laughed, kissing his cheek. “Good morning, my handsome husband."

“Good morning to you, my wonderful wife," Branch replied. “But don't scare me like that."

“Or what?" Poppy asked. Branch suddenly smirked and kissed her passionately, pushing her into the bed. “Branch... You don't want your breakfast to get cold, do?"

Branch put his lips to ear and said in a deep voice, “I don't make love on a full stomach."


A few hours later, Poppy and Branch had breakfast a little late. But they didn't even care that the food was cold.

“I gotta say, these are pretty tasty," Branch complimented. “I just wish they were warmer."

“I wonder who's fault that is?" Poppy said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

“You know you liked it," Branch said, smirking. Poppy felt herself blush.

“You think Flower's okay?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

“She's fine," Branch assured her. “I won't lie, your dad's pretty forgetful, but he's a good guy. Flower's safe with him."

“Yeah, you're right," Poppy agreed. “I just don't like being away from her. She means the world to me, and so do you."

Branch got up from his chair and made his way to Poppy's seat.

“The two of you mean the universe to me," he said sweetly. “And I'll never let anything bad happen to you."


That afternoon, Poppy decided to give Branch underwater dance lessons. He didn't think it was a good idea, but she was persistent.

“You sure this is safe?" he asked nervously.

“‘Safe?!' It's completely safe!" she insisted. “Since when isn't swimming safe? Besides, we waited an hour, and an additional five minutes, like you said."

“Fine," Branch grumbled. “We'll try it."

“Yay!" Poppy cheered, jumping off the dock and into the water. Branch got into the water and followed her every move.

“Now, to do the Submarine, use your hair to propel you through the water, and spin your body in the other direction," Poppy explained. “You might get knots in your hair, but it's worth it."

“Sounds kinda complicated," Branch argued with concern.

“Actually, it isn't," she assured him. “Watch."

Poppy went under to do the Submarine, but Branch kept his head above the surface. He just waited for her to come back up. But she didn't.

“Oh, my God, Poppy!" he screamed, diving after her. He grabbed her body and brought her back up to the surface. She coughed and rubbed her forehead.

“I forgot how dizzying it can get," she admitted, resting her head on his chest.

“Why can't you be one of those girls who likes making out in the water?" Branch chuckled.


Later that evening, Branch decided to show Poppy the constellations.

“Stars are an excellent way to navigate at night," he explained. “It's not that hard. There's the Never-Moving star, and to the left, you'll see the Bird's Wing."

“And next to the Bird's Wing, you see some that look like a flower," Poppy pointed out. “Speaking of which, I hope Flower's okay. She must think we've abandoned her. We've been away from her for too long. What if Dad forgot to give her her vitamins? How will she survive?!"

“We've only been here one day," Branch reminded her. “I miss her, too, but I promise she's in good hands."

With that, Branch picked his wife up and carried her bridal style into the cabin.

Pretty cruddy, I know, but it took me forever to write this. I'm not even sure if I can continue this story. But I'll try.

Also, look what we got here. 😏

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